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PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY JULY 26th. 1941 maTHE MARRIAGE OF Mr. LAVENAIRE AND Se suprime la prohibición de construir con ma introducción de los materiales para los MISS JOHNSON dera en el sector comercial de la ciudad Mumicipalidad les ha hecho La Municipalidad, com continuación, el artículo X, tos locales, se prohibe edificar gracias de parte de los impues Having apparently decid the presence of Mr. and prendiendo la necesidad de dictado por la Corporación ed that their marriage Mrs. Murdoch, Mr. and facilitar las construcciones y Municipal de Limón, en con madera en las manzanas su 17, 18, 19, 20 y 21, mitad ocshould be solemnized tran Mrs. Stanley Blake, Mr. and las reparaciones de las casas sesión VI ordinaria, celebra cidental de la 27, en todas las quilly, Mr. Louis Lavenaire Mrs. Gray, Mr. and Mrs.
and Miss Ruby Johnson we Earle; Mesdames Carne que se encuentran comprenda a las 19 y 30 horas del día 28, 29, 30, 31 y en la mitad didas en corriente: Sur de las 40, 41, y 42, las re united in the bond of holy gie, Daysley and Hillarian; de esta ciudad, y que el re Artículo El Regidor se cuales se denominarán Sec.
wedlok in the Cathedral qui the Misses Dobson, glamento de construcciones nor del Barco hace moción, ción Comercial de la ciudad te early on the morning of Mulgrave, Sterling, Bar de 1910, tenia prohibido, acor que fué aprobada, para que y de de conformidad con Friday the 18th. instant. The nes, McDermott; Messrs. do solicitar al Poder Ejecuti previos los trámites de ley, artículo 69, inciso d) de Rev. Father Hubert was the Gibbs, James, P:vo la derogatoria del artículo se derogue del reglamento co Ley No. 11 del 10 de setiem officiating Priest. This tran Booth and Jos. Thomas. The correspondiente. Por resolu rrespondiente. la disposición bre de 1925, quility was however remov. beautifully laid weddingción del 30 de junio últi que prohibe construir ed on the approach of night table was presided over by el Poder Ejecutivo derogó el dera en la zona comercial de Acuerda: El Presidente de la epública, when mirth and merry ma the last named. Mr. Gibbs citado articulo. Publicamos la ciudad. El reglamento pa Aprobar el referido acuer.
king assumed great propor and Miss Mulgrave perform la resolución en referencia ra Construcciones Urbanas en do municipal de Limón, No.
ed the cutting of the bridal porque en ella están compren Limón y sus ensanches, apro 10 de la sesión ordinaria cele, The reception was held at cake; the latter was the win didas las manzanas afectadas bado por el decreto ejecutivo brada el 19 de abril del año the residence of the happy ner. Expressions of sincerely creemos de interés para los No. de de marzo de 1910, en curso, y en consecuencia, couple and was graced with congratulations and hearty interesados.
especifica en su artículo 24: derogar el artículo 24 del regood wishes were propound No. 136. San José, 30 de Articulo 24. Siendo necesa glamento de Construciones de ed by Messrs. James, Blake, Junio de 1941.
rio para la mejora y ornato aquel lugar, aprobado por aMENS JITTERBURG Murdoch, Gibbs, Earle and Habiéndose tenido a la vista de la población y para preve cuerdo ejecutivo No. del 11 Mrs. Carnegie. Mrs. Gray el oficio No. 1142 del 24 de nir el peligro de incendios, de marzo de 1910.
SUITINGS added an enchanting song. abril último, dirigido por el fomentar la construcción de Publiquese. Calderón An appetizing supper was señor Gobernador de la Pro. edificios incombustibles y dis Guardia. El Secretario de THE LATEST AMERICAN also served. The Light Fan vincia de Limón a esta Secre minuir la de edificios de ma Estado en el Despacho de Go HITS tastic was indulged in un taría, que literalmente dicedera, para lo cual el Poder bernación. Calderón at Jack Orane Sucs. til long after the midnight Para la correspondiente. Ejecutivo ha acordado liberar Guardia.
hour. The wedding gifts we probación del Poder Ejecuti. de toda clase de derechos, la The Peoples House, Limón re many and of much value. vo, me permito transcribir a Estate of John Mi. Keith Bank pays tenth dividend The Trustee of the Estate made at the Trustee office of the John Keith Bank in San Jose between the which is being administer hours of one and two ed under the Bankruptcy from Monday to Thursday Laws of the country, has de of each week. Creditors reclared another dividend af sident here and in the near ter the rate of one per cent by surroundings will receive on the admitted claims of their payments as on pre unsecured creditors. This is vious occasions, the the tenth payment and be Branch of the National came effective as from Mon Bank which operates in this day last. Payemnts will be city.
THE CONTINUED PERSECUTION OF JEWS The Nazi authorities are in Lomsha and several hur pursuing their persecution dreds more in Ljow, Bres of the Jews in the localities lovsk, Prozemysl and other occupied by them in Russia. towns of Vilynia. 000 600 members of the un were killed in Kowel as the fortunate Race have been result of air raids prior to arrested in Byalistock, 600! the Nazi occupation.
Nuevas Aguas de TOCADOR at Agua Florida Agua de Colonia Bay Rum is ap CALIDAD MAS FINA ENVASES MAS BONITOS THE AUGUST SPIRIT BEING REVIVED BY LAWN PARTY On the expiration of buttist friends, whose Denomi one more week, we shall nation was so intimately as have been ushered into the sociated with the memora eighth month of the year ble occasion, have arranged 1941. In recollection of the for the holding of an at liberation of their forebears tractive party on the Church from slavery, peoples of co Lawn on the night of the lour, in a great majority 4th. Judging from the en have ever regarded this thusiasm being evinced 11 month of August as a period amusement circles, a rea for happy exercises; hence step. out night the knowledge that our Bap parently in the making.
REGISTRATION FOR MILITARY SERVICE The following notice to British subjects in Costa Rica has been issued by the British Legation, San José: With a view to obtaining The proposed registration full information as to the lis intended to ascertain whe general material available ther British subjects would among British communities be prepared to proceed to in foreign countries, in case the United Kingdom for Na it should eventually be de val, Military or Royal Aii cided to broaden the basis Force service, if required to of overseas recruiting, it has do so.
been decided to compile a Registration will be irres general register of male pective of age, since it is dil British subjects resident in ficult to give a satisfactory the Republic of Costa Rica definition of the term mi who are desirous of volun litary age. This Register is teering for service in the not intended to act as a de present war.
terrent to those for whom Appropriate forms for re passage money is available gistration can be obtained from private sources, and at the British Legation, San who desire to exercise their José, or at the British Vice right to proceed to the Unit Consulate, Limón whicheed Kingdom.
wat een verstis other mense, sorgenient.
PRECIOS MAS BAJOS Fábrica Nacional de Licores Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura


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