
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE an thre ani Holland France Belgiugo claiming the basis in the airN Nueva Psicologia De La Vida!
en Hardness and character is a want of minute attenTian to the feelings of others. It does not always proceed from malignity, or a carelessness of inflicting poin, out from a lack of delicate perception of those little Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone nings by which pleasure is conferred or pain excited.
VI YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA SEPTEMBER 21st. 1940. 313 FIFTY MORE AMERICAN WAR SHIPS FOR ENGLAND REGARDING THE WAR Following on the conclusion of the important, though The German raiders are under concentration for the ESTE LIBRO widely criticized Pact, which increased the strength of the still destroying lives and pro long pending invasion of EngSELLADO British Navy by fifty units of the destroyer type, and en perty in London and other land. The London defence SE LE PRESTARA USTED hanced the general effectiveness of the defence programBritish centres, thongh with units continue to display so a lower intensity than prior great an efficiency that they me of the United States of America, we note the exceeding to their unfavourable encoun yesterday not only defeated ly interesting information, originating from Washington, ter last Sunday but at a com the efforts of 200 enemy plathat so soon as the Presidential elections are over negotia paratively heavy cost in manes to enter over the city tions will be commenced to enable the American Republic chines and man power. In proper, but chased them away the meantime Britain Airto France.
mesecuring other bases among the British possessions in the Force have inflicted a series As Japan is reported to ha MILES POR TODAS PARTES Far Eastern Pacific for similar uses.
of tremendous losses through ve sent an ultimatum to the ACLAMAN ESTA Should this further outstunding proposal materialize China out the Nazi occupied coastal authorities of Indo Britain would, we are told, be made a present of another regions of France, Belgium claiming the cession of aelot of fifty destroyers. We see in this suggestion earlier indications than we dared anticipate of the far reaching by their persistent and ef terest of the war with China developments we hinted in our earlier leader As it is fective bombings destroyed happenings of much import stated that the acquisition of these new bases will be more an appreciable number of the may be expected in that remaritime craft which were gion shortly. Tiene usted esperanzas que no se in the interests of Great Britain than the United States, ban realizado. Están las cosas mejores de la vida fuera de su alcance?
why, then, the proposed gift of another fifty war units?
BIG CITY PARK DRIVE NETS 3, 930 COLONES FOR Los ciempos han cambiado cha camDoes this not imply the existence of a mutual undestandbindo usted también? Adopte una pic ing of a much more comprehensive nature than yet releasRED CROSS FUND cologia nueva de la vida y sea MAESTRO DE SUS PROBLEMAS. No ed to the public. May this not be a part of Britain detoma más esfuerzo mental para obtener termination to oppose any attempt to change the status The proioundest appreciation of the Committee the ventun resultados cuando usted sabe cómo quo of certain European colonies located in those regions?
and deep rooted thanks for the would go over the Top. Co. bacerlo.
spontaneous and custstanding ordination was evidenced from como puede usted aplicar, por el uso Deje que los Rosacruces le enseñen She recently addressed the Tokyo government on the matco operation and support exten all angles, in fact good deeils de leyes sencillas, los poderes de su ter. Such an All British combination will assuredly play an ded by residents in every sec were done from the lowest to mente para efectuar cambios muy pro important part in shaping the future policy of the nations tion of this beautiful and demo the Upper Ten Thousand. The vechosos en su vida. Si usted es sincera interested in those regions, particularly in the prevention cratic country has been expres result of the Big Brive held on Sellado, Gratis. Este le indicará a usted su deseo, escriba por Libre sed by Mr. Johnston, His the nights of the 7th. and 8th. como puede obtener esta información of aggressive aspirations, and whether the United States Britannic Hajesty Vice Consul in our City Park is, therefore, tan útil. Ditijase a: Escribano enter the present conflict or not, her co operation with the resident in this city, and deeply most excellent.
