
SATURDAY, AUGUST 31st. 1940 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA 40 CLUB te on a THE COMING BIG RED CROSS FAIR True Co operative Spirit ANOTHER SESSION BY I: ASSOCIATION We glean that the matter gu of the Big Red Cross Fair to In keeping with the promise complishments in this country.
Only seven more days and the appetite will be available. be held the city Park of the made at the previous meeting. Every human being has made Etäin kar City Park will be transfor From all we have gathered 7th. September was fully dis another very important session mistakes in this life and these treat mened into a Danny Brook Fair in addition to the throng of cussed at the meeting of the took place last Tuesday night should be accepted and beld Everyone will be taking the British nationals there will be Win. the. war Club last in the local Hall. The Presidented as eye openers, as stepping and planks to greater success. The other evening off. It will be a picture crowds of alien democrats from Monday night and as a result Mr. Mitchell, presided apEn af perfect co operation and every Settlement, hamlet. town, of the very strong appeal of re iterated the importance of a Divisions Management is pealing to every citizen of co. fupport for the most deserving village nook and corner in our the Chairman for all possible mammoth membership drive sting renture ever pulled off as an park during the afternoon and support from members, it and the appointment of a Mana lour to fall in line and save 1918 aid to all civilization evening hours of next Satur was decided that special regement to relieve him. few the property to their posterity, the day. The Committee is confident servation should be made at members were enrolled. spe as they should realize it would of not be the loss of a structure ments Our housewives have long there will be a mammoth cial Committee, consisting co the Supper Counter for the Evo needed an evening free from the operation in this Big Drive for members of the Club at ader and Davidson, was ap the privileges and rights Messrs. Jos. Thomas, Cal only, but the greater one of of nome firesides. a relax from the benefit of the British Over round p.
to houghts of menues and other seas Red Cross Fund an We do hope this will be an pointed to probe into the re ninety and nine years whereby, cindred matters. The time has institution which takes care of incentive for other groups to cords of the Division with re: with intelligent leadership and y some when the entire family all who may happen to fall similarly coto its coills operate ught can enjoy well its prepared within limits. gennine general status. The Findings are may be solved.
upper for a small cost of from humanitarian hospitality utili COMING SPORTS EVENTS ting slated for Tuesday the 3rd.
to be submitted at the next mee Fifty cents a plate upwards at zed in the time of war. Remem Refreshment Counter. Aber should anyone make the The Elegantes Baseball September. The general aspects An Ex President of Panama arge variety of dishes of real home fire next Saturday, it Team will be celebrating of Tuesday night session were epicurean preparation, as well will be regarded an act transgre their first anniversary tomo very encouraging. It would be and Others Offer Co opeas an la Carte Service. ssion as the Committee is prepa rrow, September 1st, match an indelible blot on the Race in the forenoon, with bring if they allowed verything, anything, to satisfy ring to feed several thousands.
indifference, ration with Great Britain Ives their Nine and the Surtidocowardice or incapability to We have the information that ra together. Play will be de. cause the Marshall hammer to Dr. Harmodio Arias, ex Presihey ANNOUNCEMENT dicated to Miss Abrahams, seal the doors of the Hall, dent of the Republic of Panama, got the Club Godmother. The property which can adequately maintain its obligations and a group of highly promiand rce day celebration will culmiTo The Public in General be a monument to Negro nent officials and others of his inst nate with a dance and recepnation, have offered the BritTib Be it understood that my wife tion at the public Bath houish Minister in residence there TETHEL MAY WILLIAMS se during the afternoon hours.
their sincerest co operation to the Invitations for this latter exGreat Britain in her is no longer under my care and protection and am present ed ereise have been widely cir Investifase actividades therefore not responsible for any debt or debts she may struggle against totalitarianism.
he culated The offer was presented to the contract in my name.
de la quinta columna apHon. Charles Dodd, who is said his Penshurst. Tuba Creek STEPHEN WILLIAMS Iron and Iron is how we LONDRES, 30. UP La po to have with emotional expresmy heard the match to take pla licia investiga el anuncio de sions accepted it on behalf of ce tomorrow between the que miembros de la quinta his Government. Among those of columna upper divisions of the Cubs provocaron ineen who figured in the highly defor An Army of 4, 000, 000 and Motive Power teams des dios durante los raids noctur mocratic and friendly act were Ti.
eribed in Baseball eireles nos efectuados por los alemanes sobre Gran Bretaña the Judges of the Panama SuUnder the provisions of the of defence underway, the War This is an event for which fin de guiar a los aparatos perior Tribunal, several Medi Compulsory Military Service Department plans to have an the Fans have long been wait de bombardeo. Un hombre ha cos, Attorneys at Law and Unin Law just approved in the Uni army of four million men by ing, and a great deal of exci sido ya detenido para ser so iversity Professors.
ted States of America, and in the year 1945.
tement, thrill and technique metido a un interrogatorio des Our heartfelt congratulations keeping with the programme It is proposed to call out is anticipated. Indications are pués de haber observado la to all who have placed their 15. 000 men on the 15th of Oc that not less than a thousand policía destellos de luz que names on the perpetual scroll procedían de una gran casa for the maintenance of hu han BUCAREST. 30. UP El gobitelober Hext: 115. 000 on the 5th. Sport loving citizens will be de departamentos de la zona freedom and liberty.
no dió un comunicado aceptando November: 98. 000 during De on hand to witness the strugla propuesta de Viena para resoleember or early January; gle.
yer la cuestion de Transilvania 400, 000 on Ist. April and It is planned to play a seriLa aceptación se produjo después 600. 000 on the 1st of October es of threa matches for a two de haber recibido una nota slem 1941, the calls to be continued best champion award, and we na con caracter de ultimatum.
in this proportion till April have the very pleasing inVIENA, 30. UP las 15. 10 ha 1944 when the last batch will formation that one of these sido firmado el acuerdo rumanobe called out.
engagements will be dedicahúngaro. Rumania cede a Hungria alrededor de 55 mil kilómetros cun The law of compulsory ser ted as an aid to the efforts of drados de territorio en la Transil vice limits the number of men the Win the war Club vania cuya evacuación comenzará to be in training at any one behalf of the British Red inmediatamente.
time during peace to 900, 000. Cross Overseas Fund.
EAGLE APPROACHES ITS EYRIE ac31 on sus manos y su ropa Je conservan mejor lavando con Jabon AMERIKA rendidor y espumosa AGUSTIN CASTRO Cía.
EN UN PUEBLO DEL SUDOES, cerlo. No se le dió sepultura ET DE INGLATERRA 30 UPto con los otros tres camaradas se informó que un tripulante de suys, sino que sus restos fueroa uno de los aviones alemanes derri enviados, según se cree a Lonbados en estas cercanias era tan dres. Se trata indudablemente da grande que se asemejaba a Goe un oficial de alta graduación y tering y lucía en su uniforme nu nin consigo una fotografia enviadas merosas medallas y condecoracio drade Suiza en la que aparecía una nes pero su rostro estaba lan car mujer con dos niños boniazdo que era imposible recono Approaching Gibraltar, mighty British rock fortrees at the entrance to the Mediterranean, is Eagley, aircraft carrier of the British Navy.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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