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AN ADDRESS given by His Britannic Majesty Minister for Costa Rica MR. CHARLES DODD At St. Mark Church Hall, Limon, Saturday 25th. May 1940 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen: It is a great pleasure for me to come here tonight and to spare a few minutes of my short visit to Limon to meet you all. would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity of meeting you and for your very hearty welcome. In these very busy days of wartime, it is very difficult for His Majesty representatives to geti sufficient leisure to tour the territories under their jurisdiction and to meet the members of the British communities so frequently as they would like to do. have had a very strenuous fortnight in San Jose and before returning to Panama promised myself that if at all possible would visit you here in Limon. understand that on account of economic conditions you are all passing through rather hard times. The outbreak of war has not helped to improve, but has, instead, worsened conditions here as elsewhere, and an early and successful termination to the war is what we all need and desire. The causes of the war are no doubt well known to you, but perhaps you will allow me to speak to you for a few moments on two main points, viz. What are the aims of Germany, and what are the aims of the Allied Powers, in the war that is now raging. think that before can begin to find the answers to those questions for you, must help you to realize that Germany is a country different from any other country of which you have any experience. It is not easy to form a picture of what Germany at this moment is really like. want you to think of a country of 80 million inhabitants, who for years paat have been preparing for war with an intensity never before known. It is not too much to say that every man and woman, every boy and girl of those 80 millions have for years past been trained for war. Every other idea has been banished from their minds except the one idea of War, War, War. They have been making immense quantities of aeroplanes, guns and war supplies of every kind. the whole industry of the nation has been subordinated to this work. The education of the children has been directed to fitting their minds and bodies for the part that they would have to play in War. By intensive and ceaseless propaganda, by radio, newspapers, public speeches, books and every other form such as film, posters, etc. the minds of the people have been prepared for War. No one has been allowed to do anything or say anything or think anything but war, war, war. All those and to their honour be it acknowledged. who dared to raise their voices in protest, who dared to show by word or deed that they disapproved, were thrown into prison in the so called concentration. camps, where they have been tortured and starved to death.
And what have been the main ideas inspiring such a departure, in peacetime, from the normal life of a civilised nations The main ideas have been Hatred and Spite; the Worship of Force; Vainglory in the superiority which they claim for the German over every other race, it is chiefly on these pillars that the present moral structure of the German people has been erected. It is a peculiar morality it is a step backwards from the civilization to which mankind including the Germans themselves. had advanced through many centuries it is a long step backwards into the darkness of barbarism. You will see at once that these basic ideas are utterly opposed to the tenets of the Christian religion.
We have been taught for over 1900 years that gentleness and compassion are virtues; that if one is stronger than another, he should use his strength to help his weaker neighbour; if he is cleverer, he should use his knowledge to bring light to those less advanced and we have looked forward with determination and hope to a world where Peace would one day be established on the foundation of good will among all men. What kind of world is it, which the Germans are fighting to establish, should they win this war? They are resolved to abolish good will among men. They are resolved to set Germany up as the dominant race, ruling like supermen above all other nations; they do not believe in a world where Peace shall prevail between equal nations, but only a peace imposed by force upon the vanquished and enslaved. Already the catalogue of nations whom they have subjugated and are exploiting for their own purposes is a long one: Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Denmark, Holland, much of Norway and Belgium. And now they are invading France and are threatening to invade England herself. It is conquest for the sake of conquest, like the conquests in the dark ages.
For they bring no precious civilization or religion with them, like the Portuguese or Spanish Conquistadores. but only rapine, pillage, exploitation, death, destruction. and they stamp out, so far as they are able, all that is noblest and highest in the nations whom they have over run. They murder their statesmen, they deport their scholars and writers, and they persedute the Christian Church.
Truly, they have denied Christ; and in His place they have set up and worshipped one of themselves; they have taken the most typical of their own men and have set him up on high above themselves and bow down before him as before God. He is their Leader, who sets the example and gives the orders for all the crimes which they have committed. He it is who has taught them to turn their faces away from the good and to worship the evil. He it is who sweareth to deceive his neighbour; who falls upon his neighbour, whom he has deceived, and overthrows him by treachery. He has sent nis agents into every country in the world to undermins the moral of the people, to instil fear into their hearts and disorganization in their national life. Germans in foreign countries obey his orders, some by conviction, others by intimidation, and all are suspect. Thus has he banished security and happiness from a world which he has resolved to subjugate to the German race.
This, in a few words, is the picture of Germany aims in this war aims which other countries are still slow to realise; but little by little they are bound to be convinced that, if the Allies are unable to stem the flood in Europe, it will cross the Atlantic ocean and threaten the American Republics. Then there will be an end of Democracy and Liberty in these Continents; and the German conquests of the world will be in sight.
