
Tomorrow, the 14th of July will commemorate the fall of the Bastile in the year 1789 as the result of the revolution which had grown out of a long course of oppression and reckless extravagance on the part of the ruling authorities of France, and gave birth to the Third French VI YEAR, LIMON, COSTA RICA, SATURDAY, JULY 13th. 1940 303 Republic. Since then the date has, each year, been honourDevoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone ed with appropriate exercises both in the homeland and abroad.
WIRELESS NEWS EUROPE AERIAL WARFARE INCREASES All friendly nations have also paid respect to the Day With a force of what is stat lieved as a consequence of tita of the Bastile. Alas, France cannot at this time conduct SIMLA. As a condition for ed to have been more than one conference held in Munich be her customary commemorative ceremonials. Nazidom is their effective co operation in hundred and fifty airplanes Ger ween Hitler and the Russia rapidly spreading throughout the country, and the action the efforts being displayed by many launched the most for and Italian representatives. Rus of the legislature in approving the arrangements underway the government for the defence midable attack over England mania, Hungary and Bulgaria of the country, the Permanent last Wednesday. The invasion are supposed to have contracted for the promulgation of the nation new Constitution is Committee of the National Par was made over the Strait of to maintain the peace unti generally regarded as bringing the Nation Republican ty of India have demanded the Dover, the Bristol Channel and after Germany has subjugated status to a definite close. Marshal Petain surrender to the immediate freedom of the Coun near Norfolk. It is supposed that the British Empire when they German Dictator hos, we think, placed the people of Frantry under the aegis of the Na the main objetive was to block will be duly remembered in the tional government.
the Strait of Dover against Brit reconstruction of Europe. The e in a far worse position than were those prior to the 1789 ish Davegation, but this failed possibility of an outbreak bet reformation. She is now besetted with untold difficulties LONDON. At the request of altogether, ween Turkey and Russia seem aport from the outstanding loss she is compelled to expe the Chancellor of the Exchequer Reports from the affected also to have disappeared with rience by the severance of her long and close friendship Parliament has voted the a areas state that the material da the authorized announcement with Great Britain No true son of France can feel the Soviet mount necessary to permit a dai mage was comparatively slight. from Moscow that the slightest satisfaction with the German invasion and occupa ly expenditure of 500. 000 The raids are, however, being Union has no intention of mak pounds sterling in lieu of the continued with varying results: ing any demands in connection tion: Those who have taken her captive have established present outlay of 500. 000 for Friday loss of life was stated with the Dardanelles.
their own peculiar type of civilization which must sorely the purposes of the armed for to be from twenty. five to tax the democratic spirit long inherent in the mass of thirty five. The raids by the Activities of a direct bellicose the nation.
British force over German te nature are rapidly shaping themd OTTAWA The government rritory are also being carried selves in and around Abyssinia: Though this anniversary finds France in an unhappy has initiated the inscription of out with, it is reported, much The Emperor Haile Sellassie has state, we are inclined to the belief that the spirit of so all men and women over the success as against military and left England for the Sudan fort great a democratic People is something which neither age of fifteen years, with a view industrial objectives. Germany the purpose of taking charge of!
Fascism nor Nozism can destroy. The great sould of the of eventually carrying into for loss in planes is said to have the campaign to rid his country people of France has had no part in the act of the governce a plan for the conscription of for exceeded that of the British of the Italians. One hundred!
every able bodied person in The serious tension which has thousand Ethiopians are report ment of Marshal Petain and when, like the Sphinx of old, the Dominion.
been hovering over the Baled to be concentrating to start the country shall rise from out her ashes, they will assukan States, during the past few the offensive with the aid of the redly be adjudged.
ROME The announcement weeks, seem to be greatly re British Forces.
