
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE Un ihre ܩܩܕ The Vichy sov members of the Races describ Nueva Psicologia De La Vida!
are It is as impossible for the soul of man to grow and develop without love, as it is for a flower to come Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone to perfection without sunlight. The men and women who love and whose love is expressed in service to VII YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA No. 317 OCTOBER 19th. 1940 their fellow creatures are the ones who really live, despite the many difficulties they may encounter in WIRELESS NEWS Panama Proposed New Constitution Before the their purely material existence.
NUEVA YORK. radio adNational Congress vice from Germany states that Luis Companys, ex President of President Arias is reportthe Republic of Cataluña was ed to have presented the THE NESTLES MILK FACTORY PROJECT executed in prison after being proposed new Constitution of ESTE LIBRO SELLADO hitch has occurred, we understand, in the negotia sentenced to death by a Spani the Republic of Panama beSE LE PRESTARA ish war Tribunal. No details fore last Thursday session tions which the Nestles Corporation have been conducting USTED were given.
of the National Congress.
with the government for some time past with the view of Among the many changes establishing a branch of their universally fomed manuLONDON The destruction suggested, one of the most facturing and commercial activities in this country.
effected in the port of Ham important is the extension of We sincerely hope that whatever the difficulties are burgh by the British Air Forces the Presidential Term from has been so great that 4, 000 four to six years. The project they may soon be bridged and the matter carried to an Dutch workers have been com also includes some far reachearly and successful issue; for notwithstanding the disappelled to assit in repairing the ing alterations on the ques MILES POR TODAS PARTES lu ut pointment generally experienced by those around us damages.
tion of citizenship, which ACLAMAN ESTA De os o consequence of the knowledge that the factory would would henceforth be denied not be located in this Zone as was anticipcted, we firmly HANOI.
ernment have instructed the ed as Undesirable.
believe the economic interests of our Provnce will derive authorities in Indo China to much benefits from the manipulations of such an enterprise.
provision, if sanctioned, is to resist whatever attempt the be retrospective, it will, it is With the manufacturing plant located at Cartago, as we are Siamese may make to violate said, affect a large number told it will be, an outstanding impetus would be accorded the frontiers of Laos and Gam of West Indians and Chinese han realizado. Están las cosas mejora ¿Tiene usted esperanzas que no our Cattle industry and its associate activities Hodge. The defences at these who are actually Panama de la vida fuera de su alcance?
Much has been heard latterly about the long propoints have been re inforced.
nians, many having been Los tiempos han cambiado ba camborn there. There is, how biado usted también? Adopte una psă jected roadway to connect the Guppiles and surrounding LONDON The Japanese ever, the further provision cologia nueva de la vida y sea MAES regions with Turrialba and Cartago, but its materialization Commercial Banks are feeling that such members of the un TRO DE SUS PROBLEMAS. Na boma más esfuerzo mental para obtener seen as far off as ever. However, were the Nestles proposals the effects of the war. With the desirable Races, born in the resultados cuando usted sabe cóma inaugurated, we are confident they would be followed very exception of the Yokohama Spe country of Panamanian Fabacerlo.
cie Bank, all in this city have thers, will be accorded citizen Deje que los Rosacruces le enscñen shortly afterwards by the construction of the important suspended operations.
cómo puede usted aplicar, por du higway, more so since the section between Turrialba and rights.
de leyes sencillas, los poderes de SHANGHAI. Encouraged by great diversity of opi mente para efectuar cambios muy pro Cartago has already been opened to public traffic.
the friction between Japan and nions exist, we understand, vechosos en su vida. Si usted es sincere Time passes, and as each day our conditions get the United States of America, regarding this exceedingly Sellado, Gratis. Este le indicará a usted en sy deseo, escriba por Libre worse financially, we feel it our duty to urge a satisfactory the Chinese troops have inten important matter.
cómo puede obtener esta informacióa sified their offensive settlement of the negotiations with the Nestles people. We against tan útil. Dirijase a: Escribano the Japs. large number made do not see any further activities being undertaking in conec vigorous and very successful NAZIS TRAINED HOW TO Los ROSACRUCES tion wth any of the other schemes included in the progra attacks in the sectors north of AMORC mme long outline as an aid toward our general resucitaESCAPE IF CAPTURED Chikiang and to the south of SAN JOSÉ, CALIFORNIA, tion. Have they all been abandoned?
