
THE ATLANTIC VOICE As synthetic recently formed more our means со men, it was THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK del Indolence is one of the vices from which those whom upon some appetite which is quickly satiated and require it infects are seldom reformed. Other speciaes operate some concurrence of art or accident, not always readily Devoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone supplied, while the desire for ease acts easily, at all hours, ond the longer indulged the more it increases VII YEAR 361 LIMON, COSTA RICA September 27th. 1941 NAZIS USE MORE THAN 50. 000 TONS GASOLINE WIRELESS NEWS Why No Invasion of Europe by Allied Powers DAILY NEW YORK. The League of the City of New York An Italian writer estima. about 1, 500, 000 tons annua has approved a resolution Why Great Britain and the Powers associated with her tes that Germany is using lly, while Rumania supplies requesting the immediate ha not yet initiated the long mooted invasion of the Eubetween 50, 000 and 70, 000 her with 6, 000, 000 tons and entry of the United States ropean Continent is a subject which daily engages the tons of gasoline daily in the the other Balkon countries in the war. The League, a organizaattention of an increasing number of local war enthusiasts, war with Russia. He says the with 500, 000 tion, has branches in thirty who regard the present situation as most opportune for Nazis are using than production further assists seven States.
such a move. They do not condemn the High Commands 500, 000 vehicles which con with a few million tons. the OSLO. One third of concerned, but they argue that as Germany is so fully sume from 500. 000 to. writer opinion is, that des the Island of Kristiansholm, engaged with Russia, the stage is well fitted for a more 2, 200, 000 tons monthly. He pite this alarming consump near Bergen, has been destroyed by fire. Several buil decisive action toward an ultimate democratic triumph. also tells us that including tion, the Germans are not li dings in which large quanti Those who argue the question do not, however, seem all the occupied territorieh Ikely to run short of gasolinc ties of fish were stored weto give due consideration to the magnitude of the task, Germany is producing only re consumed. The cause of which not only involves so many geographical difficulties the conflagration is not yet known but is attributed to but is faced with the important fact that the enemy in the King George of Greece Addresses His People sabotage.
occupied countries have not been idle by any means, that TEHERAN. One motori they have been providing the precautionary measures for In a radio broadcast ad le East now consisting of meeting such a contingency, notwithstanding the zed, two infantry and two disasdressed to his people from two brigades, would shortly cavalry divisions of the Rus London, King George trous results of the constant raids by the Royal Air Force.
of reach one complete diviGreece declared that sian forces, stationed in the the sion. He added that while Present day warfare is of a type far different from that of Grecian Flag will continue journeying across the Atlan north of Persia, have been yore. We live in a mechanized age, hence even in sent to strengthen the meato fly on land, on the sea tie he could not help being sures being taken against belligerent activities, the outstanding feature is the motoand in the air, occupying impressed by the absolute the threatened German adrized divisions, the mechanical machines, the aircraft and its legitimate place among control which Great Britain vance toward the Caucasian the Standards which the and the United States exother devices at the disposal of the contending forces. This regions.
entire civilised world has ercise over the oceans and VICHY tremendous was fully demonstrated in France, in Greece in Crete. raised against the powers when they take into acAn invasion of the European Continent would necessiof darkness, barbarity and count the fact that the po greater part of the alcohol explosion has destroyed the despotism xate the herculean task of successfully landing at least two wers of these two nations factories of Bordeaux His Majesty stated he are being constantly aug.
million men with all their fighting requirements and get had supervised the re orga mented, they should which were being used for not ing them into action ahead of a forceful counter move by nization of the armed for entertain the slightest doubt the production of synthetic gasoline.
the enemy. Neither London nor Berlin have forgotten ces of Greece during his with respect to their victoLONDON Military cir what happened when recent stay in Egypt, and ry, which was near.
