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, LAS TROPAS over the a PAGE 10 THE ALTANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, AUGUST 10th. 1940 CONCERT BY SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN THE NEW PORTABLE PORCH ROCKERS That Reward sweetens la. Grant Delpratt; Vyron bour held true to form last Cole and Gardener, as also Here is an easy co operative credit system to own this Monday evening when the st. by Masters James, Goul BRITANICAS SON RETIRA new comfort for the Home at a weekly payment of 00 Mark Sunday School children bourne, Wade and WiFor particulars consult or apply. Zuñigo Furniture Store were amply rewarded for their His. Six youngsters rendered DAS DE SHANGHAI year labour. They were reala stirring doaligue, while four No se ha revelad el nuevo des Jubilant wonderful girls contributed a quartette tino de esas tropas.
trent accorded them. The me in an exceedingly impressive Ming spirts for the occasion manuer. The Bible. in dialowere Messrs. Daysley and by gue, was well pre ented Maxwell the Superinten two girls. The solos by the LONDRES, UP. El Minisdent Mr. Samuels and the Tea Misses and Blake were terio de guerra dió a la publicidad chers. McE Campbell pre rather effective. Seven girls el siguiente comunicado: Las trosided at the piano. The Rector efficientla presenfad the dia pas británicas actualmente estacio officiated in his usual subli logue What can we do? whi nadas en Shanghai y norte de Chi.
na son retiradas para prestr serme manner Mr. Maxwell le seven others closely compet vicio en otro lugar. No se ha revecomprehensive and praise ed with Loyalty. which was lado el nuevo destino de esos des50 yards from the Limon Post Offrice worthy report in connection also closely challenged by tacamentos.
AGENT. Beresford Duncan. Post Office Box 309 with the past term disclosed group of nine with Littla increcse in the number Gossips an А Candle drill of pupils by more than ten ti was exquisitely portrayed. The CITY SCOUTS GOING ON Sames those of the corresponding addresses by Messrs.
OUTING WHEEKLY HEALTH TALKS La period last year. Miss Blake muels, Daysley and David very efectively delivered the son were greatly appreciated. By RODEN, Physical Culture Instructor address of welcome. Recita Then last, though not least, we tions were contributed by there the melodious choruses ren and Health Specialist Cimarrones and Rio Hondo Misses Rose, Wright. dered by the Choir. It was, on are said to be on the Edge to (CONTINUATION)
Hunter, Heron, Mai the whole, a rather unique pro give a spectacular welcome to tland, Banton. Blake, gramme.
the St. Mark Boy Scouts and Watch your waist line. the intestine, at the point where Edwards, Cole, Thomas, Cubs who will be there from People look at, and around the it passes out of the abdominal the 17th, to the 20th of the fat man and spitefully remark, cavity, becomes soconstricted present month. About eighty the fat slab! He is cynosure that its contents cannot escape IN ASSOCIATION CIRCLES members of the combined of all eyes, and knows it. Most and the circulation of blood is Troops will be going on the ly, he tries to hide his embarrasstopped by compression upon JAMAICA Mr.
Arnold The appointments reads: trip and will be joined in their ment with a jolly front. Often, the blood vessels. The symptoms Cunning, President for many Knowing your close connection exercises by those of Río Hon he is bitter and surly, with a of strangulated hernia are colithe years of the Harmony Division with and experience of do.
wholehearted disgust for things cy pain, flatulence, a feeling of of the Unitersal Negro Impro Organization the Secretary Ge It has been also stated that as they are; but not knowing constriction in lower abdomen, neral feels satisfied in selectvement Association, was recen aided by a number of the mem what to do about it, he suffers, desire to evacuate the bowels tly notified by the headquar ing you, and also upon recombers of the St. Margaret Girls smiles, will and scowls. mostly without result, complete consters of the Organization in the mendation, and trust you Guild, a grand concert will be scowls) at the whole miserly af tipation, vomiting, first interest the United States of America that execute to the best staged at the Cimarrones Liber fair. Between his puffs and his contents of the stomach, then or of all concerned, and help to he had been appointed Commity Hall on the night of the 17th scowls there is no marked clea mucus and bile, and finally of build a beter, stronger and mo to be followed by a dance. We vage, as on the slightest exer fecal matter which is unable to ssioner over the branches of re disciplined NI.
the Association in this Island wish the venture every success. tion he will puff and duly pass away in the natural manscowl. Ask the fat man to pick ner. There are weakness, cold Licita ción Nº 172 up the coin that has fallen to sweats and all evidences of colhis toes without bending his lapse. The neck of the hernial BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA knees, and straightway he is sac becomes swollen, tender and flustered and figity. He may painful. Gangrene soon occurs try, yes, but his fully inflated in the constricted loop of inunyielding spare tire is in the testine, due to cutting off the way and will not allow him to blood supply, so unless radical do so. popular advertisement treatment is adopted death will El Banco Nacional de Costa Rica recibirá ofertas de compra, por escrito hasta el día 16 de agosto próximo, sobre la siguiente propiedad: calls his protruding stomach a follow.
