
ES SORPRENDENTE EL SABOR DE CACIQUE said CACIQUE It was a pleasure for us to have had our former citizen, Mr. Egbert Rivers, with us during the last week end Mr. Rivers is employed If you suffer frequently from with the Panama Canal Labackache you can be fairly bour Agency in San Jose certain that Kidney Trouble is and was sent, we understand to biame. The kidneys are two to effect the dispatch of two of the hardest worked organs separate lots of workers con in your body. They act as the body filters pretracted in the Capital for the Canal Zone; thirty are venting impurities and to have left on Friday the poisons from escaping 25th. and 113 the following into the blood. Weak day and sluggish kidneys cannot do this important We further learn that Mr job properly. Not until those Fischer, who was Assistant kidneys are active again can Labour Agent here, is now you be certain of getting relief in charge of the recently from aches and pains.
opened office in San Salvador.
That is why De Witt Kidney and Bladder Pils are prepared especially to act directly on the kidneys Quick relief from backache Follows the first dose for this very reason within 24 hours of your first dose, De Witt SALOMON CHIN Pills get to the source of your trouble. the kidriegs. You will have positive, are helped back to healthy activity again visible proof of this direct action Poisons and impurities are filtered out ot ESTRADA Once in the kidneys, the beneficial in the bloodstream. Your backache and Eredients in De Witt Pills set to work joint pains quickly vanish. soothing inflammation healing and If you suffer with backache don be LA BERLA restoring. At the same time, a remark content with half measures, Get at the able internal antiseptic clears the kidneys real cause of the trouble with De Witt ARTICULOS DEL PAIS of all clogging impurities and poisonous Pills and enjoy quick relief from those batter. In a very few days your kidneys weakening, nagging attacks.
Fabricado por la DeWitts TABACALERA COSTARRICENSE, Abarrotes y Licores.
Specially for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Joint Pains and Kidney Troubles RECENT DEATH Obtainable cvervwhere. Prices 6 and 6. Start to get well TO DAY The report has reached u CUBA TO INCREASE TAXES MARRIAGE OF MR. ADA ITEMS OF CURRENT that Marie Norold, a former resi dent of this city, died in the VIS AND MISS CARR San Juan de Dios Hospital, Santion by the government of Havana announces the adop budget, it will not be necessary NTEREST a to retain any portion of the saJose, on the 23rd of July at banking and credit system, plus laries of public employees as re During the afternoon of Mon the advanced age of 68 years, the imposition of heavier taxes cently decreed. Is is also the day of the week in course Mr.
She entered the institution on Alfonso Davis, son of Mer and as part of a plan to solve Cuba hope of the Executive Authori Mrs Warren Davis, and Mise present economic crisis. The pro ty of the Republic that the An American Erm, domici Wilhelmina Carr daughter oted in the city of Chicago, is PERSONAL SHORTS posal awaits the sanction of the unemployment problem will be Mr. Canute Carr, were married reported to be desirous of pur.
National Congress, relieved in some measure under the civil laws of the Re The government hopes that by through the 25, 000. 000 loan chasing all the marketable publie by the Governor of the Bamboo produced in the levying of aditional this taxes secured from the Export ImLimon is having a visit from and the approval of the Province.
country. As this plant newport Bank of Washington.
grows The newly weds are widely profusely in this Zone, it would Hughena Gauntlet, who arrived a former young citizen, Hiss esteemed and execedingly popu be well if the proprietors on and lar in religious, fraternal a week ago from Jamaica to whose lands it is found get in spend a vacation with her mosocial circles. Mr. Davis is one touch with the Merchants Ex ther, relatives and friends. Mies Estate BANCO JOHN KEITH of our city barbers and his change, San Jose, through whom Gauntlet has been for the past wife is said to be a very clever the enquiry has been made.
IN BANKRUPTCY dressmaker and milliner. The three years attached to the teach religious ceremony will, we ga ing staff of the West Indian The Tenth Dividend of One Per Cent is being distributther, be celebrated at an early Training College of the Seventh ed as from the 21st. June in the Branch of the Banco date Day Adventists at MandevilleThe residence of Mrs. Mavis in that Island, after having com Nacional in this city.
Powell was regaled on Thurs pleted her educational career in AN ANNIVERSARY AND day night of last week, on the the same Institution with markJOSE CORDERO ZAMORA, Curador.
occasion of a party sponsored by ed ability. The Atlantic Voice Limon, July 1941.
LAWN PARTY her in the interest of Miss Lena wishes her a pleasant time.
Jones who left the following Tre season has again ap norning by plune on her way peared for the exercises con nected with the anniversary to Panama ARGENTINE WOULD CURB PROPAGANDA of the Baptists Sunday School The sales counter of the Peo They take place tomorrow.
ple House in this city is again In pursuance of its determi Republic freindly relations The celebration will co 02 graced with the presence of nation to curb propaganda with other governments. It dinate with the 11 a. and The campaign, whi Miss Iris Williams after an ab excesses, the government of the would also prohibit the use p. services, while a spe has taken so great a hold sence of a fortnight, on vaca Republic of Argentina nas plac of insignias, uniforms, signs and cial Young People Program the Capital and other cities of tion, in the milder clime of the ed before the National Congress photographs which incite perseme will be presented at the the interior, is making much Capital. Miss Williams is loud a project of law, which would cution of others because of nahour of three in the afternoon headway in our communityit in her praise regarding the see regulate public meetings and tionality, race and religion. The festivities on the Lawn is to be seen in many of our nery and other matters of in give stricter control to the poli special police permit would be the following night will take commercial and other business terest which she contaeted, asce authorities.
required to address meetings in the place of the accustomed places as well as on the moto also to the cordial treatment ex The law. would prohibit the aforegn language. Violations reciting and singing enter ehiclos playing around the ci tended her by a number of Li expression of ideas contrary to are to be punishable by pritainment, and at the same ti ty, much to the disgusto of monenses who now reside in national sovereignty and secu son sentences ranging from one me demonstrate the real Au. the totalitarian sympathisers San Jose, rity, or which would affect the month to one year gust festal spirit.
apparently BAPTISM SERVICE AT Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: ZENT CHURCH Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
The Baptists of Zent are arranging, we learn, to con de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not duct a Baptism Service in the Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Union Church there on Sun de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
day the 10th August. It is expected there will be eight or more candidates for the sacred rite. The Pastor, the Rev. Forde, will officiate.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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