
940 THE ATLANTIC VOICE a at Maria a ae canthe res anDer EMPIRE DAY Yesterday May the 24th was celebrated throughout Great Britain, the Dominions and Colonies as Empire Day, and the one hundred and twenty first anniversary of the birth of Victoria, the grand daughter of King George III. She ascended the British throne on the 20th of June 1837 and nearly forty years have rolled by since she died Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone at her Osborne residence on the Isle of Wight after a VI YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA MAY 25th. 1940 296 reign of 64 years. Every true and loyal Britisher, wherever domiciled will, we are confident, recall the life of Victoria The Good. Whatever be the glory which today surrounds WIRELESS NEWS GERMAN NEARING THE ENGLISH CHANNEL the great Empire, on which it can still be said the Sun naver sets. the name all Victoria cannot be divorced from it. and BASEL, Switzerlands. Genl Latest advices from the Euro tion is considered extremely it will ever be remembered that she regarded it as new pean war fronts disclose that critical, there appears to be Maxime Weygand, the the scrupulous duty of a British Sovereign to carry out the leAllied Generalissimo, is shap the Alied forces in Belgium are great deal of confidence that ing a powerful pincers coun still being hard pressed by the the worst will yet be preventgitimate wishes of the people.
ter offensive from the Valen Germans, and though certain ed and the threatened invasion She will ever be honoured for the noble courage she dis ciennes and Rethel areas. Repositions of importance which eliminated played in the face of the many upheavals during her long ports reaching Switzerland had previously been lost have The French are said to have reign, and the true christian example she has left to British indicated that a powerful Bri been recovered as the result of gained further important sucBovereigns. At the close of her fiftieth year of reign she is tish Belgian force, support counter attacks, still the ag cesses in the Sedan Rethel secthe, ed by French motorized ressors are gradually gaining tor and also in the vicinity of Sport stated to have gone in stote, to Westminster Abbey, where units, was massing in the Va their way toward the British the Somme, which have, for cativo surrounded by her children and their children, she returned lenciennes region and still no Channel their objective for the the time being at least, placed En ba Alfighty God thanks for having led and preserved her for re powerful French concentra invasion of Britain.
an appreciable check on the ador The tions were strategic so many years.
assembling position In once again celebrating the Day of the of Nazi advance toward Paris.
y de Rheims and Rethel, behind Boulogne is reported to have An attempt to force a breach dag Empire we touchingly recall the One who laid the fundathe Aisne River.
been occupied by the Germans in the western section of the mentals which have ever since kept the Mother Country during the earlier hours of Maginot Line was successfully DEU and the British Dominious beyond the Seas closely knit LONDON. Great Britain yesterday, and that severe fight repelled by the French.
e together. It is also gratifying at this time when with one has deprived all aliens of ing was occurrieg in the city of Conditions in the Balkans are Ghent. The most violent fight still very uncertain. Russia has way of her great grand sons on the throne the destiny of Empire the right to possess firearms en is threatened by an overwhelfing foe, to have the realias furtner precaution ing is, however still taking place again intimated her intention ngu and though from a against Fifth Coloumn Eation that the great Victorian spirit yet lives and from all military of opposing any aggressive move tivities behind the home viewpoint Great Britain situa by Italy.
parts Britons are rallying to the defence, front. The order prohibited This year anniversary finds the Empire involved in an al aliens from possessing fire PRES. ROOSEVELT SEEKS des le issue against the unrighteous ambitions of Dictatorship and arms, ammunition or explosi NEW YORK MUNICIPALITY senie the enforcement of new gospels founded on persecution ves without a special permit LARGER AIR FORCE and enslavement, which, not only Britain, France and their from the police, REQUEST STATE ACTION An aerial force of not less erdalies, but all democracy must resist and defeat if the real than 10, 000 planes and 16, 000 BERLIN. Germany has AGAINST 5th. COLUMN fecte meaning of Empire Day is to survive, and life throughout raised a 3, 000, 000, 000 Mark aviators is the proposal in the ador Europe and the world at lorge is to retain its God given frenew law project presented ureat to finance her armies before the of Senate by The Municipal Council edom. Let us all sincerely hope that on the approach of the in tre newby occupied territo Chief of the Naval Committee New York have by recent Inext commemorative date the world will echo with entire ries authorized sources after a conference with Pre solution requested the Goveresto nounced (Nominally the va satisfaction as it did decades ago that Brition has won sident Roosevelt and the pri nor to call an extraordinary ses de her greatness and power in the same way men won all lue of the Mark is 40 cents. cipal Officers of the Ameri sion of the State Legislature to currency. deal with the activities of the de truly worth hoving by the giving up of pursuits of case can Navy rta bond pleasure, and being willing, ot the call of duty, to face STOCKHOLM Usually President Roosevelt is said Fifth Column who are said nes hardshipe and pain, yeo, even death, rather than failure. well informed circles declar to be of the opinion that his to have created a condition of Khied themselves convinced country should learn a lesson emergency in New York.
