
All Should Co operate were this or 01 CARDUI SATURDAY, JULY 12th, 1941.
THE ATLANTIC VOICE RAGE BRITAIN AFTER THE BOMBING Col. and Mrs. Hodgson of Salvation Army The Britain that will finally to what to preserve, what to re Extended Splendid Welcome The duties of the State are emerge from the physical havoc build and what shall be cleared away.
Lively yet most impressive was accompanied by the prenecessarily assigned to indivi wrought by German bombs was the programme held in sentation of a beautiful bouquet dual functionaries, and we are mu manifestly be different To aid in decision there is honour of Colonel and Mrs. of rores to Mrs. Hodgson. Mr.
of the opinion there should at from that known and beloved all being established a National Hodgson, Territorial Coman Corniffe rendered two rich soall times be evidence of an incli by countless visitors from nation on the part every citi lands. Vest reconsiruction will Buildings Record with an adviders of the Caribbean. Central los, he wac accompanied by Me Miss zen to eccord them their co be necessary and a good deal of sory council composed of archi American Division of the Sal Mc Creath on the organ Westney maintained her repuoperation so the greal wheel it will be for the better. It an tects, historians and archaeopo vation Army, The local Mission Hall wastation with a recitation in Spato of Government may revolve ill wind that blows no good to gists. It will be their taşk unhindered for the general somebody. There are many Bricollate, index and make availa pleasingly regaled for the oc nish. As representatives of the good of all fish cities and towns which will ble a record of historically im casion on the night of Monday Philharmonic Choir, the Misses benefit by the clearance of slum portant buildings of all kinds. last, the 7th. instant. Mr. Ro Sterling and Ferguson and Quite an unusual number of area; that German frightfulness This record will provide for bert Johnston His Britan Messrs Corniffe and Mes complaints regarding our city has hastened. Rebuilding on a practicing architects, students, nic Majesty Vice Concul in sam rendered a quartette with Campbell presidwater dstribution sa em rea: new and improved scale and in artists and historians a body of this city, presided and contribu Mr Edwin ched the United Medical and accordance with a national ted a marked address of welcoing at the instrument The duets ea ily access ble information Sanitary Department, we are plan Lord Reith told the House for their future guidance. That me to the Colonel and Mrs. by the Misses Westeney and informed during recent days. of Lord recently, has been ac such an organization should be Hodgson. Others of our estee Charles and Messrs. Ber and on these being attended 10 cepted as a national policy. Recrea ed while the bombs are far med citizenry in attendance we nard and Nasmyth as also the it was, in most instances, disco location of industry ta provide ling and Britain is still in the re Col. Sanprio, Director of our solo by Miss Watson vered that the supposed defect a more healthy distrabution of throes of her great trial is one Municipal Band: don Gonza, impressively rendered. The sewas due to some one leaving a population, to maintain agricul more manifestation of the spirit o Torres, Secretary of the veral items by the Salvation Ar faucet open in a tenement hou ture in fertile areas and preser of a people hardened against suf Gobernación: The Revs. For my Band were of an outstand Ee or other place.
ve beautiful scenery, and the ffering and immune to defeat.
de and Holmes and Messrs. ing degree, particularly the se rehousing of workers in homes Pritchard, P, Muir and Jos lection entitled Cry out and As our public Offcers, particu fit to live in, at rents they can Thomas, who all added their Shout. The Scngsters Brigade larly, those attached to rea onably pay, will be the pleasurable greetings Little was another rich an ei to the very important Department are gorl.
SI UD. COMPRA HOY Miss Delfing her address which Mrs Hodgson were most impres Booth was a terch pirogramme. The Colonel and busy men, we think it would bearer with be well if all would bear in All this is good, but there is UN BILLETE DE LA sive with their re ponses.
mind that our water system is engther aspect of reconstrucFootball Encounters of not based on individual instal tion which is also not being ne LOTERIA NACIONAL lations and therefore requires Iglected. The bombog of Britain a Week Ago ALIVIO RAPIDO the turning off of faucets when has de troyed fine architecture cumple con su deber coopenot in ctual use.
