
THE ATLANTIC VOICE even un Up Sellado Nueva Psicologia THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK To be good is noble, but to teach others to be good is nobler. There is no trouble in preaching, but o considerable amount in carrying out that which we preach, hence the great preponderance of preaching over practice. The honest preacher preaches to himself Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone more than to his hecrers. The man who strives to climb VIL YEAR to the loftiest heights knows how dificult is the way; LIMON, COSTA RICA JANUARY 11th. 1941 327 so he who climbs as he preaches, will preach all the more earnestly and effectively, for he is endeavouring to work Wireless News THE SITUATION IN NORTH AFRICA AND SOUTHERN out his own salvation while helping his fellow creatures Washington The National EUROPE to gain theirs Defence Commission announ ce that the monthly produc With the occupation of the of Bardia, with a defending tion of arms has now reach important port of Bardia by force of not more than 30. 000, WHAT OF THIS?
ed 2, 400 aviation motors 700 the Australian forces and the tis not expected to long with planes, 10, 000 automatic ri capturing of some 30, 000 mo stand the assault of General les 100 tanks.
re Italian soldiers Marshal Wavell men. Recent bomb Desirous of improving their commercial status with (TO PAGE Graziani is said to have sufCosta Rica, Japanese Industrialists are said to hove intimat. Madrid. The cities of Zara fered the loss of one. third ed their willingness to purchase our LIMES in almost ungoza and Reinosa have suf of his army. He is supposed ESTE LIBRO limited quanotities and at very attractive prices.
fered greatly as the result of to have been operating with SELLADO This member of the Citrus Family is so largely cona terrible storm. The inunda total of 225, 000 men includSE LE PRESTARA tions have not only destroying native forces. total of USTED sumed in the For Eastern Empire that the regular yearly ed numerous houses, but have 70. 000 are reported to have purchases average more than seven million dollars, we are killed innumerable animals fallen in the hands of the told.
and entire herds of cattle ha British, since they initiated The Lime grows readily, as every ones knows, throu ve disappeared.
their offensive on the 9th.
ghout this Zone, and though given no particular or special Washington. President Roo killed. Italy key position.
December apart from those attention, the trees are profuse bearers, generally, and sevelt has announced the gov Tobruk is the new objective, produce fruit of very good size and quality; if therefore, ernment decision to cons and as its defences are believ MILES POR TODAS PARTES properly cared from an agricultural standpoint, they should truct two hundred merchanted in military circles to be ACLAMAN ESTA sufficiently adance in production to enable our filing ships of 7, 500 tons each. The much weaker than were those whatever may be the minimum requirements as to qua cost in placed at between 300 lity and quantum.
and 350 million dollars.
Petroleum Companies We suggest that our energetic Minister of Agriculture, De La Vida!
New York Minister who takes such a genuine interest in our Province, have of Foreign Relations of the Looking Toward Costa Rica the proposition thoroughly investigated, for, conditioned ¿Tiene usted esperanzas que no Dutch government establishSeveral years ago the univer han realizado? Están las cosas mejora as we are, we cannot afford to ignore any proposal possessed od in London, declares that, sally known Sinclair Oil Corpo de la vida fuera de su alcance?
of possibilities likely to materially assist our economic re the people of Holland cannot ration conducted extensive exLos tiempos han cambiado ha camo suscitation, particularly such a one as this, which would not be forced to accept a subordi plorations in the regions lying biado usted también? Adopte una par necessitate unusually large financial outlays nor demand nate position within the Reich between this city and the coun cologia nueva de la vida y sea MAES TRO DE SUS PROBLEMAS No heavy maintenance charges.
and will revolt just as soon try southern border. They ma boma más esfuerzo mental para obtener as an opportunity presents it de several borings in different resultados cuando usted sabe cómo We are not yet informed regarding the conditions or self localities, and it was strongly hacerlo.