Despite her present unfortunate and oppressed condihas been made that from now on into tion, it is hoped that in colling to mind the Fall of the all importation of Coffee RATES AT WHICH GOVT. WILL BUY RICE, CORN Italy is prohibited except such Bastile, the hearts of the nationals of France will take as is required for the use of the AND BEANS courage and continue their efforts, in the struggle for a military forces, universal and lasting regime of Peace, Justice and real Since the appearance of The prices for all locallyn Freedom.
our earlier article regarding grown Corn are now quoted WASHINGTON. The Senate the government arrange as Seventy colones per fane has approved the law previous ment to purchase the corn ga for the white class, per NAZIS CASSACRE BOY SCOUTS ly sanctioned by the House of produced in the Pococi dis fectly dry and clean; and Six Representatives, for the cons trict of this Province, with ty four colones for the Yollow truction of two fleets, one for the view of safeguarding the which must also be of the From the time of the tak until they had collected a each ocean, which implies an in economic interest of the gro quality of the other, ins of Bydgoscz agents of the bout 150.
crease by fully seventy per cent wers, we note that a Decree Gestapo have been pursuing Passers by did not realise of the strength of the present has been issued which gives Payment is to be made byl the Polish Boy Scouts. They at first what it was all about. navy. The law also provides for the following as the prices at means of vales or prom ssory rounded up more than 100 of The guards suddenly spread an air force of 15. 000 machines, which Beans and Rice will notes drawn in favour of the them and herded them in out and the Scouts were linalso be bought sellers and payable one halft front of the town hall. They ed up in front of the wall of Rice, white, of first class in two months and the othert were boys of between ten and the town hall. Opposite them grade, twenty seven colones in four months, without in SHANGHAI The corresponsixteen years of age, wearing the Germans set up a machine per quintal. Rice of lower terest, from the day of the either Scout uniform orgun.
dent of the Osaka Maninichi in grade, twenty four colones sale.
school clothes. At the same The Scouts realised at last Hanoi has stated that General per quintal. time they took other victims (To page 9) Katrov has announced his loBeans, black or coloured, The transactions in con yalty to the government of in good condition, one hunnections with the matter will Marshal Petain in consequence dred and seventy five colo be conducted by the Ministert of which he will continue in office as Governor General nes per fanega of Finance and Commcrce of Indo China.
FOR LADIES ONLY UNITED FRUIT COMPANY True and Dainty Cream which effectively stops under arm PERSPIRATION DOES NOT STAIN NOR HARM DRESSES is a perfect deodorant and vanishing cream, vet it stays there and imparts elegance and delicacy CUOTA SYSTEM FOR COFFEE INDUSTRY SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA ORLEANS con escalas en CRISTOBAL, TELA HABANA The Third Pan. American Coffee Conference closed its sessions last Saturday, and it is reported that the representatives of the fourteen producing countries, who attended, will be publishing the arrangements which have been agreed on in connection with the exportation of the product to the United States of America under the cuota system.
VAPORES SALIDAS from one to three days.
Just rub in gently and it will dry instantly, leaving the skin soft and smooth, with no trace of grease.
The refreshing perfume lingers and its beneficial effect lasts NEUTRDOOR ULUA Julio 26 Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA YORK con escala en PUERTO BARRIOS HABANA QUIRIGUA Julio 20 VERAGUA Agosto F. Alvarado CO, Sucs.
Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS Effectively checks odor perspiration and keeps armspit Jew and healthful.
It a Product of The work of co ordinating the details of the plan in collaboration with the delegates of the countries not represented at the conference is to be undertaken by the Pan. American Coffee Departament The countries represented at the Conference were Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Cuba, Santo Domingo Haiti. Ecuador, Guatemala Hon.
duras, Mexico, Nicaragua Puerto Rico and Venezuela.
BOTICA FRANCESA San José. Costa Rica PARA MAS INFORMES DIRIJASE LAS OFICINAS DE LA UNITED FRUIT COMPANY en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Pica en San Jose TELEFONO 1 6 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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