and his oric buildings, some ir rando al sostenimiento de la The Football games played Del Cansancio de los Ojos replaceable all over the land. Beneficencia Pública y puede brought the League Fixtures to on our playground last Sunday In London, churches rich in ser que la suerte le depare el interesting mominents, house their 9ih. week, premio mayor de The forenoon encounter was with interiors. of great beauty and no les precious memories Cuarenta mil colones somewhat thrilling between the have been wrecked or damagsecond divisions of Barcelona ed. In the countryside, old cas o uno de los menores, que and Jupiter and resulted in the Cuando los ojos están cansados e tles and priories, medieval chur siempre llegarán a su hogar former winning with a score ches and palaces have suffered.
irritados por exceso de lectura, o en buena hora.
five goals againsi nil trabajo cuidadoso, por el viento, The higher grades of Jupiter polvo o sol use MURIVE como although in less degree. After for women who LOTERIA NACIONAL ang the war, questions will arise as Mexico Junior displayed wivio refrescunte. Bastan una o are run down and their abilities in the afternoon.
dos gotas en cada ojo para obtener Alivio seguro suffer from The play was rather exciting periodic Coming Events Among the Baptists The herd attacking and coundiscomfort ter aitacking Mexico could cnWe have the announcement that secure three goals while OJOS Sunday the 3rd of August prox their opponents emerged the vic THE RETURN OF MR ROGERS is the date slated for observing the tors with six.
Looking real robust our wi On Sunday night Mr Rogers Anniversary of the Baptist Sunconsist of the exhibition of Agridely regarded citizen, Mr. treated his audience to a digday School. The customary three Tomorrow exercises will con cultural. Industrial Rogers, returned on Friday, course on the war preparations services will be evidenced. Those nect the Junior groups of Gim Products as well as the results of a week ago, from the United Sta taking place in the United Sta at 11 a. m, and p. will her nestica and Limon Junior in the nation cultural efforts, and is tes of America where, as a spe les fand the general poltical monize with the celebration, while the morning, and the first di being launched as the most efcial delegeie, he attended the conditions of the world. It is that in the afternoon, at o clock, vi ions of Jupiter and Gimnas fective means of stimulating produc forty fourth Se sion of the se proposed to extend similar rewid comprise ar. entertaining proc tica in the afternoon.
tion and improving other engageventh Day Adventists World ports to the churches along the gramme by the youngsters.
ECUADOR GRAND Conference in San Francisco, Lines. Latin American countries California Our good citizen trip to the On the following night, the 4th have been invited to participate.
EXPOSITION Mr. Rogers is seid to have re great Northern Republic has alwe understand one of those supiens, Their exhibits will be admitted ported to his congregation that o been of much material bene did and wholesome Parties of yore The Republic of Ecuado. is renco Ecuador free of all duties, but it was the greatest gathering fit to him, as he has acquired will be held on the Church Lawn. ported to have organized a grand the cost of constructing and arhe had ever witnessed. meet greater efficiency art of it is also leamed that plans ara National Exposition which will be ranging the exhibition stands or ing of 12, 000 persons, including tailoring in the Cutting Schools underway for the annual Emanci opened to the public on the 10th. booths must be borne by the exhi619 Delegates from all parts of he attended in New York and pation Celebration in the Churcn e of August prox. The official ina bitors.
the universe. He further men Chicago.
the night of Thursday, July 31st. uguration will be on the 16th of It is to be hoped Costa Rica will tioned, we gather, that the rethe same month. The Fair is to be prominent exhibitor.
port to the Conference discloza ed marked progres in all departments of the work and that the Denomination now carries on ac ivities in eight hundred and thirty languages, 171 of tho se having been added during the last five years. The entire membership stends at 510, 591, which is a gain of 72, 432 for the same period of five years.
At the Young People gather ing during the afternoon the 5th. instant Mr. Rogers related many interesting experien ces of his travel and gave each young ter a souvenir post card.
At pm. the same day, spec tacular entertainment was held for him, rich refreshments we re served mid expressions of appreciation and thanksgiving to God for his safe return. mong the speakers were Mr Corniffe, who sponsored the pleasing function, as also Messrs Brown, Campbell of Ca Son José. BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS. Limo huita, Buchanan, Rogers Cunningham, Saunders and Dr. Franklin.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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