
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE a an Wome Seiland cm Nueva Psicologia De La Vida!
ree en el The Suspension of the Railroad Service Between Habit makes for economy, both of time and of energy. The habitual act is performed more quickly because of the habit. It takes place almost like a reflex. Since the action does not call for attention, at Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone least to any high degree, it frees mental energy for other work while involving itself in little or no fati VIL YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA DECEMBER 21st. 1940 NO 325 gue. The more, however, an individual becomes a creature of habit, the less efficiently will he be able ITALY MAY SOLICIT SEPARATE ARMISTICE to adjust. himself to new conditions.
Wireless News The possibility of Italy solici ting a separate armistice as LONDON Neutral diplo copsequence of the very severe HUMANITY MOST PRECIOUS GIFT matic circles are of the opinion reverses her forces have suffeESTE LIBRO that German troops may occu red in Egypt and Libya, the SELLADO Wednesday next. December the 25th. is ac py the north of Italy and Ro disastrous result of her invaSE LE PRESTARA USTED pted throughout Christendom as the birth anniversary of berto Farinacci appointed Mi ion of Greece, and the outs.
esús Christ our Dedeemer and Mediator. God most nister of Foreign Affairs in pla tanding successes the British esrous Gift to humanity.
ce of Count Ciano.
naval units have obtained over NEW YORK. The British her navy, is mooted in Turkish Travelling backward through the ages, we mentally ig, hold the Infant Jesus, the Son of God, lying in a lowly Government is said to be arrang military circles.
ing to send 20, 000 of the Ita The view of the impossibilionger wropped in swaddling clothes by the side of His lian prisoners captured in the ty of their dominating matters other, the Holy Mary. and we recall the Angel Mes North African offensive to con in the Mediterranean and the MILES POR TODAS PARTES centration camps in India. frustration of their North Afri ge to the lowly Shepherds on the Hills of Palestine; the ACLAMAN ESTA LONDON. If has been unof can movement, the Fascist urney of the Wise Men, under the guidance of the illusficlially stated in military cir. High Command are supposed to ASY ious Star of Bethlehem, with their gfts of Gold ond Fron cles that the number of Italians be convinced of the futility of ncense and Myrrth. We recall, too, the glorious life, the taken prisoners during the first further attempting the invasion ssons of forgiveness, the righteousness of purpose, the six days of the British offensive of Egypt and the Near Eastern in North Africa approximates countries.
There is also ractical administrations to humanity, which led to Hs sufthe rings in the Garden of Gethsemane, to His betrayal by 75, 000, while the war material strong belief that the failure of ¿Tiene usted esperanzas que no abandoned by the retreating the entire warfare is producing han realizado. Están las cosas mejora das Iscarot, to His trial before Pilote, to His painful jourforces is said to be of the value grave repsrcussions throughout de la vida fuera de su alcance?
Los tiempos han cambiado ha cam la mo ay along the pathway to Calvary, and, finally, to His hours of several million pounds sterl Italy. Nothing is of course, biado usted también? Adopte une pet alle suffering and ignominious death in fulfilment of the ſing.
known of just how such a mocologia nueva de la vida y sea MAES al crifice He came to make as our Redeemer.
BUCHAREST The govern ¡ve would be regarded by Mus. TRO DE SUS PROBLEMAS. No mentment have issued a decree solini Berlin Partner, who toma más esfuerzo mental para obtener May we during this period endeavour to inculcate these resultados cuando usted sabe cómo prohibiting the exportation of has been remarkably quiet du bacerlo.
die utstainding characteristics of the true Christia, and by twenty items of foodstuffs ring the past couple of weeks.
Deje que los Rosacruces le enseñen 10 te nitating the virtues of the inmmaculate Jesus overcome among them flour, sugar, tea, It is however reported though como puede usted aplicar, por el uso end deceits, the vanities and the wickedness of the world. coffee, and all classes of vege not officially that at the urgent de leyes sencillas, los poderes de su mente para efectuar cambios muy pro request of Mussolini German le stay we also while commemorating this particular annivertables.
vechosos en su vida. Si usted es sincera NAIROBI South African planes are transporting Nazi en su desco, escriba por Libro ary resolve to banish all the hypocrisy, all maliciousness, and Gold Coast Forces succes troops as also Italians to Italy Sellado, Gratis. Este le indicará a usted que bill evil and unworthy thoughts and so be able in all truth cómo puede obtener esta información sfully attacked El Nak on the and Albania.
