
a KLIM MILK DeWitts KIDNEY AND BLADDER PiNS KLIM HOLE MILK was We witsh to remaind rea tickets are priced at the veders of this section of our ry considerate sum of twen GIVES BEAUTY journal of the Extraordinary ty colones each, we regard Drawing which the Manarit a splendid inducement THAT COMES WITH, gement of our National Lot for those disposed to invest Watch for these symptoms. RADIANT HEALTH tery propose for Sunday the ments of this nature. Dame 8th of June proximo. The Fortune smiled on many he STABBING PAINS IN BACK First or Grand Prize has re at the time of the last big BACKACHE been fixed at One hundred drawing. she may do so PAIN IN JOINTS thousand colones and as the again. As the plan includes several other large prizes RHEUMATIC TWINGES RECENT CHANGES IN which will add to the at tractions of the drawings HRED, WORN OUT FEELING POLICE COMMANDS there is the possibility TO WRINARY IRREGULARITIES the tickets being exhausted Several changes have recently in a very short time after It surprising how much of the sales are commenced, we beauty you seek can be found in been affected among the natherefore advise all intendact directly on weak, sluggish, clogged pure, fresh milk. For milk builds tion Police Commanders.
health and the vigour and vitality kidneys. They contain valuable healing Colonel Enrique Esquivel has orders as early as they can.
ing investors to place their ingredients, and a wonderful internal that comes with it.
Nature gives certain warning of antiseptic, that pass right into the kidKlim makes it easy to have plenty been relieved of his position Kidney Trouble. Sharp, stabbing pains neys. Within 24 hours of your first of fresh milk daily. it is milk as First Commander at Punta We understand our friends in the back pain in the joints that keeps without refrigeration.
dose yon have visible proof of this direct renas and assigned to this Ci.
The important nourishing qualaction. Quickly kidneys are cleansed in the neighbouring Repub, nagging, weakening backache. You ll His ty in the same capacity.
ities the full wholesome flavour lic to the south will also be never feel really fit until weal, sluggish of clogging impurities and poisonous are retained. only the water predecessor. Colonel Victor Ma celebrating a grand draw activity again.
kidneys are restored to normal healthy accumulations. Normal healthy activity has been removed. When you re nuel Sartoressi, leaves us to be For the kidneys have a is restored. The kidneys are soon backs place the warer you have rich ing the week following ours. big job to do Every drop of blood in come Second in Command of on the job again. Aches and pains are creamy milk in its natural form.
the body must pass throngh the kidneys banished. De Witt Pills have restored Start drinking three glasses of the military force in San Jose.
there to be cleared of all impurities, your vitality and vigour because they this wholesome milk daily. see It is also noted that our forwaste matter and poisons.
have helped your kidneys to start work how much better you look and mer good citizen, Colonel Ro MOTHER DAY feel. Buy Klim today.
De Witt Kidney and Bladder Pills ing healthily again mualdo Rodriquez, goes from the Detective Bureau ao Punta CONCERT DREW LARGE renas as Second Police ComPOWDERED mander AUDIENCE WHOLE The Atlantic Voice extends a heraty welcome to the City Made especially to end the pain of Backache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, new Commander.
Scintica, Joint Pains, Urinary Disorders and all forms of Kidney Trouble.
Of the many entertainments Cötainable everrwhere. Prices 36 and 6. Start to get well TO DAY.
the LAST SUNDAY SPORTING EXERCISES held for some time by local Baptists the Mother have commanded the minds, by the Misses Nnaomi TayThe Fearless Baseball Bareelona players shewed them Concert of Monday the 12th of the audience as a result lor, Edith Johnson, Marjorie Team from Cahuita were ourselves good waders. Numerous instant par excellent of the portrayal of three of Spence and Mr. Eric Clarke special guests last Sunday. The and exciting spills were regis Many exceedingly interesting the items on the well arrang Combination came with the ho tered but Barcelona pulled scenes were presented and aed programme. Parliamen The story hinged on Eric pe, appertnly, of finding the through advantageously with companied by harmonizing tary Law. in which Roy who, as a father, travelled coils of the Motive Power burnt five goal to Jupiter four. expressions. Nature, too, McRae, as Chairman, was the road to perdition on acout, but they were badly disa. The following are the re was not altogether indif enormously taxed, mentally count of habitually indulg ppointed for the ho battery sults of the games so far play ferent for just after all were and physically, in his efforts ing in strong drink Marjo was very strongly charged for ed. May 4th. Opening Match seated in the sacred edifice to gavel a group of unwill rie, his neglected child, the encounter and rapidly crum Gimnastica vs. Mexico Junior the hanging night cloudsing young minds into the un found her way to Miss Tay bled their visitors to the tune2 goals each.
gave way to a fall of rain derstanding of parliamenta lor residence where she of seven runs against wo.