from the methods being unOne of the members of the éniSweden had made plain Etel IMPORTANT ta Rica, and the Hon. George Germany that she could not folded by the present war. Municipal Board declared that che Lyall, His Majesty Charge 11. 000 Germans and Nazi syman He specially referred, in permit transit of Nazi troops Th afternoon, Saturday May Affaires in this country. These and supplies across her terri interview with press reprepathisers were concentrating in 5th. a very important meeting Diplomats will, we are advised, tory to help lift the Allied sentatives to the millions of New Jersey to celebrate the mi parisbe held at the Si Mark tell us things of vital import siege against German hela women, children and old peo litary gains of Germany and in at where from we will to ple who were fleeing to sou all probability be able to Narvik.
formulate 30 sharp gain a wider comprehension of thern France and were being plans against the safety of the de Among the distinguished spea the gigantic European conflict. AMSTERDAM Huge pe pursued and slaughtered by State.
kers will be the Hon. Charles Admission is free and all intes Dodd. His Britannie Majesty invited.
are troleum stores in Amsterdam enemy airplanes desHrinister to Panama and Coswere set afire as a defence estro measure when the Dutch ar my defending western Ноlland fell back to its main water defence line WILLEMSTAD Several SERVICIO DE VAPORES Netherlanders have been True and Dainty Cream which effectively stops rounded up with Germans ana placed under arrest, presumGom under arm PERSPIRATION Salidas de LIMON pare NUEVA ORLEANS con escala DOES NOT STAIN NOR HARM DRESSES ably on suspicion of pro Ger en CRISTOBAL, TELA HABANA: stanis a perfect deodorant and vanishing cream, man activities. Some of the detained Hollanders were yet it stays there and imparts elegance and delicacy VAPORES SALIDAS prominent in these Dutch West Indian possessions SoULUA me of the Germans were kep Mayo 31 in jail at Curacao and others TOLOA Junio 14 Just rub in gently and sent to a concentration camp it will dry instantly, on Bonaire, an Island about Solidas de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en leaving the skin soft 30 miles east of Curacao PUERTO BARRIOS y HABANA: and smooth, with no trace of grease.
VERAGUA Mayo 25 The refreshing perfuTALAMANCA Junio me lingers and its beMEXICO ATTITUDE IF neficial effect lasts ALVARADO Co. Suca.
from one to three days.
UNITED STATES ENTER WAR Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas high Official of Mexico Poro mos informes dirijase o los oficinas de lo Effectively checks odor perspiration and keeps armspit Foreign Ministry stated recendry and healthful.
tly that his government was UNITED FRUIT COMPANY It a Product of convinced the United States en Jou bojos del Gran Hotel Costo Rico en San José would enter the European conTELEFONO 1 6 flict, in the near future, on the side of the Allies, and 20 Mexico should begin preparations San José. Costa Rica for that eventuality.
co would observe a benevolent self. It was also his belief that The same official is reported neutrality and collaborate with the other nations of this Westo have said that if and when the United States as fully astern Hemisphere would adopt Americarenterede fete con Me blogeri Sterio writhay Juveingedring herla similar attitude.
Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano Sistema Nacional de Bibliotec to Teanuafro gus anes ento ene UNITED FRUIT COMPANY FOR LADIES ONLY Co apde de que Ba0.
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