as dind sincerity to extend the Season greetings to our fellow 17th, seizing not tan útil. Dirijase a: Escribano less than It is again strongly rumoured reatures.
twenty five Italians, along with that Hitler is making great pre Los ROSACRUCES of ifade right merry Christmas to our people ore and all several officers, fifty soldiers of parations for the invasion AMORC)
the colonial infantry, three can the British Isles sometime dur SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, the no, various field guns and a ing the earlier months of frge quality of minition. coming year, the British, War (Perpetuendo las Antiguas y Secreta Enseñanzas Rosactucas. Fifty Italians were killed. Department has however, made Pandora and Penshurst boy a WASHINGTON. The Secre it known that they are prepa divisions was composed of.
We cannot vouch for the aut The Cacao cultivations in the tary of the Treasury has inform red to meet whatever move he 14. 000 men.
er enticity of the information re Zcne which will be affected co ed the Committee of the House may decide to make, meantime The Greeks are said to be eased, but it is currently repor ver, we are informed, nearly of Representatives that the Brit they have renewed their disas. keeping up their advance along ad that a suspension of the three thousand hectareas and ish government had notifed trous bombings of the French both fighting fronts despite the strella Combination Railway as the tram service which it them that unless they were ex and other Channel Ports where severe wintry weather, and to we lervice, between Pandora and is said will replace the present tended some financial assistan he may concentrate for the at be capturing additional imporl enshurst, will be effected on regular one, will not, the far ce they would not be able to tack.
tant positions. Latest advices dhe lst. of January. New Year mers declare, be able to adequa arrange for additional purch a of the five Italian divisions from Lybia state the British tely take care of all their requises of war material in the Unit who invaded Egpyt, it is report are still making good head.
The announcement has pro rements, they fear they will be led States.
ed that only one had been able way. Two Italian divisions are ur buçed, we are assured. a great faced with much serious conse to get out. Two were comple reported completely surrounded Jer sunt of alarm among the lar quences.
tely destroyed while another sain Bardia; their important airpre number of farmers who opeved the majority of their men baze at Benina has also been berate in that area, especially the on the subject is to be placed but lost most of their stores, bombed with heavy losses in de ultivators of Cacao. TO PAGE 9) gests Augmenting Assist arms, etc. Each of the five Machines and buildings.
ance to Britain President Roosevelt is appa.
rently disposed to go the Iimit regarding the assistance to be henceforth accorded Great BriSERVICIO DE VAPORES tain in her fight against the True and Dainty Cream which effectively stops totalitatrian Powers. In an in.
under arm PERSPIRATION terview a few days ago wita DOES NOT STAIN NOR HARM DRESSES Solidos de LIMON para NUEVA YORK representatives of the press he is a perfect deodorant and vanishing cream yet is stays con escalas en PUERTO BARRIOS HABANA gave a slight outline of the there and imparts elegance and delicacy scheme being formulated in con rom or to three days.
VAPORES SALIDAS nection with the matter, and Just rub in gently and it which it was hoped would be JAMAICA Diciembre 21 will dry instantly, leaving ready for présentation before the Nation new Congress next the skin soft and smooth, NEUTRODOR SHIRIQUI Enero month.
with ne trace of grease.
The scheme is said to cover Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA ORLEANS, the proposition of either leasing THE REFRESHING PERcon escalas en CRISTOBAL, TELA HABANA: or mortgaging as much as possi ble of all the materials, of var BENEFICIAL EFFECT TOLOA Diciembre 27 of the United States to Great FUME LINGERS AND ITS ULUA Britain. At the close of the Enero 10 LASTS.
war England would be required to return such of the equipment Alvarado Cº, Sucs.
and material VFFECTIVELY CHECKS ODOR PERSPIRATION AND which had not Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS been utilized and was in perfec KEY ARMSPIT DRY AND HEALTHFUL.
tly good order.
It a Product of PARA MAS INFORMES DIRIJASE LAS OFICINAS President Roosevelt declared DE LA the entire problem was based on the conviction that it UNITED FRUIT COMPANY absolutley necessary for them En los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José to assist Great Britain in the SAN JOSE TELEFONO 1 6 COSTA RICA present war as a means of self protection way.
We understand a Memorial President Roosevelt SugUNITED FRUIT COMPANY FOR LADIES ONLY ce de BOTICA FRANCESA was Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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