
THE ATLANTIC VOICEBACKACHE GOES when kidneys are active again!
os DeWitt KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone If you suffer frequently from backache you can be fairly VIL YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA MARCH 1st. 1941 334.
certain that Kidney Trouble is to blame. The kidneys are two MOVE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION of the hardest worked organs WIRELESS NEWS in your body. They act as the body filters preThe effort being made by the Atlantic Progressive NEW YORK. Mrs. Paola venting impurities and Association to obtain the creation of a found with which Moser is stated to have received poisons from escaping a message from Marseilles an into the blood. Weak to meet the cost of constructing a system of roadways nouncing that the French trens and sluggish kidneys throughout the Province is certainly a move in the right atientic ALSINA, which sailed cannot do this important direction. We have always, cs is widely known, urged the from that port on the 15th. Fe job properly. Not until those vital necessity of such a system; and in our leader of the bruary for Rio de Janeiro with Icidneys are active again can 25th. January we emphazied the fact, that unless a well 000 Spanish refugees, aboard, you be certain of getting relief among whom were her husband from aches and pains.
defined road building programme formed part of the reand Alcala Zamora, ex Presi That is why De Witt Kidney and suscitation plan still under consideration, any attempt to dent of the Spanish Republic, Bladder Pills are prepared especially ward an intensification of agricultural activities would had been detained at Dakkar to act directly on the kidneys. Quick relief from backache follows the first fall short of the desired result.
by order of the Vichy, govern dose for that very reason. Within 24 ment.
We reiterate this statement. The existence of such hours of your first dose, De Witt Pills get to the source of your trouble roadways would enable the vast tracts of arable lands now TEGUCIGALPA. The Legis visible proof of this direct action. the kidneys. You will have positive, are helped back to healthy activity again.
Poisons and impurities are filtered out of lying fallow to be opened up and utilized not only for addi lative Body has decided to issue Once in the kidneys, the beneficial inthe bloodstream. Your backache and tional plantings but in connection with the establishment a serie of postage stamps to gredients in De Witt Pills set to work joint pains quickly vanish.
of some of the proposed new industries. Their construction commemorate the shooting of. soothing inflammation, healing and If you suffer with backache don be restoring. At the same time, a remark content with half measures. Get at the Morazan in Costa Rica on the able internal antiseptic clears the kidneys would also materially assist our unemployed problem real cause of the trouble with De Witt 15th of September 1842. of all clogging impurities and poisonous Pills and enjoy quick relief from those work would be provided for a large number of men over a matter. In a very few days your kidneys weakening, nagging attacks.
somewhat lengthened period. New settlements and town MOSCOW It is officially ships would arise and help in expanding our commercial announced that Russia and Ruactivities; they would also provide the means for furthermania signed a commercial and maritime treaty on the 26th ing our economic welfare generally.
February As it is suggested that the revenue obtained from LONDON The Chief of the Specially for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Joint Pains and Kidney Troubles.
our Cacao exportations be utilized for the creation of the French forces in Eritrea has Obtainable everywhere. Prices 6 and 6. Start to get well TO DAY suggested Fund following on the promulgation of a law to joined the Free French Movegenerally protect the industry, similar to that being afford. ment headed by General de in North American ports from zone in order to avoid a conflict Gaulle.
the time Russia obtained con with Germany.
ed the coffee trade. we hope no unto ward circumstanWASHINGTON ces will arise to impede the matter being carried to an early The govern trol of those States.
ment of the United States has SOFIA. Authorized sources SANTIAGO DE CHILE. The and successful issue.
rejected another effort of the state that the Soviet Union has Minister of State has been diSoviet Union to secure permis notilfed all the Balkan govern rected to authorize the taking THE BALKAN UNREST sion for the sailing of the twel ments that she does not intend of a complete census of the ve Estonian, Letonian and Lito interfere in whatever happe Jews resident in Chile who are Hitler has not yet initiated belief in diplomatic and mili tuanian ships which have been nings may take place in that without employment.
