
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE THE THIRD AND LAST OF THE SERIE OF BASEBALL MATCHES Se ca orgullosos THE CUBS WERE AGAIN THE VICTORS WITH fume IRAZU Panama Revokes Citizenship Rights of Persons they could our large number of Baseball Fan were present last Sunday afternoon, to witness the final of the serie of three matches be tween the Cubs and Motive Po wer Teams, which were sponso red by the Win the War Club THE CULTIVATION OF YUCA IN THE ZONE on behalf of the Overseas Red Cross Fund of gallant Britain Born in Republic of parents of Restricted further effort is reported Some eight years or so ago and her Associate Powers.
under way to o intensify the a law was promulgated which The play started with Alien Classes the cultivation of Yuda (Cassava obligated bakers to mix their Cubs taking the Diamond, Law in this section of the country wheat flour with ten per cent rence, their mediocre perforas will permit According to an article appear clause will, if it becomes effective, mer, opened the hurling, and the industry of that of the Yuea during the being placed on a real, firm com tirst two years of the laws en is noted that at its session on the of West Indians who have been against Gunie, who was short ing in the Panama Tribune. materially affect the large number his first delivery was a strike mercial basis, not only in view forcement and with fifteen perust of the past month, the Na exercising their titizenship rights lived to First. Sydney, followof the adaptability of our soil cent thereafter. As the lai stili and the absence of much of the exists the promotors of lional Assembly of that Republic under existing conditions. It was ing on, fell to Cope by way of the difficulties and finemelal respon present project will, is said approved the inclusion in the pro however, decided that within three a catch. Evans, the next, also sabilities which surround other endeavour to have its enforce posed new Constitution of a clause, months after the nel Constitution sent one into the safe Hands of agricultural Duruits, but be, ment carried into effect and which will revoke the citizenship goes into effect those who may Kerr. No runs were scored.
cause of present day interna provide them with a ready and its of all persons born in that lose their rights could apply for The Cubs, in replying, also went tional activities which may at steady market for their product country. subsequent to the year restitution, if prove down for nil to the pitching of any moment deprive us of the If the proposition materializes. 1903 of parents belonging to the res they had resided all their lives Ruben, the witty left hander, means of continuing to secure it should provide small trietei alien classes. As these clas within the territory of the Repub Motive Second was again sco regular importations of wheat agriculturists with a modicum ses are composeti of Negroes whose lie and their usual language was reless, while Cubs earned four flour of help, for which we shall be original language is not Spanish Spanish. The applications were tol on the merits of Cope, Altimont, truly grateful.
Hindoos, Chinese, and natives of be made direct to the President of Paul, Chirips, Lawrence and As. Gior and North Africa, the the Republic.
Coleman. In their Thord atteImpt, the Motives tried to shake off the lead of their opponents, BERT DEL PRATT but were only able to gain a HITLER UNDERGROUND MATERNITY single, for which Joabie, Gun(Director)
HOSPITAL nie and Evans should be cre presents dited. Ruben, who still pitched for Motive, was now well set The Pioneer Blue Rhythm Orchestra In the Wilhelinstrasse side. ned dormitories with neat rows and dismissed the necessary reorganized with famed and inspiring Musical Personnel walks outside Hitler gadget of white beds. electric kitchens three opposing batsmen in raThe Ensemble consists of Seven Musicions ridden Chancellery are a num and an operating room with ber of vast covered pits. From the latest obstetrical equipment. pid sticcession. The goose drop ped dark eggs in both nests in the Piano. Three Saxophones. Trumpet four of them slabs of cement Night and day Nurses of the Fourth inning. Continuing, from time to time rise and part Nazi Welfare Organization are Drums. Bass and out push anti aircraft guns, in attendance under the orders the Motives earned one more in One other is a huge elevator of physicians. At stated inter the Fifth and again checked the Its Service is at the disposal of the Public which swallows into the Chan vals a bus drives up on the si. Cubs. The Sixth was unfavourable for both teams; though the and Moderate Rates cellery great catacombs anyth dewalk into Maximum Service disappears ing from a bicycle to a ten the ground; its occupants Motives, by a forceful display, are Postal Address Box 398, Limon added four runs in their SeTelephone, ton tank.
expectant mothers who are per Northern Machine Shop Three levels below the surfa mitted a 24 hour Tying in peventh. The contributors were ce, far from the reach of the riod in the shelter. Hitler has Joseph, Ruben, Joabie. Gunnie, the declared that for every biggest bomb, are located child Vegas, Evans and Babb. In Fuhrer New Glass Process Aids Gunfire Control personal maternity born in his under ground hospi their corresponding iining the wards where potential hfe tal during a raid he would be leaders went down to another could defy potential death They godfather. from the Time nil, which placed the opponents in the lead with six runs consist of large, air. conditio Magazine. against their four. treat hurROCHESTER. The for Increasing the Transparency rah went forth from the supresults of a secret research pro of Glass Surfaces. the study porters of the Mot ves with ject which its sponsors ex disclosed a method of controlMAS DE 500 AVIONES BOM 500 MIL KILOS DE EXPLOSIVOS SOBRE COVENTRY wide spread speculation, that pect to be highly significantling an old process of increas1 the Cubs could not evade a flog BARDEARON COVENTRY in improving United States gun ing the amount of light transBERLIN, 15. UP. El estado fire control instruments Manager Johnson, were mitted by lenses and prisms VBERLIN 15. UP. De fuente bien mayor comunicó que en el ata sing since the call of Time was described at the closing session tal in such military instruments de quinientos aviones participaron las fábricas de aviones y la however, informada se anunció que más que a Coventry se bombardea very near.
