
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE Curiosity is one of the strongest of human emotions, and an appeal to it is often an excellent way of break ing down the aloofness which separates us from fellow beings.
our Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone VII YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA JULY 26th. 1941 353 DON ARTURO QUIROS CARRANZA THE FAR EASTERN SITUATION STOP WORRY KLIM KLIM MILK WHOLZ MILS 10 Among those who leave, vacant some months ago by According to the news ema interests in the surrounding. Costa Rica today for parts reason of the much regrettKing from Tokyo, Ger. regions The Local authorities beyond the seas is our much ed demise of don Rafael ny move against Russia are however reported tobe preesteemed fellow national Castro Quesada.
as, placed Japan in a some. pared to resist any aggressive General don Arturo Quiros what difficult position.
The act.
Carranza, who has been se The Atlantic Voice bids ABOUT BABY apanese government is said The reported movement of lected to fill the high and don Arturo God. speed. o have been of the opinion a large number of Japan responsible position of our with the sincere wish that DIET hat after securing the occu naval units southward might country Minister Plenipo his period of service in the sation of Crete Hitler would also indicate a determination tentiary before the govern diplomatic interests of his lave launched his long thre to pursue her efforts against ment of the Sister Republic native land will be most suc HERE A MILK tened invasion of the British the Dutch possessions, not of Guatemala, which fell cessfull.
THAT IS SAFEsles. His action otherwise, withstanding a reminder from as, it is claimed, materially the United States of America DEPENDABLE ffected the situation in the that under no condition will EASIER TO Far East by having thrown any interference with the WIRELESS NEWS MINISTER OF FINANCE TO DIGEST Russia on the side of the status quo be tolerated.
anti Totalitarians and inten Later cable advices indicate CONSULT CACAO PLANTERS sified the assistance the Uni. a disposition on the part of real boon to mothers with ined States is affording Greai Japan to consolidate her mi London. Britain Mifants Klim the pure milk that Britain.
litary position in French Indonister of Foreign Affairs keeps without refrigeration. It is China with or without the has notified Spain that unAnent the more recent acunadulterated and always uniform tivities in. only the water has been remov.
Under pressure, it is genel approval of the Vichy govern less she demonstrates a monection with our Cacao In ed. Special packing keeps it fresh: to Simply replaciog the water gives panese forces are being hea. basic policy of a southerly Great Britain the economic te the Minister of Finance, for use plain or in baby formula: dustry, it gratifies us to noyou as much fresh milk as you need vily concentrated in the neigh expansion with a view of assistance being afforded bourhood of the Manchurian bringing the war with China her will be suspended.
don Carlos Manuel Escalan Klim is rich milk solids, the frontier for a possible move to a close. It is anticipated te, intends to consult the important food elements that help against Siberia. Tokyo has that such a move will weaken. planters and others concern baby grow strong and healthy.
also demanded economic con her alliance with Germany.
Ask your doctor about Klim for ed regarding the plan he Moscow. Latest official cessions and bases in Indo Unconfirmed reports China from the Vichy govern from Shanghai say fighting the Russian defence has isuing dispatches announced has outlined in connection your baby.
that with the financial aid to be ment which, if granted, would has been taking place between formed a solid barrier which accorded by the governo strengthen Japan position Russian and Japanese troops has checked the Nazi offen ment and the methods to be POWDERED for any action against British on the frontier of Manchuria.
the adopted generally for WHOLE sive from Porknov to Zitobetterment of the industry. mir. Violent fighting took We hope no untoward cir place all the night of the SERBIANS REVOLT AGAINST NAZIS 23rd. in Porkhov, Polotsk, interfere with or delay this cumstance will intervene to Nevel Smolensk and Zitomir where the Nazis were present proposal.
repelled by the defensive THE SITUATION IN EUROPE Fifty thousand Serbians vere reprisals adopted by tactics of the Soviets.
dre reported to have risenthe authorities they pursue. Like their first, the Na Jout Yugoslavia and serious in arms against the Nazis in their guerrilla warfare.
zis second and more inten ly threatens the Nazi troops.
Washington. The Ad sive effort to break down in occupation.
The rebellion is said to It is also stated that ministrator of Federal Loans Russia defensive tactics Bulgaria is concentrathave started on the 28th of force of Italian and German states that the United Sta has failed so far though ing large numbers of her last month and that after troops, drawn from several tes had offered to purchase fighting of a serious nature fighting force in the viciniseveral days of sanguinary localities, were dispatched all the products Russia del still continues in various sec ty of the Turkish frontier in encounters in which many against the rebels and sires to sell in exchange for tors.
on keeping, no doubt, with Ger of the Italian and German the Italians endeavouring to whatever war equipments Moscow was subjected to its many hope of traversing soldiers killed, the retreat, they were shot by the Union may wish to ac fourth air raid last Thurs Turkish territory to gain Serbs retired to the moun the Croats on the express or quire from them.
day night bout the anti air the Caucasian regions and tains whence despite the se Iders of the German officers.
craft service is reported to create a menace against the have repelled the attacks. British petroleum interests Havana. Eliakin, The Serbian rebellion is in Iraq and Syria.
proprietor of a biscuit fac said to have spread through tory, whose name appears on the Lista Negra. has LATIN AMERICANS OFFERED SPECIAL offered to present the police with proof of the interMEDICAL TRAINING SERVICIO DE VAPORES vention of many persons in countries.
Outstanding graduates of respective The Cuba in totalitarian activities. He wishes in this form the medical schools of Latin winners of the awards are Salidas semanales de LIMON a NUEVA YORK los to America are to receive spe to be welcomed in Washing demonstrate his good sábados a las 18 horas empezando con el día 26 de faith and free him from the cial interneships in universi ton during the coming month julio de 1941 con escald en PUERTO BARRIOS y accusations which placed by hospitals and clinics, in of August by the Director LA HABANA the United States of Ameri of the Pan American Sanita him on the List.
ESTE ITINERARIO REGIRA HASTA NUEVO AVISO ca, during the current acary Bureau.
demic year, according to a recent announcement by Nel Commenting on the plan, Vapor Vichy. Japan is report son Rockefeller, co ordina Mr. Rockefeller declared: Salida ed to have renewed her guator of Commercial and Cu! It has always been the con UN VAPOR Julio rantees of respecting Fran tural Relations between the viction of those close to the 26, 1941 ce territorial rights and so American UN VAPOR Republics. Con problem of hemisphere soli Agosto 2, 1941 vereignty over Indo China ceived by a group of teadarity, that mutual profesin exchange for granting chers representing five of sional interest is a sure Salidas quincenales de LIMON NUEVA OR her the temporary occupa the leading medical schools ground for building friendLEANS los Viernes a las 17 horas con escalas en CRIS tion of military positions. of the United States, the ships.
TOBAL, TELA (o CORTES) y LA HABANA. plan will be carried out by a Doctors, Lawyers, Scienco. operative arrangement tists and other similar Washington. Minister between the Office of the groups have very much the UN VAPOR. Agosto 8, 1941 of War Stimson accuses Se Co ordinator, the Pan Ame same interests, regardless of nator Wheeler of the crime rican Sanitary Bureau and nationality or geographic lo Para más informes dirijase a la Agencia de Vapoof subversion because he the participating hospitals cation, which establish imres en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
distributed a large number and clinics. Candidates will mediate mutual understandof postcards among army be selected on a basis of reing and diminish the barrier TELEFONO 1 6 officers and men calling on comendations from depart so often erected by differen them to oppose the United ments of health and deans ces in environment and difStates entering the war. of medical schools in their ficulties of language.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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