terms governing the offer, so cannot make comments rumoured they had been success Deje que los Rosacruces le enseñea thereon; be these, however, as they may, our present conLondon The British govfull in locating the existence of como puede usted aplicar, por el uso de leyes sencillas, los poderes de ernment has acceded to a per the valuable fluid, but they sto mente para efectuar cambios muy pro cern is to create so great and wide an interest as may lead to the establishment of a new and valuable industry. It sonal request of Presidentipped operations somewhat unex vechorus en su vida. Si usted es sincere Wight, no doubt, be claimed that, having regard to worldRoosevelt to permit the Amer pectedly, retired their operatinu desco, escriba por Libre ican Red Cross passing the ves from Republic and ha Sellado, Gratis. Este le indicará a usted cómo puede obtener esta información wide happening, Japan is not to be relied on; but even blockade to supply unocve never resumed.
tan útil. Dirijase a: Escribano We lif it did happen that her market become closed to us at any cupied France with nourish We now gather that the goime, we are sure no difficulty would be experienced in lo ment and clothes for the chil vernment is in the receipt of Los ROSACRUCES solicitudes from some of ot dren. AMORC cating other markets. In fact, bearing this in mind, we could from the offset provide against such an emergency Rome. It was today 9th. important, North American Cor SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, declared by radio that the porations regarding the posibi as the United States of America, Conada cnd England are war is costing Italy more than lity of their being permitted to (Perpetuando las Antiguas y Secreta.
Enseñanzas Rosactucas)
also large cnd regular buyers.
ten million pounds sterling undertake similar explorations in this Zone as well as on the we sincerely hope, find it posper week.
PRES. ROOSEVELT ASKS ENORMOUS SUMS FOR Pacific side, as they claim they sible to arrive at a favourable ーー Bud oest. Train loaded are in possession of information decision. The operations on this which indicates the existence of side would be of immen vaAIDING ENGLAND witl arms and munition for the German forces collided the Black Gold in both lo lue to cur unemployed problem calities with another train, while on and if eventually successful, pro As forecasted in his out to Great Britain and the con its ay from Hungary to Ru sidered, we understand by the And plendid sourde of reveThe matter is still being con vide the Province with a new standing Message recently de tinuation of the Nation De mania, and exploded causing Authorities concerned, who will nue.
livered. President Roosevelt fence Programme.
has submitted for the consideration of the National Con stated to aggregate the very that it will require, it is estiThe President project is Dumerous victims and such se rious damage to the railway gress his Estimates of Expen large sum of 174, 855, 288, 049 diture for the ensuing fiscal and will be receiving the im mated, two weeks to effect year. These are reported to mediate consideration of the repairs.
include enormous sums for Committees concerned.
furthering the country aid ABYSSINIANS DEFEAT ITALIANS SERVICIO DE VAPORES communique from the British head. quarters, by way of Caico, announces that Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA ORLEANS, Se adquieren prontamente tomando the Abyssinian Patriots, aided con escalas en CRISTOBAL, TELA HABANA: wa by the bombing planes of the tipla Royal Air Force, gained tomplete victory a few days al TOLOA.
Enero 24 ago over the Italians at Gubque combate en forma eficaz LA ANEMIA. EL ba situate to the southwest of Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA YORK RAQUITISMO y la DEBILIDAD GENERAL Lake Tana and twenty mico nescalas en PUERTO BARRIOS y HABANA: Para esta semana HIPOFERROL ofrece su obseles from the Sudanese border within QUIRIGUA Enero 18 quio en el plan del AHORRO FAMILIAR.
the territory of Abyssinia.
VERAGUA Febrero 10 Sintonice todas las noches de 30 a las la 1aThe Italians were forced to dio PARA TI ATHENEA y escuche los detalles abandon the position. Alvarado Co, Sucs.
de este sensacional plan de obsequios.
Passengers arriving recently in Boston, from Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS 880 Kc, onda larga 6165 Kc, onda corta on declared that the British had PARA MAS INFORMES DIRIJASE LAS OFICINAS a force of DE LA Laboratorios de la 100. 000 soldiers perfectly equipped and ready to take UNITED FRUIT COMPANY the offensive against the Ita lians in Ethiopia by way of En los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José.
the Kenya frontier as soon as TELEFONO 3156 the heavy rains ceased.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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