revamped his team of the twenty fifth annual conas range finders ron anoche en el raid contra vention of the Optical Society de motores, veasionando mons. and placed Paul in the Pit.
The project, is said to have Coventry.
tromosos incendios alimentados This brought success, is the Mo of America reached the stage where glass por las materias primas almaceThe technical process involv surfaces can be treated success LONDRES, 15. UP El misbies des de la costa del Canal de without making any forther nadas y cuyas llamas eran visi tives were speedily dismissed ed was made available to all fully by chemical solutions for terio de Seguridad pública dio la Mancha. De buena fuente se runs. Manager White of the Ma el siguiente comunicado textual: anunció que cada uno de Tos builders of military optical ins increased light transmission. Ma la ciudad de Coyentry fué in quinientos aviones que partici. tives also effected cha ges. Rutruments with the delivery of ny military instruments in tensamente atacada anoche en paron en el raid arrojó más de ben was relieved by Dabb; but a joint paper by Dr. Frank which train of optical parts una serie de raids, sólo compa mil kilogramos de explosivos, the Cobs were, apparently, deJones and Howard Homer is required will be treated to rables a los más violentos expe de modo que el total llegó a la termined and earned ur runs holders of the Bausch y Lomb cut the surface reflection and rimentados de noche por Lon formidable cifra de quinientos form.
in ample Paul, Ralph Fellowship ta Mellon Institute boost the passage of light.
El enemigo fué recibido mil kilos a los que hay que dres.
Progress of the research hi.
Gre. Hart con un nutrido fuego de las ba gregar otros 30 mil de bombas Chirips. Dan and Greater durability of the terias antiaéreas y debió man incendiarias. Los incendios más were the contributors. The therto had been kept secret, optical glass also results from tenerse a gran altura, lo que le grandes ocasionados en Coven match was brought to a close the optical officials explained the method, Dr. Jones said. be te los blancos industriales, pero la aviación Fermana atacó on the approach of thr Footbal impidió bombardear certeramen try aleanzaron a 20. Además, successful conclusion cause the glass is less soluble, en cambio la ciudad propiamen ver, destr Messrs.
could be reported and the tech less affected by weathers con te dicha sufrió graves daños endo edificios ch ellers. Haling and centro de la ciudad e hizo im Bennie were Chief and Base nical process described.
ditions Las informaciones preliminares pactos en un submarino y un Umpires respectively.
Entitled Chemical Methods indican que el número de victi buque mercante surtos en mas probablemente ascenderá a puerto. En los combates aereos mil. El ataque fué iniciado con fueron derribados dos Spitfibombas incendiarias que caye res por los aviones de bombar la otros buones mere tes. Las ron en una vasta zona. Esta deo en picada los cazas ferma bajas británicas fueror de quin.
llaron incendios en muchos pun nos abatieron otros dos apara ce aviones, de los cr les ocho tos y siguió entonces on bomtos enemigos. También se bom han sido derribados y las habardeo, sin hacer distingos, de bardearon fábricas en Morgalerias alemanas del atinente.
According to a recent radio an Gleaner newspaper during the toda la ciudad. Se teme que los te y en otros pueblos del sudes: Los nuestros perdieron cinco a.
nouncement from London, we learn earlier part of the past week.
perjuicios sean te. Frente a la costa escocesa paratos.
muy grandes; with sincere satisfaction that the gran cantidad de casas quedafueron alcanzados con bombas last amount of ten thousand pounds Our hearty congratulations to all aral. Los habitantes de Coven Beladas otros de mil quinien LONDRES. 15. UP. Ministeron destruidas, incluso la cate y se cree que se hunieron: 1000 VICTIMAS DE RAID baque mercante de dos mil tosterling, required to complete Ja who helped the realization of so try demostraron gran valentia tas, de mil de milFio de Seguridad inter or anuntmaicas gift of an Air Squadron valuable a donation to the cause y presencia de ánimo. Se sabe Frente a Great Vermouth se hlación que las bajas to Great Britain, was cabled altantes to for which the British Empire and menos dos aparatos enemigos estaba entre atrae fares.
que durante el ataque por lo zo impacto en un destructor que el ataque aéreo de ar che conLondon by the Management of the her Associate Powers are fighting. fueron derribados.
Cer: tra Coventry quizás as iendana ca de Firth of Forth se tato un millar.
until a Jamaica Completes Her Cift of an Air Squadroni Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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