Investigation of German war prisoners in Canada has shown (Perpetuando las Antiguas y Secreta Enseñanzas Rosacruces)
LONDON. Unofficially it is that a number of them 61 THE THE EUROPEAN STRUGGLE calculated that 72 district within graduates of a German school! them are members of the Gerthe Zone of London and 23 pro organized for the specific pur man Gestapo (secret police. Day by day we see changes gary and Bulgaria. Berlin saysvinces were bombed by the Gerpose of teaching prisoners how The authorities are now able of vital importance taking place that in so far as Rumania is con mans during the night of the to escape.
to explain how a tunnel was among the belligerent and other cerned the troops are there to 15th. instant. two story buil Preparing in advance for their completed for the escape of a interested nations of the Euro protect the nation from enemy ding which housed a school was soldiers being caplogred, the prisoner from a Muskoka cemp.
pea ncontinent. All eyes are attacks and to preserve the pe completely destroyed by two Germans held classes in lock Other prisoners carried earth snow centered on the Balkan troleum industry so necessary Lange bombs, Three hospital, picking, tunneling and other out in their pockets and scatterdi States and South Eastern coun to Germany belligerent activi: tr churches, three schools and ways of breaking out. In one ed it wherever they get a chantries where the latest manipu ties. Diplomatic and other wella ollege were also destroyed. Canadian camp there are at ce far away from the scene of lations are being unfolded. informed circles are however least twenty men who have le tunneling. When all was ready Germany has assumed the mi of the opinion that the mover de attacks on Greece and arned scientific ways of open the man, who speaks English litary control of Rumania, ments have been undertaken in key, by way of Yugoslavia ing locks without keys. Two of fluently, escaped.
where her large army of more preparation against the antici and Albania, in which he would than 100, 000 men occupy all pated break with Russia as the be assisted by Mussolini. This the country strategic positions: result of Hitler Near Eastern she also has her forces in Hun aims which must necessarily in thened by the concentration of opinion has been vastly strengRussia forces along her borders with Germany, and the heavy re inforcements she is now giving her military bases SERVICIO DE VAPORES on the Black Sea, She is also said True and Dainty Cream which effectively stops to have made an agreement under arm PERSPIRATION Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA ORLEANS, with Turkey to defend their con escalas en CRISTOBAL, TELA HABANA. 03 DOES NOT STAIN NOR HARM DRESSES mutual interests against the odo is a perfect deodorant and vanishing cream yet is stays threatened German aggression.
VAPORES SALIDAS there and imparts elegance and delicacy Turkey, on he rpart, has already assured Grece of her aid y from or to three days.
should her territory be invaded.
The mutual pact is supposed to Just rub in gently and it TOLOA.
Noviembre 19 will dry instantly, leaving also include Yugoslavia.
Meantime the British fleet Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA YORK the skin soft and smooth, has been causing such an outcon escalas en PUERTO BARRIOS y HABANA with no trace of grease.
standing amount of losses among the naval units Italy. CHIRIQUI Octubre 26 THE REFRESHING PERthat it is said they no longer QUIRIGUA Noviembre BENEFICIAL EFFECT constitute a serious menace to FUME LINGERS AND ITS traffic in the Mediterranean.
The aerial warfare goes on Alvarado CO, Sucs.
LASTS apace over England, Germany Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS and the German occupied areas EFFECTIVELY CHECKS ODOR PERSPIRATION AND with much resultant damages.
PARA MAS INFORMES DIRIJA SE LAS OFICINAS Though not confirmed KEFNS ARMSPIT DRY AND HEALTHFUL, it has DE LA been reliably released that It a Product of between 40, 000 and 50, 000 Nazi UNITED FRUIT COMPANY soldiers have lost their lives as En los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José To the result of the bombardments TELEFONO 1 6 SAN JOSE COSTA RICA of Cherburgh by the British Air force.
mous amount of war material across it into China despite JaThe Burma highway has been and other goods have gone pan threatened retaliation: UNITED FRUIT COMPANY FOR LADIES ONLY 0 NEUTRODOR BOTICA FRANCESA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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