p. 8


United Fruit Said WAR BRIEFS Six. y North American mechanical engineeres are reported to be assisting the British in the manipulation of the recently in vented aparatus called the radio locatization, which is being used in England against the night raids of the enemy force.
SUAVE al paladar, como la seda al tacto.
The belief is said to exis in Bogota that the Unite Fruit Company contemplat abandoning their activitier in the Santa Marta Division of the Republic of Colombia The rumour was somewhs strengthened by the repor ed dismissal recently of number of employees in the Seville sector.
air As the result of the widespread anti Nazi activities, Yugoslavia monthly output of coal has dropped from 125 thousand tons to less than fifteen thousand.
Tabocos de hoja delgado, cuidadosamente cultivados, y sometidos a un procedimiento de altas temperaturas, producen un cigarrillo de sabor como 1, 914 air planes were cons tructed in the factorics of the United States of America during the past month. The total for the nine months of the year is given as 12, 651 machines.
INDIGESTION IRAZU doesn live here any more Take Carter Little Liver Pin before after men and get relief. Pree: The Japanese are now emiploying, it is said, toxic gases in their war against the Chiifese.
The Largest of Mams mals be Leaving Santa Marta RAZU As a symbol of victory by the Russians, the letter is be.
ing used by the Communists in their propaganda activities in Switzerland LA OPORTUNIDAD CIGARRILLOS The Whale, the largest of all mammals, eats, we are informed, something like te tons of food at each meal.
large one wil weigh around one hundred tons and meas.
re about eighty feet in lengt?
Though not of the piscine family, the whale took to the waters during the dim pas for some reason still un nown.
Believe it or not. a full grown elephant, weighing round five tons, can wa about inside a whale. Cuanto más pequeña sea una criatura, tanto más seguro y fácil sera poder modificar su indole y embellecer su alma. me.
dida que el niño crece pierde aquela limpidez, aquella exquisita sensibilidad para recoger las impre.
siones. Es inútil declamar contra los males humanos fuera de oportupnidad: la oportunidad para corregirlos está en el niño, y tanto más aparente cuanto más pe.
queoño es. Del libro La Educación del Hi.
jo. por Constancio Vigil, que tan elogiosos comentarios ha merecido de los grandes diarios argentinos)
Her said PANAMA Rear Admiral CANADA WAR ACTIVITIES SOME ADDITIONAL WAR CASUALTIES Hadier has stated that a number Under date the 5th. instant, Mos. also admits the loss of one hundred of North American Cruiser For the third time in the space best trained airmen in the world Cow and Bucharest released of and twenty planes against 553 the have established permanent ba.
of forty years Canada has become In the matter of war industry, ficial statements regarding their Soviets ses in this Zone, engaged, alongside Britain, in a Canada bas also expanded won respective losses, in man power and fight for freedom; and in striving derfully. She is turning out more material for the period of the war.
at this time, to further the la explosives this year than she proMoscow admitted the deaths of borious efforts of the Empire, her duced during the entire period of 230, 000 men, the woundings of.
COMPRO CUALQUIER CANTIDAD DE cleven and a half million inhabi. the last war. One hundred and 720000 and the disappearance of.
tants have registered expansions in twenty thousand of her army trucks 178. 000. an aggregate of 1, 128, 000 HIERRO PARA TECHO QUE SE her fighting services at a pace un and lorries are already in service, against a gross total of 3, 000, 000 by paralleled in the history of he while, starting almost at zero, her the Germans. In material, the RusME OFREZCA.
Dominion factories have produced more than sian losses are given as 8, 900 can.
At the outbreak of the war hec 1, 500 aircraft and are now turning non, 5, 316 air planes and 00)
Navy mustered only thirteen ships out air frames for all types after tanks, while those of the Nazis are Almacén Tomás Fernández and a complement of 3, 600 officers the rate of forty per week.
be 13, cannon, 000 and men.
These now total more ship yards, at the beginning of the planes and 11, 000 tanks.
than 250 ships and 22, 000 men, war, employed only 1, 500 workmen, Rumania efforts against SAN JOSE the More than one hundred thousand today they are using 20. 000. Her Soviet Union are said to have cost of the Dominion land forces are new shipbuilding programme is her, up to the date of the announce carrying out important defence expected to produce 1, 000, 000 tous ment, 20, 000 killed, 76. 000 wounded duties in England. Her air force is of cargo shipping in 1942.
and 15. 000 missing. a total of now more than twelve times as During the past year Canada 111, 000 as against tha Russians large as it was when the war start transported 21, 000 000 tons of cargo alleged 230, 000 all told.
Aircraft Rumania ed.
to England in 3, 500 ships. The The Chairman of Aero during the first severi One of the Dominion more spec quantity, this year, will be much UNTUZ nautic Commerce, New York months of the present year.
tacular contributions to the Emp greater. Nearly fifty per cent of has released the informa. For military reasons no fur ire air strangth is the output of the Dominion national income is the United States, and so firm is she tion that war planes, mother particulars were given the British Commowealth Air Train being devoted to war efforts. Dur financially that she pays cash for tors and other aircraft equip regarding the deliveries ing Plan. Conceived in 1939, thising the first three months of the everything she buys for herseltment to the value of. than that they comprised great three year scheme is said to present year she provided Britain She is not making use of the faci 284. 000. 000 dollars have more than 000 pursuit be well on the way toward the goal with more than five hundred mil lities available under the Lease been delivered to England planes and 2, 000 bombers.
of annually producing 50, 000 of the lion dollars to aid purchases from Lend Law.
and her associated Powers Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. Supply Allied Powers with More than 10, 000


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