bis long threatened advance a tary circles that the Nazi Dicainst Greece as the latest, ad tator is not likely to go any rices intimate that the Soviet further than a demonstration of Union has executed a change of force to frighten Greece into a front with an energetic protest. Peace Pact with his hard pressagainst a German movement by ed Fascist partner. But in this way of Bulgaria, in addition, no too he will fail as the Greeks doubt to the known preparedn are out to pursue the warfare es of and Turkey for to its bitter end with the annimeeting such a contingency. hilation of Italian aggression long with Greece. Yugoslavia This belief is further strengtheappears, in consequence as the ned by the fact that Germany region likely to be invaded, but dare not weaken her position in she too has expressed a determi Western Europe where the Brination of defending her territo tish are each day intensifying rial rights and is mobilizing. their movements and threateThere is however a growing ning a general offensive. It is expected that General Wavell BRITISH FORCES IN CONTROL OF ITALIAN COLONY will shorthy be in a position to transfer large numbers of troops to Greece to re inforce conditions in that zone.
With the recent capture of cess in the province of Gojjam The Vichy government hav Mogadiscio, the capital of Ita where the Fascists have been ing stated its intention of rejeclian Somaliland, the British compelled to evacuate several SERVICIO DE VAPORES ting Japan ultimatum in con forces are stated to have gain important positions. Units of nection with the Indo China Sia ed control of Italy largest the Royal Air force have bommese conflict, indications polnt East African Colony which barded Addis Abeba causing to a clash in that far Eastern covers an area of 270. 000 square much damage to an aerodrome Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA YORK area which would, in all proba miles. The city was taken after and various buildings in the co nescalas en PUERTO BARRIOS y HABANA: bility start the real world war.
the attacking army had march city, Convoys of troops and ed four hundred miles from artillery in the vicinity were their base in Kenya.
JAMAICA Marzo Other also bombed with heavy casual.
CHIRIQUI forces are said to have continu ties.
Marzo 15 THE GIGANTIC ARMS TRA ed to a point sixty miles beyond DE OF THE to contact the Italians who were Salidas de LIMON para NUEVA ORLEANS, endeavouring to effect a retreat.
con escalas en CRISTOBAL, TELA HABANA: Three thousand Italian sold. ITALY LOSSES IN ALBANIA The information released by iers were taken prisoners with ULUA Marzo Washington, a few days ago, the city, in addition to large Greek military circles declare TOLOA Marzo 21 discloses the gigantic porpor quantities of rifles and muni that the losses suffered by the tion the arms industry has as tion. With Mogadiscio in their Italians in Albania amcunt, so sumed in the United States of possession the British can now far, to 105. 000 men, including Alvarado Co, Sucs.
it is alleged launch another of the killed, the wounded and Agentes para LIMON y PUNTARENAS Production contracts now in fensive against Addis Abeba those taken prisoners. One hund force in connection with the in and effect a union with the other red and fifty of their war ternal defence programme and British and En los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica en San José.
Ethiopian forces planes were also destroyed and for assisting Great Britain have operating in that region. This material and equipment to the PARA MAS INFORMES DIRIJASE LAS OFICINAS reached, we are assured, the importnat victory is also said inmense value of 8, 000, 000 doenormous total of 15, 000, 000, UNITED FRUIT COMPANY to have deprived Mussolini ofllars captured.
000, which is equivalent to six direct contact with the Indian TELFFONO 3156 times the value of the automoThe prisoners now confined Ocean.
int the Greek conger ration DE LA bile industry during the entire The Ethiopians are declared camps total 20, 000 among whom year 1939.
to be meeting with much suc are 550 officers.
TÓNICO BAYER TÓNICO BAYER enriquece la sangre fortifica el organismo (BAYER his UNITED FRUIT COMPANY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    GermanyHitlerItalyMussoliniNazismSovietURSSWorld War

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