
THE REGISTRATION LAW AS IT AFFECTS CHILDREN OF ALIEN PARENTAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE les, Se SAFER un mo se aco el er KLIM icia We have been hearing diverse comments regarding the gui all important question of the status of the children born in las this country of West Indian parentage, particularly as this Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone de applies to their position under the new low demanding ReVII YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA AUGUST 2nd 1941 NO 354 lan sidential Certificates of all aliens. We see no cause for so га much apprehension or doubts the law appears quite clear Wireless News THE RUSSIAN BATTLE LINES STILL INTACT 10on the point. It provides for all males under the age of seES venteen years and all women under twenty to be included in The German offensive has sto the registration papers of their fathers, brothers or husbands LONDONDERRY. second south of Finland to the south been paralized from the Those above these ages are to individually comply with the American contingent compos of Besarabia says a Moscow INFANT FEEDING IS ion general requirements of the law.
ed of more than one hundred advice the 31st. July.
ria There seem no intelligent reason why these young perskilled and unskilled workers There is also the further re ра reached a port in the north of sons should neglect to secure their national status on arrivport that the Nazis are remiIreland recently. These bring ing at the ages of legal maturity. It is fallacious to persist organizing their units tholan the total of the Americans here ugh there is no indica in the belief that they secure Costarrican citizenship merely el to more than eight hundred tion of their preparing for. by being born here; it is absolutely essential thah they obtain Another group is expected shor a new or third offensive. WITH THIS MILK Go the prescribed constitucional acknowledgment.
In one of the more recent 10 It should also be borne in mind that not every one born encounters in the Smolensk here of parents originating from one or other of the British sector, the Germans are said ada Colonial possessions are, ipso facto, British subjects.
to have experienced one of un CONCEPCION, Chile. Five their most serious losses. by de Having regard to the present situation, we would urge persons suspected of being in the annihilation of their all who are personally affected to secure early and proper ad plicated in a fire which totally best regiment the Gran Avo, the vice in order to have their legal status definitely fixed prior destroyed the College of lemania. composed of the ria Salesiano Priests on the 27th.
to the expiration of the period allowed them by the new law.
most efficient storm troops July have been detained by the que police authorities. The suspects of Hitler fighting forces.
Three thousand men are lan were employed in the College THE ORDER OF JUAN SANTAMARIA supposed to have lost their There are two important realives. regiment of infan sons why many doctors prescribe TO The very interesting informa would be a Cross of gilt silver try, which was also destro Klim for infants.
tion has been reelased that the The inverse being of blue ena said First, it is fresh unadulterated Bee ANGORA. It has been auyed in this region, is milk that is always uniform. it Executive Power has suggested mel, in the centre of which the thoritatively reported that the to have been without bread en the creation of the Order of effigy of our national hero, Juan British are pressing the govern of three days and their tomatically makes Klim more di and hot food for a period keeps without refrigeration Secs)
ond, the powdering process au Juan Santamaria. to be confer Santamaria, appears encirled by ment of Persia (Iran) to reduce seo red on foreigners who render white der valuable services to Costa Rica guardia petals and bordered by who occupy responsible emanel surrounded by the number of German nationa clothing in a terrible condi gestible. yet the nourishing tion.
food elements and natural milk mo posiflavour are retained.
or on high ranking functiona the legend Order de Juan San tions in the present administra On the other hand the el Klim is easy to use. replace ries of friendly nations.
tamaria done in letter of gold. tion.
Russian High Command are ing the water restores the milk to The reverse carrigs the words believed to be preparing to its natural form. It is good for all The Order would consist of Republica de Costa Rica. The launch an intensive counterthe family. Buy a tin today.
ece four grades The Grand colour of the ribbon will be red offensive within the next de Cross, Knight Commander, Offi with white fringes and blue WASHINGTON Sumner fortnight by which time it cer and Knight. The insignia borders.