PROVINCIA DE LIMON bay window, from which he Irma. Limon. The so called looks ashamedly on the world! common cold is an acute inBut why all this embarrasmentflamation of the upper air pasFINCA APROPIADA PARA GANADERIA, CON BUENAS AGUAS, SITA EN and dangerous deformity when sages, in some cases extending FLORIDA, SIQUIRRES the condition can be prevented to the eyes and throat. It is an and eliminated? man is at eliminative effort on the part of INCRIPCION: Tomo 1020, Folio 180, número 441, Asiento 20.
fault who allows so much of body, and occurs when the boDESCRIPCION: Sita como a milla al Sur del caserío de la finca Florida Ice Farm Cº. himself to go off into the worlady is in a toxic condition. SupTerrenos fértiles con una altura hasta de 200 metros sobre el nivel del mar, ligeramente uncurbed! Around, or about age pression. of a cold by internal inclinados de Oeste a Este, regados por quebradas que atraviesan la finca en distintas direcciones. Tiene cercas vivas a y hilos de alambre por el Norte. Este y Oeste.
forty the tendency to paunchi medicine or by local applications CULTIVOS: Potrero; como 56 manzanas, 6904 varas cuadradas, sembrado en dos lotes, uno ness arises. It is dangerous, for of medicine is very detrimental de pasto natural y el otro de calinguero, con buenas aguas permanentes en ambos lotes. being mostly (useless) fat, it and is often the cause of chroCafé; como manzanas, aproximadamente en regular estado. La mayor parte es café crowds the heart and unduly nic diseases.
joven. Sombra de guaba.
Recurrent colds CONSTRUCCIONES: casas de madera montadas en basas, techo de hierro, compuestas burdens the other vital organs, should be accepted as an indicada una de cuarto y cocina, miden 20 4. 50. Otra casa de madera, constante de dos There are specific massaging excation that the habits of living cuartos y corredor enfrente, mide 36 5. 64 y un agregado de 10 3. 78.
ercises and dietries that will need changing or serious conDos ranchos pajizos, uno terminado y otro a medio hacer.
speedily reduce the most persis sequences may result.
La finca tiene un andaribel completo, manejar por un motor Fairbanks Morse de caballos de fuerza.
tant paunch, and will normalize When just starting, it can be LINDEROS obesity. Arrangements made for aborted by increasing the eli.
Norte y Sur: Florida Ice C9; Health and Fitness treatment in mination through the natural Este Linea férrea a Limón en medio rio Reventazón; the privacy of your home. channels by taking a full hot Oeste: Florida Ice Farm Company Roden, Limon, Box 428.
enema followed by a foot bath AVALUO 10. 470. 00 or immersion bath to induce QUESTIONS ANSWERED perspiration. Rest in bed is efCONDICIONES fective as is also a short fast, Siquirres. stran air baths, etc. etc.
b) En toda propuesta de compra debe fijarse la cantidad que se pagará al contado, la LOS MUELLES DE LONDRES PRESA DE LAS LLAMAS cual no podrá ser menor del 10 de la oferta.
Para el pago del resto el Banco concederá las mismas condiciones de los créditos a largo plazo, sea el de interés y de amortización anuales.
c) Toda propuesta de compra deberá ser acompañada de un depósito de 105. 00, que El Támesis fué iluminado por los resplandores siniestros del el interesado perderá si la finca le fuere adjudicada y no se presentara a formalizar la voraz incendio que consumió enormes cantidades de víveres.
operación en el término de 15 días.
d) La escritura se hará conforme a los datos del Registro Público de la Propiedad, te.
pero la Institución no se hace responsable por diferencias de medida o linderos.
LONDRES, UP. Un espectacular incendio de origen a3 e) El avalúo indicado NO SIGNIFICA BASE PARA LAS OFERTAS, que pueden ser desconocido causó la destrucción de gran cantidad de víveres ta 10 mayores o menores que aquella suma.
en los muelles de provisiones, cerca de Tower Bridge anoche.
do El Banco se reserva el derecho de aceptar la propuesta que más convenga a sus inSu resplandor iluminó el cielo en tal forma que se temió que tereses o de rechazarlas todas.
atrajera a los aviones alemanes, por lo cual las fuerzas aéreas g) Las ofertas se recibirán hasta el 16 de agosto de 1940 se mantuvieron a la espectativa para hacerles frente, pero no pe PARA MAS INFORMES DIRIJASE AL DEPARTAMENTO apareció ningún aparato alemán. El Támesis fué iluminado por AGRICOLA DEL BANCO Lia NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA.
el fuego con tal intensidad que la claridad podia verse desde una distancia de varias millas. E1 incendio fué dominado en la madrugada.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Venta de Propiedades. Licitación sin Base 10.
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