
Don Ricardo Mora Fernán BERNARD SHAW DRAMATIC INCIDENT WITH THE BAPTISTS TOMORROW AFTERNOON When, a few years ago Bering. Recent political develop this At three o clock tomorrow, enjoyable time is in store for dez Returns to Customs nard Shaw wrote his drama ments have confirmed tic Incident in connection thought, and matters have so afternoon the Baptists will wholesome pleasure seekers.
with the constitutional con presented themselves that stage a children program The spending of a few Service trovery between King Ed one feels there is scarcely a me. The youngsters are qui shorts hours with the ward VIII, the Archbishop of present day Ruler in Euro te prepared we are told for dren will, at least, turn our The many friends of our old Canterbury and the British pe who is not either directly the lifting of the curtain so thoughts from Europe sanand greatly esteemed Limonen Prime Minister, his imagina or indirectly engineering for they may display their wares guinary conflicts so we hope se don Ricardo Mora Fernandez ry work was no doubt sligh a weakening or complete in dialogues, songs and reci as many of our citizens who mostl can do so will attend.
will heartily appreciate the tly regarded and amusingly crumbling of England posi tations. It is evident a knowledge that he has once treated, but recent happen tion. During the present and again entered the service of the ings of a political nature ha recent conflicts there has government.
ve caused deep thinking been evidence of many stum NAZI MERCANTILE MARINE LOSSES NEARING Following on the opening of minds to place great value bling blocks being placed in the national airport, the Execu on certain phases of the Hu Britain way, while back 1, 000, 000 TON MARK tive Authority found it neces morist Behind the Sce doors were thrown wide sary to establish a branch of nes.
open to her greatest and LONDON. It is authoritati also those equipped to bring vi the Customs Department on the The King is represented as most dauntless enemy. movely stated that Germany has tal supplies of iron. ore from spot in order to more effectively uttering the following dern Deliah was recently now lost more shipping through Northern Sweden. While the and expeditiously attend to the Choose my father in law swayed by her native Philis Allied action than Great Bri war wastage of British shipping requirements of this new ser for myself: There is the tines, and on discovering the tain has lost through German is more than made up by capvice, and has selected don Ricar Shah of Persia; there is the riddl eof her Sampson and action. During the past fortni tures, charterings and new cons do as its Administrator. As is Effendi Waataturk; there is his armed associates, had ght not less than five German truction, this is far from being well known, don Ricardo is Signor Bombardene; there is them badly trapped in va transports and supply ships we the case with the German loswell versed in this important the Herr Butler, and there is rious sectors of the European re successfully attacked. Other ses. The Nazi invasions of Nor branch of public service, hav the steel King of Russia. battlefield, but like the fire German ships have fallen vic way, Holland and Belgium haing had years of experience as That is the Royal stock of to lighted foxes of old which tims to the Allied minefields ve cut still further their total head of the Department in this day. tell you thehe is not scoured the corn fields of the The total German mercantile merchant ships. German ships, Port. We wish him a lengthena Royal House left in Europe Philistines, the armed might loss is now about 820. 000 tons totalling more than 150. 000 ed period of the greatest suc which could marry into wi of the allied nations will in one. fifth of their pre. tons, were captured by the Al.
thout weakening England the final analysis rid the war tonnage. The ships which lies when the Germans invaded position, and if you don world of the awesome mena Germany has lost are mostly Holland and Belgium Others know that you don anyth ce.
those best suited to keep their totalling more than 10 000 tons JUSE ACHION Ng forces in Norway supplied, as scuttled themselves.
Comerciante Detallista. IMPORTERS LOOKING TOWARD LATIN AMERICA REANUDADO ESTA MANANA EL ASALTO ALEMAN Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale ria, Articulos de Ferreteria y after the fall Czecho. Slo PARIS, UP. El comunicado de guerra N9 555 dice: Le Eléctricos; todo se encuentra By Charles Egan vak a and abandoned the idea go de la relativa calma habida durante toda la noche, se reaen este establecimiento of having goods manufactured nuló el asalto enemigo en las mismas condiciones en general Development of Latin Ameri in Latin America now are re que ayer.
