p. 8


tre read lucl rio inst past ext ción ciati PRUEBE SU SUERTE JUGANDO LA LOTERIA SIDELIGHTS OF THE WAR Black List Cause Change of Attitudes in Lati LOTERIA NACIONAL America His Majesty King Peter Cada dos semanas ticne usted nuevas oportunidades of Yugoslavia has vowed (Conclusión)
plant in the Colomdian art que pueden convertirse en realidades, si usted obtiene never to dance again until Nazi sympathizers prepar uno de ols muchos premios que ofrece el magnifico his country is freed from considerable number of tory to a revolt, was plan de la the Nazi yoke. He mentio government officials in Latin discovered. Subversive Na des LOTERIA NACIONAL ned this determination in America were also either in activities were also reveale declining an invitation to a different to or took a tolerant in Argentine and Chile.
la verdadera esperanza del pueblo.
dance at the Officers Club attitude toward the propagan All these activities ste of his country Air Force da and other activities of the back to the groups and ind AN ATTRACTIVE MARRIAGE CEREMONY in London.
Nazis. They were inclined to viduals who have been fi pretend that these did not nanced, largely by sales, On Wednesday morning last, Bride sister, was the Chief Moscow releases the in exist and to attribute to san American goods in Latin An the Methodist Church furnish Maid of Honour. She was formation that in the sout sationalism the reports of rica. The Black List ed the magnificent setting for exquisitely attire dand car hern and western sectors of American newspaper corres hits directly and effectively the marriage of Miss Olgaried a lovely bouquet of the Leningrado battle front pondents. These officials have them and their Latin Arng No Fennell, second daughter of choice tropical beauties. the German forces have lost now had proofs which they can collaborators Mr. and Mrs. Fennell, Gonzalo de Taylor efficiently one hundred thousand men can no longer ignore. Threats One of the complait to Mr. Roel Johnson, son of filled th erole of Bestman. as also 400 tanks, 846 pla have been made by Nazis against the List is that Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, The In the evening of the same nes and two hundred can against the lives of President is not complete; while it Pastor of the Church, the day a splendid reception was non.
Arroyo del Rio of Ecuador pointed out that it contains Rev. Holmes, impressively held at the residence of the and President Rafael Angel the names of firms not tied the Lover Knot. newly weds. The refreshment Rudolf Hess is siated to Calderon Guardia of Costa Ri the British List. and willa The Bride was given away table presented a photogra have twice attempted hun ca. plot to overthrow the whom the British have betico by her uncle, Mr. Kerr, of phic scene with its adornment ger strikes in protst of his government of Bolivia and doing business. Speculati dir San Jose. She wore a gown and flourishing dainties. After detention as a prisoner of install a Nazi sympathizer has arisen as to whether que of one seam flare designed the Grace was delivered by war and not as a Special En was uncovered and blocked tish firms which continue with an octagonal fall, the the Rev. Mr. Holmes, voy.
Another plot, designed to im do business with Ameril fran materail being of rich import Taylor introduced Mr. Jos. black listed firms will num ed grade. Her half face veil. Thomas as Master of Cere two feet at the former place.
also be placed on the Amebace mony.
can Black List.
The Black List has nat tona beautiful bouquet of white extended Mr. and Mrs. John It is feared that four fishing rally produced some incolma miniature orchids, asparagus son. The presents were numer vessels, which hailed from LIVER BILE venience and caused some leche and valley lilies.
ous and of special selections. Grand Cayman, a dependency Without Calomel. And You ll Jump Out tin Americans, working Pe Miss Pearl Fennell, the of Jamaica, have sunk with of Bed Fall of Vim and Vigour.
black listed firms, losing the impo their crews who numbered Your liver should pour out two pinta of employment. Nazis have tri yaq around one hundred men. At liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bile La not flowing freely your food doesn disest.
to use these DISASTROUS HURRICANE HITS HONDURAS AND inconveniend dusti the special request of the It just decays in the bowel, Gas bloat up propaganda against trend your stommeh. You get constipated. Your NICARAGUA Governor of Jamaica the Ta whole watem te poisoned and you feel sour, United States Adjustmernim ca Company have dispatchsunk and the world looks punk mere bowel movement doesn get at will be necessary, but Amet see large number of lives and Nicaragua last Sunday. ed a number of their planes Ligue Liver Pils to test than two pinta of the famous Carter can goods will continue to Vecin have been lost and serious The districts of Cape Gra in a effort to locate the mis bile dowing freely and make you feel op sold, as, virtually, they are pens material damage effected by cias a Dios and Curta are sing boats, as nothing and up. Harmler, gentle, yet amazing in has making bile tow freely. Look for the name only goods available. The del the terrible hurricane which reported destroyed, the water been heard of or from them Cartera Little Liver Pil on the red pack. ly eventual difference will bit the coasts of Honduras reaching a height of twenty since the disaster.
that the sales will go to Nicar tin and North Americans a nuest will no longer be used agair Ing their interests.
caro Mr.
lera coronet, harmonized with her sions of congratulations were fered th eloss of several boats. WAKE UP YOUR as anything Price nacas recor como Hitler Takes Late Kaiser Castle hacer Hitler has chosen the Kaiser Wilhem castle at Pos for his private residence, la cently in Berlin.
The decree orders that Ela castle, which was construct between the years 1905 1910 at the Kaiser comma be remodeled to accord wil Hay the plans of the Reich for improvement of Posen.
An edifice will be known as да German Castle of Posen mon will contain the offices of Provincial Governor as well rooms for official visitors.
putad The Governor has announe a competition for a mar frieze in the castle Rou didat Room litico traba David cisco tenen dub MENS JITTERBURG SUITINGS THE LATEST AMERICAN HITS at Jack Orane Sucs.
ΕΙ mos na de líticos una puesta de te Se nemo objets Serviç PRESENTAMOS: Where Co respomdem Are Not Needed La Casita Campesina Modelo, y El Licor Nacional MODELO. el Chirque ANIS IMPERIAL el gran Producto de la Fábrica Nacional elaborado con plantas y frutos de varias partes del mundo, como Anis de la China, Almendras de Ca.
lifornia, Iris Florentino, Cacao de Costa Rica, etc.
Too much talking de carril part of a wife is one of Denga legal reasons for a diya porc being permitted in while among the Moors Re a wife does not become ti Co mother of a male child stico may be divorced with the tiene proval of the tribe. divo is effeeted in Cochin China del on the parties desiring sam breaking a pair of chopsticksha in the presence of witnesse nidade Es indiscutiblemente el licor fino modelo superior en todo sentido.
trocar Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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