Welles has indicated the possibi is anticipated the Germans lity of the Latin American coun will have used up their re POWDERED tries co operating with the Uni serves. The Russian force WHOLE THE FAR EASTERN SITUATION ted States in the economic of will consist of three million fensive against Japan in keeping men fully equipped for the adie with the terms of the treaties great venture.
miót The occupation of additio Hitler with the view of re existing with those nations, mab ilal strategic positions in the lieving him of some of the French territory of Indo Chi. heavy pressure he is expee na, under a recently conclud riending directly from RusEXTRAORDINARY LOTTERY DRAWING IN SEPTEMBER que ed agreement with the Vichy sian and indirectly from the VICHY The Paris papers eguir government, has given a new United States of America by release the information proceed of previous years, the Sunti In keeping with the custom Costa Rica Day of Independen ce, the 15th. idem.
and very important phase to reason of the aid she is giving from Angora which states has the world conflict; one which ing those The special drawing will his, that the British authorities ha de Proteccion Social de la ciues may lead to an expansion of dad de San José have arrang take place on the 7th. of the Then its activities to the Far Eas. aggression. It does not, how ve offered the throne of Syrised to conduct an extraordina month, and the First or Grand Abdullah of Transever, seem as if Japan is dis to Emir Beste tern regions.
posed to take an active of Jordan despite the protests for ry drawing of the national Lot Prize will represent the sum of one hundred thousand cololues have been ordered con she is convinced of Germany lists.
All Japanese funds and va fensive against Russia until mulated by the Syrian Nationa tery in the month of Septer ber next as part of the celebra nes, with the usual increases gealed in the United States ability to obtain a victory on tions which will commemorate in the other prizes.
of America and commercial the Western front.
relations severed. This has been followed by Great Bri The Indo China territory tain, the Dutch East Indies is being rapidly converted TOKYO. communique and the British Dominions.
into an enormous military from Nanking says a military It is understood that all ex. have already been base; 25. 000 Jap soldiers conferences will take place in portations to Latin American landed Vyna, during the earlier day countries will be subjected to there as also abund 309 of this month, between Russia war guarantees that no re. explanes, while a large and Chungking for the purpose SERVICIO DE VAPORES portations will be made number of naval units have of arranging joint military ope to Japan.
reached the surrounding warations, Salidas semanales de LIMON a NUEVA YORK los British economic experts ters.
sábados a las 18 horas empezando con el día de are of the opinion that Japan agosto de 1941 con escala en PUERTO BARRIOS y will not be able to survive RUSSIA CONCLUDES IMPORTANT PACT WITH POLAND LA HABANA a complete blockade by Amer ica and Great Britain for ESTE ITINERARIO REGIRA HASTA NUEVO AVISO more than six months. Her Impelled, it is generally not only sets at liberty all financial structure must then thought by Great Britain, the polish prisoners held by crumble for lack of Russia has dealt Salida trade Germany the Soviets, but provides Vapor markets in view of the hea Sanother heavy blow. In the for the formation of a Povier expenditures demanded presence of the Britsh Pre lish army in Russia, which UN VAPOR Agosto 2, 1941 of her by her present bel mier Winston Churchill an will be under the immedia UN VAPOR Agosto 9, 1941 licose activities. The Philip Accord was executed last te command of Polish OffiDine fighting forces have Wednesday in London bycers but subject to the suSalidas quincenales de LIMON NUEVA ORa. been mobilized and every the Polish Premier, in exile, preme authority of Russia.
preparation made against LEANS los Viernes a las 17 horas con escalas en CRISWladyslaw Sikorsky and TOBAL, TELA (O CORTES) y LA HABANA.
possible attack. The difficul. the Russian Ambassador In his statement regardties with the United States van Maisky, which annulleding the Pact in the House of UN VAPOR.
Agosto 8, 1941 were aggravated by the at all the territorial changes Commons, the British Fortacking of the American gun effected in Poland as a re eign Minister UN VAPOR claimed the Agosto 22, 1941 boat Tutila by Japanese air sult of the Pact concluded agreement presaged the fu craft in the Yangtze river. between Germany and Rus ture colaboration of both na Para más informes dirijase a la Agencia de VapoThe Japanese movement, sian in the year 1939 follo tions against a common ene res en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
both southward and in the wing the country devasta my and was a valuable con north of China, is supposed tion by the Nazi aggression. tribution to the cause of the TELEFONO 1 6 to be due to the demands of The present Agreement Allied Powers.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas derivinsterio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica KLIM MILK POSUEDE WHOLE MILK no who oppose por ecoUNITED FRUIT COMPANY cul pul ne


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