It is for all of us loyal British subjects in this country as elsewhere to be on our guard against this worl wide enemy and to give our services in whatever way we can to counteract Nazi intrigues and preparations for our overthrow.
What are the aims of the Allies? Their aims have been imposed upon them by this wicked aggression on the part of Germany. They are straining every nerve to stem it and to save themselves and other nations from the catastrophe of German world domination. The British tesmen coul not bring themselves to believe in good time that the German leaders were as wicked as they are, and kept on forgiving them and trusting them to reform. And so the Allies were caught by the flood, not fully prepared to meet it, and just now are suffering in consequence.
But we are resolved to win. everything that free men hold dear, everything that makes life worth living to them, everything that to them means the civilised life, is at stake. In order to preserve it, Parliament has pasonly a few days ago the Emergency Powers Act. which, as its name implies, empowers His Manecessary in order to overcome the emergency. And so, we have come to this paradox. in order to be able to fight for our freedom and, together with our own freedom, for the freedom of the whole world, our people at dom for a limited period. They have spontaneously home have consented to give up their individual freegranted to His Majesty Government powers unprecedented in British history. The Government under Mr.
Winston Churchill leadership now has complete control over the lives and property of every one in the British Isles.
They may conscribe labour, they may conscribe wealth.
The interests of the individual have been uncompromisingly subordinated to the interests of the State. People felt that no sacrifice was too great, if it was necessary to ensure victory. No one has grumbled, and the only murmur has come from those patriots who thought that this measure ought to have been taken many months ago. Details of the Act have not yet reached us. But, roughly speaking, it enable the authorities to close factories which they consider to be doing work of no importance to the national effort, and to order the opening of factories for work which they do consider important. Employers have to obey these orders, and employees have to go to the factories to which the authorities assign them. The Trades Union leaders are now in the Government, and they have agreed to the suspension of the Trades Union rules of labour. Banks are now under Government control, and investment of money savings will be directed into enterprises approved by the authojesty Government to take whatever action they think rities. Thus Capital and Labour have joined hands in a common effort. the failure of which they do not dare to contemplate. Aeroplane factories are working at their maximum capacity, ie. 24 hours a day in two shifts, seven days a week. Engineers are being drafted to aeroplane factories from other works, like garages whose out put is not vital, and women are being admitted to do jobs hitherto jealously reserved for men.
The Government now has full powers to deal suitably with traitors, who will be executed, and with wouldbe traitors, who will be imprisoned.
Thus old England has at length fully disciplined herself. But Parliament will continue to function in the important role of informant and adviser of the Government.
We shall dislike this temporary abandonment of the constitutional liberties of the individual, but it is only temporary, for a period of two years, if victory is won by then. And we can trust the Government not to abuse their powers. They are honourable men, constitutionally appointed by the King; they are taken from every party in the country and they enjoy the unanimous support of Parliament. Our liberties are thus safe in their keeping. The Cause for which they will exercise their powers is a just cause: self defence and the defence of our friends against unprovoked aggression. and in a just cause no unjust means are necessary.
The Germans continue to reassure other nations that it is they who are their friends, not the Allies but German propaganda and German news should always be regarded with suspicion. Lies are one of their weapons with which they seek to promote their aim: the conquest of the world. The world needs an Allied victory for otherwise the civilization which we have throughout the ages would be doomed.
Christianity would be doomed: Liberty of conscience, the right to self expression, the rule of law whether in the relations of State to State or of individuals within the state; the Dignity of Man; and the supreme value of the Human Or, in other words, as Mr. Chamberlain so eloquently expressed it, It is evil things that we are fighting against, brute force, bad faith, injustice, oppression and persecution. And against them am certain that the Right will prevail.
Before sitting down should like to add that though we here, in this peaceful country, may be far removed from the actual scenes of warfares, we can all do our bit toward achieving the victory which we desire. Our soldiers, sailors and airmen who are fighting our battles are our own kith and kin, and need all the support, moral and material, we can give them. am glad to hear that the small British Community in this district are doing what they can to support the Red Cross Fund and other organizations which provide comforts for our forces, and trust that however long and arduous the fight may be, you will maintain your confidence in the success of our cause and that, as loyal subjects of His Majesty the King, insofar as all of you, individually and collectively, can do so, you will work for that end.
Yesterday, as you will know, was Empire Day and many of you here may have listened to the King message to us all. will quote His Majesty final words Germany is striving to destroy this Empire and to conquer the world, and therefore this is a Life and Death struggle for us all. Our defeat would mean the destruction of the world as we have known it and its fall into ruin and night. In the place of honour there would rise up dishonour. in place of good faith, treachery in place of justice, brute force. But we are ready to fight, steadfastly, until we win the final Victory.
built up ed. and GOD SAVE THE KING.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Coregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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