
THE ATLANTIC VOICE TOME BERBAYER SONO ure ado are TÓNICO BAYER A BAYER is THE KEEPING OF PROMISE We are reminded of the brilliant address delivered in this city by Dr. Calderon Guardia prior to the sweeping victory which placed hin nthe Notion Presidential Chair Among the many other matters to which he referred, he emphasized his promise to do everything humanly possi Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone ble to secure us a better, a more progressive ProvinceVII YEAR. LIMON, COSTA RICA JANUARY, 25th. 1941. 329 Zone which teems with possibilities for much improvement by the utilization of its rich soil. It is therefore very groWITH THE WARRING NATIONS fying to note the efforts His Excellency is again makThe Balkan situation conti they are reported to be losing Eg for the fulfilment of his promise.
nues an uncertain guantity, with ground rapidly while their posi On Monday last Dr. Calderón Guardia had a very im possibities of additional compli tion in Abyssinia is each day portant conference with his Minister of Public Works and cations consequent on the dis getting more precarious. The Agriculture, don Alfredo Volio Mato, and Mr. Chittenden, turbances now taking place in Negus is supposed to have reRumania.
entered the country and to be mi e the genial Monager of the Costa Rica Banana Company, The Italians are still suffer makink final arrangements for ha. on the subject of our economic resuscitation. Though ing serious losses on all their a general offensive.
largely discussed, the matter was not fully threshed out; figiſting fronts. Their Libyan Eleven Italian Divisions nteother conferences are to take place, In the meantime, stronghold at Tobruk has fa declared to have suffered annihi de y el we understand, a Plan is under formation which will em. llen to the British, and they are lation and 10. 000 wen taken pri still retiring before the Grek sioners since the British assum sera brace every phase of the activities considered necessary for advance in Albania. In Eritrea ed thet ofensive in North Afri ión, our successful resurrection agriculturally, industrialy and ca.
RTAS cominercially. The plan is based, we understand, on the colluboration of the Government, the National Bank and par the Costa Rica Banana Company. Farmers, merchants COUPLE OF AGRICULTURAL PROPOSALS and industrialists are to be afforded every assistance for In our last week Spanish issued a circular to those who tris furthering the welfare of their particular line of activity. section we released the very might be interested in the propo se The establishment of new industries is included the ge interesting information that our sition. They were asked to sup de Municipal Fathers giving ply the following information: neral scheme.
SOve We hail this present effort with the greatest satisfac serious consideration to a pro. a. Are you interested in Rice posal for the establishment of cultivation. b) Have you lands acer tion, but beg to suggest that whatever be the plans or an Agricultural Experimental suitable for ich cultivation?
e ha schemes selecter, they include awell defined rood build Station in this city, where a (c. Where are they located?
yeting programme.
As is well known, our farmers and indus well equipped laboratory would (d. What area would you be be installed for soil analysis able to cultivat. e) What as Te triolists are at present seriousley handicapped for the want en etc. and other efforts underta sistance would you need to start of roadways, therefore unless these are afforded them it ken for improving and advan cultivating. Give name and would be useless attempting additional activities In cing agricultural activities in location of your farm, and if cl fact, we are decidedly of the opinion that the construction this Zone. The proposal is cer held under lease, say who enriquece la sangre que of these roads should constitute the base on which to rear tainly a good one, and we hope the owner and state terms unit will meet with every suc der which you are in possesfortifica el organismo the work of resuscitation. We hope our suggestion will recess.
ceive the consideration it merits.
sion. g) Say if you need seeds NTI.
There is also, we note, a mo and how much.
que vement underway for initiating The Association has also exBRITISH CASUALTIES AS RESULT OF ENEMY the cultivation of Rice in these pressed its willingness to install ders be interested in the propo AIR RAIDS regions. Since coming into exis a threshing machine when and sal they should supply the Asso tence, the Atlantic Progressive where considered justifiable. ciation with the information re LONDON ISO. The Ministry of pitalized in the United Kingdom Association has been minutely Should any of our English rea quested in the circular.
