
Special Information is likely to be about one hun. His Lordship Mons. Odendahl New Home TAGE 10 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO SATURDAY, JUNE 1st. 1940 BRITISH OVERSEAS DOMINIONS SPLENDIDLY AID MOTHERLAND LUMBER DEPOSIT. SMYTH ARREA We take this opportunity (Previously. SAITA LONDON. The Daily Mail the Royal New Zealand Air to make it generally known torrespondent survey the Em Force are already serving here that the Office of Social AsThe Best Assortment of First Class mpire war as follows: in England.
sistance or Charity Board has LUMBER ON THE MARKET AUSTRALIA. The Second SOUTH AFRICA The Uni been removed from the MuAdministrator in Limon. Alfredo Cañas Australian Imperial Force con on Forces are more than 50, 000 nicipal building to that of the United Health and Sanitary sists of 20, 000 men. The first strong. The regulations issued LAUREL nd CEDAR Contingent is now in Palestine. enabling South Africans to vo. Departmente now located in More than 25, 000 men, between lunteer for service outside of the former Meat Market.
WE BUY LOGS the ages of 20 and 22, have been South Africa have greatly sti Parties requiring charitacalled up for Home Defence. mulated recruiting and brought ble accommodations should Saw Mill located in Siquirres Eighty thousand volunteer mi many men who welcome ser be guided accordingly. It is Hitiamen are fully trained. The vice in a wider field. The Union strinctly required that all men number of Australian pilots to Government has declared its who seek hospitalization for REMINDER AND SUGGESTION be trained in the Empire sche willingness to use the Union either themselves or memme will be increased by 3, 000 to Forces for the defence of the bers of their families present at 14, 300. The total strength of British Colonies in Southern their cedulas of identity the at the time of making attention that many of the the Overseas Red Cross Fund of It has been brought to the Royal Australian Squadron Africa.
our claims, donate parts of same in England is serving with the INDIA. As in the Great solicitation.
claimants against the Estate of Great Britain, France and their the Royal Air Force Coastal Com War, Indian troops were the John Keith Bank have Allies. They would be doing a mand.
again the first overseas forces not yet called at the local branch great service to humanity if CANADA Three contingents to join the British ExpeditionaEDGAR YOUNG of the National Bank of the di after leaving the Bank they of the Canadian Active Service ry Forces in France. Men from Comerciante vidend of one per cent recently called on Mr. Maxwell at The Zorce are completing their train Newfoundland, British oldest Establecido en la Provincia declared by the Trustees. People House and purchased Sng in Britain, while the second Colony, who enlisted in the RoCanadian Division for Overseas yal Artillery have already unpor más de 20 años We think it would be ideal if even one of the Souvenir Receipt Vende al detal, Vinos y those who can reasonably do so Cards or made a deposit in the Service is in training in Cana dergone inspection. The first con Licores extranjeros y would, after receiving the a Contribution Box at the British Ba. 70, 000 men are under arms tingent of the Rhodesian Terri.
mounts now payable on del país.
in the Canadian Active Service torial Force has already disemtheir Consulate.
Force. Canada is the home of barked at Suez to re inforce ABARROTES en geenral.
MISCELANEA The New Empire Training Plan Britain Middle East Army. Be Establecimiento esquina and is bearing most of the ini hind the military effort is the ALEMANIA MOVILIZA HACIA OTROS FRENTES PARTE DE tial cost of this scheme to train vast mobilization of wealth and Norte del Mercado.
LAS DIVISIONES QUE OPERAN EN FLANDES pilots and build aircraft for the economic resources throughout Royal Air Force, the Empire. Australia war bili BERLIN, 31. UP Gran cantidad de divisiones alemanas que operan en los sectores de Flandes y Artois están a punto de ser NEW ZEALAND. The first dred million Australian pounds.
trasladadas a otros frentes, según el estado mayor alemán. El Comunicado dice que esto es posible por La terminación que echelon of the New Zealand Ex Canada 50, 000, 000 war loan se avecina rápidamente de las operaciones en el frente de Flan peditionary Force is in Egypt. has been over subscribed by ds. En tanto la marina alemana toma posiciones sobre la costa An anti tank battery is in En more than half that amount.
We observe with much pleaholandesa y la parte del litoral que está en manos de alema gland. More than 400 New Zea From every Colony and Protec nes en Francia y Bélgica con el fin de obstaculizar la retirada sure the excellent progress the Janders are undergoing training torate, from Sheikhs, Sultans constructors are making with de las tropas anglofrancesas y enfrentar a los buques de guefor service in the Royal Air and Chiefs, gifts pour in to the rra británicos estacionados sobre la costa y que bombardean the building which is to accom Force; officers and airmen of Imperial funds.
las posiciones alemanes de tierra. El estado mayor alemán con modate His Lordship Bishop firma que el puerto de Dunquerque sigue en poder de los alia Odendahl, the Vicar Apostolic dos aunque la aviación alemana lo ataca constantemente. Según of this Diocese, and for other el anuncio del comando las tropas británicas y francesas que JUST REMINDER. noteworthy uses in connection cruzan el canal han abandonado gran parte de su material bé.
