
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE Those whom nature has endowed with outstanding talents or special ability of any kind have a duty to perform in the correct use of such gifts, so the world may be the better, brighter, happier and more enlightened because of their sojourn in it.
Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone VII YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA JANUARY 18th. 1941 328 a TÓNICO BAYER TÓNICO BAYER enriquece la sangre fortifica el organismo BAYER over as SUGGESTIONS OF ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE SPAIN STILL REFUSES TO EMPEROR SELASSIE ISSUES CALL TO ARMS ENTER WAR By way of London we learn African Union declared that the proclamation is being made during the present year the Bri We refered, inour last issue, to the desirability of our opph throughout Ethiopia that the tish would destroy the colonial on lishing regular plantations of the Lime plant with The announcement comes Emperor Haile Selassie, has re dreams of Mussolini by driving from well informed London cir me view of trading with such foreign markets where there sumed the general warfare the Italians out of East Africa.
cles that Spain has again rejec against the is always a steady demand for the product. We today, wish Italians and was The statement was regarded as ted the desire of the German calling all natives to argas to direct attention to two other plants which are also ready very significant in view of the Chancellor that she enter the was also announced that the fact that large contingents of growers and splendid producers throughout this section of war on the side of the Axis Po Emperor has taken conmand of the South African troops ha.
the Republic. We refer to the Cdssava (Yucol) and Corn wers. He is said to have reques his warriors.
ve been contacting the Italians (Maiz. ted her to do so during the pre in the north of Kenya, while sent month.
There has never been o time, we believe, when these In a discourse delivered re the air force have realized nu.
cently in Johannesburg, Jan merous raids over plants were not culivated in this Zone, yet the industry has The Minister of Foreign Af Smuts the Premier of the South during the past six months, Abyssinia never developed, has never been if any real help to our eco fairs, Serrano Suner, is stated nomic problem Our smaller farmers are the ones who, in to have agreed to the proposal tion of the Army High Com. sed. so far, regarding the attithe main, conduct plantings, but due to their lack of land but he met with rigid opposi mand. Nothing has been relea tude of General Franco.
facilities and financial limitatons they year in and year out produce just suffcient to provide themselves with the means of o mere existence.
The government made an attempth last year to protect the interests of these planters, in so far as the Corn was co hcerned. The results were, we feor, disappointing. We are, however, exceedingly pleased to learn that another scheme is under way The Executive Authoritives have recommend ed the expenditure of the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand calones for the installation of Mills to sta.
borate Cassava Flour and Corn Meal. Turrialbo and Pococi are mentioned as the areas where the products are largely popular, so will no doubt be selected as the principal operotive centres. We hope it will be possible for other mills to be installed in the more southerly regions of the Province Wireless News GOAT ISLAND INCLUDED IN BASE CEDED IN where the plants thrive just as well and thereby create a stimulus for extensive plantings.
WASHINGTON. Secretary JAMAICA As an important North American Firm has, we are told, of Marine Knox state that Anent the naval, air and well as thirty three offered to purchase all the Yuca Flour we can produce we the Atlantic flet and the mi land bases, lejing within the square miles in and east of Ga Neware relieved of the uncertainty of how we would dispose of litary and naval forces will 4, 500 mile stretch from lleon Harbour. Docking and re initiate manoeuvres in the surplus stocks we might have after supplying our normal foundland to British the Guiana, pair facilities at Port Royal Caribbean on the 21st, instant President Roosevelt secured Jemands. With assured markets the suggestions should be will also be developed.
mmediately and most carefully considered. Motters interin the vicinity of Porto Rico. from Great Britain as a part of The complete chain of bahis Atlantic and Caribbean de ses will cost the United States Protional become more threatening day by day, and as there LONDON. Well informed fence system, we have the fur Government the tidy sum of is no telling when we shall be deprived of our over seas supcircles have released the inthe information that the base 60, 000, 000 dollars.
formation that due to the in Jamaica will plies, we should not delay in making provision for such an include constant and effective bomb twenty eight square mile deepemergency ings by the British Air Force water anchorage at Portland ANOTHER EMISSION OF along the French coast, the Bight capable of holding the PERSONAL Germans have been obliged entire Atlantic fleet.
POSTAGE STAMPS o remove their bases to other For further supporting Our sincere congratulations to don Rogelio Gutierrez As the supply of our current ocations eighty miles inland.
section of the scheme which three and five cents postage Ross on his appointment to the important position of ConCSTAMBUL.
includes the airfields to be ope stamps is alleged to be exhaussular Agent for France in this city.
According to advices received from French tish, Goat Island, just off the be underway for the emission rated reciprocally with the Bri ted, arrangements are said to travellers, it is believed the southern coast, will be taken To Page Italians have solicited the Vichy government to concentrate sufficient troops along the Palestinian frontier to counteract a similar move on the part of the British (CON SIN MENTA)
NUEVA YORK. Four men SERVICIO DE VAPORES lost their lives as a result LAXANTE IDEAL of the violent conflagration Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA YORK which occurred in Brooklyn PARA NIÑOS co nescalas en PUERTO BARRIOS y HABANA: some days ago and threatened! PARA ADULTOS to destroy the Municipal stoA rehouses Numerous persons QUIRIGUA Enero 18 were also injured Thirty automobiles located in the VERAGUA Febrero vicinity were destroyed Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA ORLEANS, LONDON The Admiralty con escalas en CRISTOBAL, TELA HABANA: Laboratories de la announces that four british TOLOA ships with a total BOTICA FRANCESA Enero 24 of 14, 678 tons were lost in consequence Febrero of enemy actions during the week ending the 5th. JanuSintonice todas las noches de las 7, 30 a las 8, la Alvarado CO, Sucs.
ary. The total was the lowest since the month of May last.
Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS Radio PARA TI ATHENEA y escuche los detalles HELSINGFORS. Authoridel sensacional plan de obsequios.
PARA MAS INFORMES DIRIJASE LAS OFICINAS zed sources state that Finland DE LA 880 Kc 920 Kc. onda larga has requested credits from the Federal Reserve Funds of UNITED FRUIT COMPANY 6165 Kc. onda corta the United States of América with which to purchase butter En los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José.
BOTICA FRANCESA wheat, margarine, provisions TELEFONO 1 6 Land oils.
a this Lactomagnesia UNITED FRUIT COMPANY Previene cólicos y fermentaciones ácidas ULUA.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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