
SMALL ARMS IN LARGE QUANTITIES COMING EVENTS AMONG CONCERT AT GERMANIA THE ANGLICANS lively concert came off Annual Hervest Festival at the Baptist Church here on Services will take place at the night of the 16th. instant the St. Mawk Church on the moon shone brightly, the Sunday the 13th of October, weather was fair, a gaily In addition to the exercises at dressed gathering filled the and a. and p. edifice and the renditions we.
a special programme by the re exceptionally good, though combined choirs of the special congratulations are Church and Philharmonic So due the folk from Siquirres, ciety will be rendered at without whose help the event would not have been so very delighful. The Misses Rita and Eulalee Stuart won much apA Conference of the Lay plause, with an encore, for readers connected with the their duet.
Denomination is slated for Our good Pastor Forde was the 24th. and 25 th of the the Charman and his instrue coming month. The services tive coments won much adand meetings will take place miretion in the St. Merk Church and Germania News. Bug Parish Hall. The Rev. Evans, Priest in charge will it is expected, officiate CRICKET Costa Rica Soda WATER FACTORY Cricket is about to make another start in Limon though not permanently. Players of the Fábrica de Hielo Into a rack ko Vickers ma contribution is made to the hours. a. day munitions activities, and city fans as well Grad Old Game are arranging Refrescos chine guns a ta British small torrent of arms produced by effort.
Limón as those of the Line Towns will Pem factory, and another Britain nation wide 24 be afforded the opportunity of witnessing two of the best teams SOCIAL RELIGIOUS ITEMS THE APPROACHING BUFFALO FETE in action on our Baseball Diamond on the 6th of the coming FLORIDA ICE AND It was a sincere pleasure to The day and Night Fete to will carry a heavy passenger month.
have had Mrs. Shedden of be held at Buffalo on the freight: the afternoon combiMr. Camphell will be Siqui res here with us last Sun 14th of the coming month nation from San José will, it placing his formidable XI agaiLA FLORIDA the day. We do hope Time the in aid of the Overseas Red is expected. be also taxed nst a combination from Healer of all ills, is assuaging Cross Fund of Great Britain with those from the west of Line Towns, as another of our Fábrica de Hielo the great sorrow she is expe is attracting more and more Buffalo. Professor Lebert and local efforts to aid the British riencing by the recent death of attention as the day draws his Troup are in constant re Red Cross Fund All lovers of Venta de Leche her husband, our good citizen, nigh. An extraordinary large hearsals, we gather.
the game and the public, generally, are asked to give their y Maderas Mr. George Shedden.
number of persons of our city Talling the pulpit at the Bap and line towns are known to All should remember that support to the event.
tist Church on Sunday night a be planing a real happy time. back of it all is the Red Cross The Sporting XI will be week ago, Dr. Shaw of Siquirres If all goes well the local Drive for aiding Great Bri made up from the following caid us another of his religious train leaving here at a. tain in her defence of our li Campbell, Sutton, BERLIN, ROMA LONDRES visits He was graciously wel Monday the 14th of October Iberty and happiness.
ReidC. Hayling. comed. Walker, Loray, Black, COMENTAN EL PACTO TRI Mr. and Mrs. Daysley took COMUNICADO DEL ESTADO ria de largo alcance cañone. Do Harrison, Thorbourne, PARTITA the entertaining line last week MAYOR ALEMAN ver y los aviones de bombardeo Myrie, Cunningham, Law and in celebration of improveBERLIN, 27 UP. El alto atacaron a un conyoy frente a rence and Johnson.
ments recently effected to their estado mayor comunica que la la costa escocesa incendiando a We hope to be able to give BERLIN, 27 UP. En los TamVilla on the crest of aviación alemana atacó ayer los dos buques mercantes.