May 11th. 2nd Divisions which produced a refresh ry proceedings, was indeed sold the drinks that cheer; In keeping with the League Barcelona vs. Gimnastica. 0.
ing temperature.
humorous. Saved by his there she was charitably Fixtures the Forenoon hour of May 11th. Uuper Divisions, Child which carried a deep treated and spoke of the un nine bhought the Second Divi Barcelona vs. Jupiter, 4, Strange emotions must seated moral was portrayed happiness of her own mosions of the Barcelona and Gim ther in consequence of her nastica Iptball Teams togeWEST INDIES NATIONAL COUNCIL SEEK father conduct. The insther. These juniors displayed tructions and strong object much warmth throughout the GUARANTEES FROM BRITISH GOVT lesson received by the child engagement and exhibited from her benefactress were me well directed shots. The The Secretary of State for the forces selected for duty the means of the father sal Barcelona. however topped the the British Colonies was re on the bases be composed of vation and a return of hapscore with two goals to nil.
cently sent a petition by the troops whose seational origin piness to herself and moThe afternoon fixture featu, West Indies National Coun historical background and ther. Miss Johnson played red the upper Divisions of Bar cil of New York asking Brit racial traditions are not likely the role of Mrs. Clarke. Becelona and Jupiter, who did ish protection against Ame to render them hostile to the hold the Mother was the not experience 50 very plea: Cardui helps to relieto rican rule in the areas leased local coloured populace crowning item with Miss sant a time due to be heayy functional pains of men. as naval and air bases in the whose social practices Iris Williams filling the role fall of rain shortly before the struation; and, in cases West Indian Islands.
strikingly different from thoof Mother and Mrs. Oscar start of play wbieh made the of malnutrition, it aid The petition called atten se obtaining in the Southern McRae and Miss Taylor ground a regular quagmire.
in building up the whole tion to conditions on the Ca States and on the Canal in leading roles accompaIn fact, ona hardly believed the stem by helping womnal Zone, as an example of Zone.
nied by seven Jassies who match would have gone through en to get more energy what might happen in the The Council further point decorated the central chaunder such a condition. Howe.
from their food.
West Indies. References were ed out that by the establish racter with the seven ribveras on former wet days the also made to existing condi ment of these bases the colo bons of the rainbow colours tions in the Southern States Inies would be exposed to the The climax came with Moof America which it SUGAR SHORTAGE THREATENS was two fold jeopardy of attacks ther in pantomine, when desired should not be intro from the enemy nations of Miss Taylor again excelled So, serjous a shortage is ex the prices consumers are called duced in the British Colonies both Britain and America, in motherhood until death pected in the country sugar upon to pay. It is however un concerned. Both the British adequate provision should, sealed her remains in the output this year that. on the derstood that the government and American governments therefore, be made for the tomb. Her brother Alfonso recommendation of the Commis has ordered importations and were asked to adhere to the protections of the inhabitants played the part of her only sion specially appointed to con the first consignment is expect principles of genuine demo against naval and aerial at son and placed the memora duet Investigations, the governed shortly.
cracy and so arrange thattacks.
ble wreath on her tomb.
ment, will, it is said, be import ing the large quantity of.
50, 000 quintals to satisfy our Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back normal demands. The refinery de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: established some time ago al Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before Turrialba will. we gather, con dentro de los primeros 10 dias tribute around 30. 000 quintals the 10th of the month.
to the quantities usually obtain de cada mes ed from the several other esta Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la penn te factories, but this wont oblige us to suspend our service, a step which be de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
until around the end of the year. scarcity in Rice is also again reported, this is evidenced by the upward trend in SOCARDU)
are COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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