with the work of the Cathedral lico pero mantienen enérgica resistencia en las posiciones que Parish.
aún ocupan. En esta misma fuente se dice que las tropas bris THAT THE BEST OF EVERYTHING tánicas rodeadas en Cassel fueron derrotadas cuando trataron Judging from the rapidity with which the work is proceed de irrumpir hacia la costa. Los aviones franceses y británicos continuaron atacando ayer la frontera alemana así como hoy In Ladies DRESS GOOD MEN SUITINGS ing, the time is not far distant rrojando gran cantidad de bombas aunque según el estado ma when the Cathedral square will can always be had at yor no fueron alcanzados obejtivos militares importantes. El be graced with an imposing edi estado mayor agrega que los ataques sobre las restantes fuerfice and His Lordship, in turn, zas británicas entre Furnes, Bergues y Dunquerque continúan.
made comfortable. The struc Los alemanes derribaron un avión enemigo al sur de Holstein ture is of poured concrete and y franceses en el frente norte de Francia así como un apara.
The People House, Limón.
red tile with corrugated steel to británico cerca de Stavanger. Lanchas torpederas alemanas reinforcement.
hundieron un destructor enemigo con un torpedo en la costa belga.
MORE OF THE BASKET BALL GAME ABIERTAS LAS COMPUERTAS DEL YSER HUMOUR PARIS, 31. UP Esta mañana se informó que las compuertas Dear Mr. Editor: Any way, Mr. Editor, as del Yser de Nieuport y Dunquerque han estado abiertas desde As one who takes an active am inclined, like others, to be.
hace varios días. Las inundaciones comenzaron cuando la si.
interest in games of sport, am lieve that much of what ve got a job down at the we tuación se agravó pero no se sabe si los aliados podrán abrir Boat a loss to understand why so have been hearing has been pro Hotcha Nigth Club as a fea todas las compuertas ni cual es la extensión de la zona inunda much criticism has been levelled duced by real feelings of regret, tured entertainer.
da. Durante la guerra mundial los aliados comenzaron las ope at the article entitled Basket we can regard the communicaWhat! do you mean to say raciones de inundación el 26 de octubre de 1914, pero no so dejó hasta el 29 de octubre que el mar penetrase por las des Ball Game in your issue of the tion as having effected some a you oon with a band?
truidas compuertas con la fuerza del viento. La inundación no 11th. May. did not, unfortuna mount of good, which therefore N, might have, but the pollegó a disminuir más que a 18 kilómetros al sur de al costa tely, witness the game referred entitles its author to our felicilice insist wear more than hasta cuatro días después. Los aliados tienen esta experiencia to, but am reliably told the re tations for his action in the in that.
en su ayuda pero ahora tropiezan con una oposición mucho más Xport fairly and rather modestly terest of our City reputation in desvastadora que entonces.
represents what actually trans the realm of Sport.
54 pired. Why then the growl?
oh Could those concerned anticipate something of a more eulogis. Footer tie nature? If we err must we Limon, may 1940.
de Cartago be mot expect to be corrected?
According to the statement recently released by the sta referimos en estas mismas co garitas, hortensias, nomeolvides, tistical department of the Mi. lumna sal extremo abandono en algunos cactus y veraneras, nistry of Aviation of the Re extremo abandono en que se ha un solo jardinero que cuide a ich Germany has lost 2, 237 llaba el Parque Jesús Jiménez, diario este jardín, y un policia planes between the 1st. Sep situado en el corazón de la ciu fijo que evite que el público se tember 1939 and the 15 th. dad de Cartago, al propio fren lleve las flores. Eso es todo. Los May last. 1, 060 of these we te de la estación del ferrocarril. señores municipes pueden daren todos los estilos, tamaños y colores, a re lost during th offensive on si ahora nos referimos al mis se una vueltecita por el parque the western front, and in mo tema es por creer que de del Centenario y por el jardín los precios MAS BAJOS de plaza cluded 957 of the latest modesta vez seremos oidos por la de la Iglesia Parroquial, ambos els.
nueva Municipalidad que tantan cuidados y llenos de flores From the 10th, to the 18th brillantemente ha iniciado sus que son un primor, para darse le ofrece el of May the casualties among labores. Urge que ese parqueci. cuenta de que no es nada en exthe aviators amounted to to, que lleva el nombre de tantremo difícil de hacer 1, 522 including killed, injured ilustre patricio, sea arreglado ALMACEN TOMAS FERNANDEZ Esperamos ser oídos, y que en and missing un poco; no se necesita ni mu breve el abandonado Parque Je Allied military circles es cho dinero ni un ejército de jar sús Jiménez, se convierta en un teléfono 2198 SAN JOSE timate the Germans are losing dineros: basta con sembrar plan lindo jardín gracias al empeño an average of 120 air craft tas de flores de las que más se de la nueva municipalidad carand 200 pilots daily.
dan en este clima: geranios, mar taginesa, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
With thanks for publication, Germany Loss in Airplanes En extremo descuidado el Parque Jiménez Capas de Hule Nicaragüenses

    EnglandFranceGermanyWorld War

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