Pound the names of those who will circulos diplomáticos alemanes trascendental Street, by our popular Archi objetivos militares en el sur ybién se bombardeó con éxito los compose the Combined team se indica que el tect and Builder, Mr. Charles la fábrica de los Spitfires en centro de Inglaterra, bombardeó muelles de Liverpool y Birken in next week issue.
documento que según se anunhead. Los depósitos de Liverpool Wicketkeeper ció ayer seria firmado hoy en Roden. Dancing was the major Colston cerca de Southhapton, fueron incendiados. Las pérdila cancilleria es el pacto germa feature of the evening enjoy. los muelles pzóximos a Liver das británicas de ayer fueron Tro italo japonés, y no la ament pool y a un buque mercante en veintisiete aviones y faltan seis RALLY BASED ON SIX lianza con España, como se cre este último puerto. La arülle aparatos alemanes.
FRATERNAL ORDERS ROMA, 27 UP. En las esDERRIBADOS 98 AVIONES LA PROMESA feras autorizadas se dice que el ALEMANES Having given way to others pacto tripartita firmado hoy en for the staging of their ma Berlin constituye una seria ad Los arribaron los ingleses duLanzados al cosmos en tiempos distintos, nifold activities, social and vertencia a los Estados Unidos nos vimos apenas: hallazgo y adiós.
rante los raids nazis de hoy a Llorando al marcharme te dije: imañana!
otherwise, during the past cuestiones europeas, a la vez a para que no intervenga en las several months, the pendulum una invitación a todas las nacio Inglaterra ¡Qué honda promesa guardaba mi voz!
now swings to the Baptists nes para que colaboren con las who are arranging to pull off tres signatarias de ese documen LONDRES, 27 UP OficialSiento detrás mio tu afanoso paso; a Rally based on some of the to en el establecimiento de mente se informó que hoy fue subiste en mi busca del barro a la flor: principal Fraternal Orders. nuevo orden mundial. Virgiron rribados en Inglaterra 110 transcurren los siglos y yo en cada tránsito namely, the Foresters, Shep nio Gayda dice que los Estaventa y ocho aviones enemigos. vuelvo a ti mis ojos temblando de amor.
herds, Odd Fellows, Good Sa. dos Unidos serían atacados des maritans. Mustrious Order de dos continentes por tierra y LA GUERRA EUROPEA SE mar si interviene en la guerra ¡Mañana, mañana! nos aguardamos.
of the Star of Bethlehem and para ayudar a la Gran Bretaña TO NA EN UN CONFLICTO Quemando el deseo, crecemos los dos.
the Independent United Or y por otra parte, se considera UNIVERSAL Por sobre las horas que marca la muerte der of Mechanics.
el acuerdo como un gran triun MADRID, 27 UP. El dia seremos puntuales. La cita es en Dios. very spirited contest is to politico del eje, ya que inmo Tio ARRIBA declara que la ESTRELLA GENTA anticipated as each group will vilizará la flota norteamericana guerre cu nopea se va convirtien endeavour to gain the outsen el Pacífico, ante la amenaza do en un conflicto universal. otra vez mas que la conflagra de desquite alemán. El suceso tanding honour. We think the de un conflicto con Japón, im Dice nue la incorporación nipo cion se debe a causas mas pro tiene importancia gran para Mechanics may set a pidiendo así que pueda ser uti very Gran na a nuevo orden demuestra fundas que el justo sentimiento Norteamérica.
lizada para ayudar a la warm pace for the rest.
Bretaña en su lucha contra Tla lia y Alemania.
Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: LONDRES, 27 UP. En los Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina circulos parlamentarios britániThis bill must be paid at our office before cos se dice que la adhesión del dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
Japón a la causa totalitaria ya de cada mes dirigida principalmente contra Be so good as to comply with this request and do not los Estados Unidos y es una aLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la penn oblige us to suspend our service, a step which menaza vacía. Se agrega que de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
muy posiblemente los Estados Unidos se verian arrastrados a la guerra contra Alemania e Italia si se produjera un conflic to entre esa potencia y el Japón, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica UD COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON


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