PRECIOS DE SITUACION ca as a source of supply for examining their original surNorth American industry and veys and will send agents EN PERFECTAS CONDICIONES LAS TROPAS to an outlet for additional quan Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba FRANCESAS and PARIS UP. Un portavoz del Ministerio de guerra anun CURTAILMENT IN OUR tities of manufactured goods ther nations with a view to es ció a medio dia: La batalla prosigue relativamente favorable was viewed by foreign traders tablishing manufacturing plants a los Aliados. La situación no es del todo mala. Las tropas as a matter of necessity as a re nd cativ of the trend francesas se mantienen admirablemente en todos los principaRAILWAY SERVICE ult of recent devolpment in Eu hought anong the importer les puntos de apoyo. Durante la noche los franceses consiguie.
rope th the choicet markets vas the move of a leading cus ron hacer llegar municiones y alimentos a las guarniciones de on the Continent now swept in toms broker and importer who los puntos mas expuestos sobrepasados por los tanques alema It has been stated that due to the war and important sour started a special Latin Ameri nes. Junto con los aprovisionamientos el generalisimo Weyto the continued setady increaces of raw materials upplies in can department on receipt of gand envió la orden de que esos puestos defiendan sus posiciose in the Costa Rica Banana the Far East menaced by possi the news from Europe. He wa nes a toda costa.
Company major operations ble hostil ties, exporters and previously only concerned in the Pacific regions, many importers agreed that Latin with European, Japanese and consumes 50 per cent, impor at 518. 000. 000. In the period changes continue to effect the merica now presents the only Chinese sources of supply. ters feel that the output in Bo from September, 1939, to Fepersonnel and units of both prea with which they can carry itself and the Northern Rail on uninterrupted trade.
New interest in the develop livia can be stepped up consi bruary of this year exports we.
ment of tin resources in Bolivia derably.
re 54 per cent greater than in way in these parts.
The regular Importers who never before and po sible larger scale rub. Exporters are convinced that the same period of 1938 39 and Estrella Va have had contact with any bu bar production in Brazil has expansion of sales in Latin Ame imports 32 per cent lley combination every Thurs European and Japanese sour. been aroused among American rica can follow only after North greater. Because of lost Euroday has been discontinued ces of supply for merchandise industrialists since the latest American purchase from those pean markets and exchange dif understand. As a conse have begun independent we sur blitzkrieg in Europe and the countries are expanded. They ficulties, the rate of growth sin quence of this and other un veys of the Central American resulting uncertain status of are doing as much as possible ce the war has already siowed controllable changes, several nations in the hope of building the Netherland East Indies posi to increase the purchase of raw down and, according to foreign employees who were being ca up supply sources.
tion in the Pacific. Although materials.
traders will die out entirely rried on extra lists are now.
Other import houses that fi. ly 15 per cent of the world tin Last year exports to Latir, unless some means for stimula we gather, shut out. It is nanced surveys of the South output, and the United States American markets were value ting trade is worked out early.
sincerely hoped that someth and Central American markets Bolivia at present produces on at 569. 000. 000 and imports ing will soon arise to ameliorate the gravity of the situation were CHIN GON ESTRADA Abarrotes en general. Tienda bien situada.
Life Insurance gives Mother and Dad Peace of Mind MONTEVIDEO, UP. las de esta mañana continuaba sin variantes la situación de Jos buques italianos princesa Ma ria, Fausto y Adamella surtos en el puerto de Montevideo. Se ignora cuando partirán. Desde a bordo del Principessa Maria ma nifestaron que todavía no saben cuando lo harán.
San José Banco Nacional de Seguros. Limón Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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