National Segurity announces as a result of the aerial attacks studying every project likely ES at during the month of De effected by the enemy to improve our economic situacember last 3, 739 civilians lost of the total deaths, 1, 691 wetion; and as the members PRES. ROOSEVELT LIFTS PROHIBITION Seir lives and 4, 044 were hos re men, 1, 434 women and 520 cognizant of the fact that the children below the age of six soil offers us every opportunity.
AGAINST RUSSIA Jamaican Engineers for teen years. Of those placed in provided scientific applications Relations between Russia and far as their aid to China is ladi el hispitals, 2, 962 were men, 1, 775 are not neglected, they recently the United States of America are concerned. The hope, was long British Munition women and 307 children.
said to have notably improv entertained that the The December casualties are ed, as a result of the withdra would be found by which the Factories declared to be the lowest from WIRELESS NEWS wal, by the Washington govern United States and Russia could genit We have the information the start of the blitzkrieg in LONDON. An ment, of the decree of Novem co operate in these to control agreement ni that one hundred experienc the month of September when, as been reached between ber 1939 which prohibited the the Japanese advance southmó ed Engineers of the Island of the 6, 855 were killed and 10, 615 ritish and Jamaica have offered their ser hospitalized. In October the to Spanish exportation of air planes and ga ward. It is now thought, by nu governents which permits a certain soline to the Soviet Union.
vices, as volunteers, for work in tals were killed 6, 344 hospitalizantity of Canadian wheat on merous diplomats, that Russia Neutral circles believe the will augment her assistance in tigos Munition Factories in England act will open the way for a mo aircraft to the Chinese as these sides offer has been accepted by the November were 588 and 6, 202 America and England being de the two counties, in Far Eas from tre United States.
The very generous and loyal ed 8, 695, while the figures forceposit in the United States ofre active collaboration between could be replaced by others British government.
livered to Spain. The first ship tern matters, particularly in so ment from the United States Penu will consist of 15. 000 tons.
VICHY. The announcement has been officially made that the government has not changed its decision, that under pretext will the French fleet be (CON SIN MENTA)
permitted to take action against SERVICIO DE VAPORES Great Britain.
ESTAMBUL. According to LAXANTE IDEAL statements by the Greek ComSalidas de LIMON para NUEVA ORLEANS, PARA NIÑOS mercial Commission Russia has con escalas en CRISTOBAL, TELA y HABANA: one hundred and twenty diviY PARA ADULTOS sions composed of a total of one million eight hundred thous ULUA Febrero and soldiers concentrated along her frontiers with Germany.
TOKYO. The Chief of the Solidas de LIMON para NUEVA YORK Government, Prince Konoye, in co nescalas en PUERTO BARRIOS y HABANA: formed the national Congress, VERAGUA Febrero Laboratorios de la that the assistance being affordBOTICA FRANCESA ed China by England and North TALAMANCA Febrero 15 America will not affect Japan programme regarding a New Order in Eastern Asia He fur Alvarado Cº, Sucs.
Sintonice todas las noches de las 7, 30 a las 8, la ther declared that Japan would Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS Radio PARA TI ATHENEA y escuche los detalles co operate with whoever sympathized with their cause and PARA MAS INFORMES DIRIJASE LAS OFICINAS del sensacional plan de obsequios.
destroy those who opposed it.
DE LA 880 Kc. 920 Kc. onda larga LONDON. Though both ha UNITED FRUIT COMPANY ve also been badly damaged, 6165 Kc. onda corta Athens report that Berati and En los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José.
Valona are the only aerodromes BOTICA FRANCESA TELEFONO 3156 controlled at present in Alba nia by the Italians.
are means de orice de Lactomagnesia UNITED FRUIT COMPANY ció no Tad es ate Previene cólicos y fermentaciones ácidas or de del Urode de la mite erat del des Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandGermanyPresidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón GuardiaSovietSpainURSS

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