British along the lines being gradually unfolded must vital seasoned by Mrs. Sylvia DePass It was, from all approaches, a Los ROSACRUCES ly affect bellicose intentions and advance the dawn of o who germinated the idea and real democratic Fete de Joie. AMORC period of a full and lasting world Peace.
possessed the bel esprit. who The Committee on arrangements SAN JOSÉ, CALIFORNIA, Since the above was in print, we learned of the dceloworked and pressed others into consisted principally of the Vice (Perpetuando las Antiguas y Secreta seçvice, fully confident that. TO PAGE 11)
Enseñanzas Rosactuces)
01. ration in the British Parliament of a possible union between with the wholehearted co opeosd. Great Britain and the United States on lines as were offer ration of the zealous members 3bbed France.
FRANCE NEARING COMPLETE BANKRUPTCY WIRELESS NEWS Under the terms of her Ar exceedingly strong financial MORE OF THE WAR AIR TOLL mistice arrangement France position is fast approaching PHILADELPHIA. Work has is responsible for the mainte a state of complete bank23 From London comes the The engagements in the been started on the hull on the nance of the German military ruptcy a recent report discloas announcement that from the Near East, during the same 45. 000 ton warship for the na forces in occupation. This is ses. 8th of the past month the period, cost the British 15 ma tion rew Atlantic fleet. It will said. officially, to be costing The Municipality of the city British had suffered the loss chines and the Italian 56. be the largest in the world and her no less than the huge sum of Nantes was recently forced of 621 planes of all types in As Germany losses have will be known as the of four hundred million to pay a fine of five million activities over the British Is been very heavy in the mo ew Jersey. Its sister ship the francs every day. Deprived francs as a penalty for a Gerles, France, Belgium, Holland re recent raids, the totals, at Towa is under construction in of the means of reviving her man cable being found cut.
ha and Germany, while the Na. this time should place her in Crooklyn.
overseas commercial activi. It is said that this was the sezis lost 1, 867 machines. The a much more unfavourable ties and being more handi cond occasion within one loss in man power for this position. Italy, too, has been LONDON British nationals capped by the demands of the month that a French comBranch of the fighting forces suffering to a heavier extent arriving in Spain from the south Nazis, the country, which not munity was so heavily fined was placed at less than 600 in her recent offensive in so very long ago was in of (France declare that Genl.
an for acts of alleged sabotage.
for the British and nearly Egypt.
de Gaulle party is being conD 4, 000 for the Germans.
siderably augmented in France.
Secret sessions are being held in Marseilles and other cities.
The new adherents include coldiers and officials. True and Dainty Cream which effectively stops SERVICIO DE VAPORES VICHY. The government an under arm PERSPIRATION nounces that definite charges DOES NOT STAIN NOR HARM DRESSES have been made in the specialSalidas de LIMON para NUEVA ORLEANS, is a perfect deodorant and vanishing cream yet is stays ly constituted Court against excon escalas en CRISTOBAL, TELA HABANA: there and imparts elegance and delicacy Premier Daladier and General e Gamelin. The nature of the char Lobo al from or to three days.
ges have not been revealed. The VAPORES accused are detained in the Cast SALIDAS al Just rub in gently and it le of Chazeron.
will dry instantly, leaving TOLOA.
Octubre the skin soft and smooth, LONDON The Minister of with no trace of grease.
Aviation announces that during Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA YORK the past few days the air fleet con escalas en PUERTO BARRIOS HABANA 70 THE REFRESHING PERin command of the Coasts have BENEFICIAL EFFECT mined the territorial waters ocQUIRIGUA Septiembre 28 FUME LINGERS AND ITS cupied by the Germans from JAMAICA.
Octubre 12 LASTS.
norway to the Bay of Biscay.
Thirty distinct fields of mines were deposited. Alvarado CO, Sucs.
bly stated that Col. Ch. SwerIt a Product of ney, a veteran American aviaPARA MAS INFORMES DIRIJASE LAS OFICINAS tor, who in DE LA ganizing AmeriUNITED FRUIT COMPANY SAN JOSE COSTA RICA can volunteer aviators to enter En los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José the war on the side of Great TELEFONO 1 6 Britain Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica.


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