Hitler attempted his invathat the army of the Middcles express the opinion of ssion of England by maritime Germa British troops being sent to operate with the RusIl my lost between 70 000 and 80, 000 stated: Germany Air Losses in Russia sians in the defence of the le they all perished before setting foot on British soil. At petroleum wells in the Cau 20 time will the desired invasion be an easy job, but the casian regions which have According to Russia Minis, They are also said to have an annual production of time is coming, we think, whent the move might be initiat try of Publicity Germany lost suffered three million cosualthirty million tons.
led with possibilities of success. The increasing anti German eight thousand five hundred ties among their general BUDAPEST. Twenty e movements being evidenced throughout the occupied planes and more than 20. 000 forces including the killed, the thousand Serbs made an at aviators on the battle fronts wounded and the missing countries are clear indications that the way is being paved during the past three months tack on a city garrisoned by Berlin statement that the German soldiers who were. for the effort Therefore our advice to our anxious enthuilosses from June 22and.
to forced to ask re. inforcesiasts is to remain firm as the couse of democracy grows August 31st. totalled only ments from the Nazi autho edhe stronger while the totalitarians are bound to wear down. INFANT FEEDING IS seven hundred and twenty rities. Stuka planes were pa. It happened before, it will happen again.
five machines and six thou sent against the revolutiosan nine hundred aviators bet nists, but these were, in Dated yesterday, a New York advice states that it has ween the dead, the woundea turn, attacked by the loyal been reliabiy announced that Canadian troops made and the missing is described troops of the Belgrade regiRattack against the coast of France and e a ptu as totally untrue ment.
red the Commanding officers of a German Division.
WITH THIS MILK Founding of Local Shipuing Company We always give our unres laudable effort the fullest suptricted support to efforts which port for, as it is natural to supSERVICIO DE VAPORES tend to intensify our commer pose, our port of Limon will. rial interchange with the neighbe the Company regular port Souring Republic of Panama, of call, our needy province will Salidas semanales de LIÑON NUEVA YORK lence our gratification in not be given an additional source of los sábados a las 18 horas empezando con el ng the report that much revenue and an aid, incidentaidia 27 de setiembre de 1941, con escala en progress is being made in the ly, to its economic resuscitaproposal for the establishment tion. At the same time we are There are two important reaPUERTO BARRIOS y HAVANA of a local shipping company to not unmindful of the benefits sons why many doctors prescribe operate between both countries, which must accrue to the counKlim for infants.
Este itinerario rige hasta nuevo aviso We sincerely hope both try generally from the opera. First, it is fresh unadulterated governments will accord the tion of such a shipping Line. milk that is always uniform. it UN VAPOR Setiembre 27, 1941 keeps without refrigeration. Sec. UN VAPOR ond, the powdering process auOctubre 4, 1941 DARDANELLES CLOSED TO ALL WAR SHIPS tomatically makes Klím more digestible. yet the nourishing Salidas quincenales de LIMON NUEVA radio broadcast from ly has been refused.
focd elements and natural milk flavour are retained.
ORLEANS los VIERNES a las 17 horas con esArgora, said to be official, It was further pointed nnounces that the Turkish out that the mere change of ing the water restores the milk to Klim is easy to use. replac cala en CRISTOBAL TELA (o Cortés) y la Savernment has decided flags did not justify permis its natural form. It is good for all Habana: that none of the war units sion being accorded the the family. Buy a tin today.
of the belligerent nations ships of the belligerent naUN VAPOR will, under any pretext, be tions as it would then Octubre 3, 1941 be llowed to traverse the Dar an easy matter to give pasOctubre 17, 1941 lanelles.
sage to the British fleet unPOWDERED This indicates that Bul der the pretext of a sale.
WHOLE Para más informes dirijase a la Agencia de faria request for permis Much speculation is afloat ion to transfer to the Black as to the attitude Germany Vapores en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica.
jea the ships of war she will, under the circumstanTELEFONO 3156 ecently obtained from Ita ces, adoptimento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacionai viguel Obregon tizano del sistemariveciona ara an SAFER UNITED FRUIT COMPANY des, KLIM KLIM UN VAPOR MILK rake HOLZ KICS 110 de Cultura Wuvent


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