p. 8


PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18th. 1941 WITH THE ANGLICANS Tomorrow, the 19th, the annual Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be observed in the St Mark Church. Concert, in which the children of the Sun.
ray School and the members of the Church Choir will participa te, will take place on the nigh following BASKETBALLERS ACHIEVE FIRST SUCCESS Continuing their participatinn in the San Jose Basketball League Fixtures, the Girls of the Pathfinder Team made the trip to San Jose a week ago, last Thursday. Where, on the following night, they met and defeated the Tres Rios combination with a score of twentyeight points against five.
This is the first victory our Representatives have obtained in their four League engage menst. Our congratulations to Messrs. Dixon, Barton and the Teams personnel.
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Your liver should pour out two pint of liquid blle into your bowels daily. If this bile La Casita Campesina Modelo, is not flowing freely, your food doesn disrest.
It just decays in the bowels, Gas bloats up your stomach. You get constipated. Your El Licor Nacional MODELO. el whole system is poisoned and you feel sour.
suak and the world looks punk mere bowel movement doesn wet at the cause. It takes those famous Carter Little Liver Pills to get these two pints of ANIS IMPERIAL bile flowing freely and make you feel up and up. Hamlers, gentle, yet amazing in minking bllo flow freely. Look for the name el gran Producto de la Fábrica Nacional elaborado con plantas y frutos Carter Little Liver Pills on the red pack.
mo. Reture anything else Price: 00 de varias partes del mundo, como Anís de la China, Almendras de Ca.
lifornia. Iris Florentino, Cacao de Costa Rica, etc. COMMENDABLE EFFORT Es indiscutiblemente el licor fino modelo superior en todo sentido.
In a somewhat secluded spot in this city a very commendable effort is being conducted by Mr. Sydney Beckford, one of our relatively BAPTISTS TO STAGE SIDELIGHTS OF THE WAR young citizens, without the LOCAL SPORT EVENTS ON COLUMBUS DAY slightest pomp or selfishness.
ENTERTAINMENT The remainder of the Eth Under his careful tuition, as The sporting events on named effecting two consepian refugess who accompa apprentices, some twelve or Columbus Day included Bas cutive cagings, while the ed the Negus to Jerusalem 11.
more lads are being trained ket and Foot Ball Exercises. latter missed some well inin the art of cabinet making.
At a. a keenly contentioned shots. Ophilia AThe adherents of the Bap 1936 are arranging to retuss This will, unboudtedly, fit tested Basketball game took mador, the back to Addis Ababa. They numer tist Denomination are prepadefence, them for positions of much place on the Court at the was also marvellous. Atlan ring to stage an entertain about forty persons several the usefulness in the years Cop!
to Boys school between the tic led the first stage of ment, in the local church on ing members of Clergy come. Would that we had a feminine teams of the Atlan the game with four points the night of the 25 rd. instant, 1b few more such enterprises tic and Cacique. Play against three. In the closing based on the history of the as also that of Mr. Thompson was initiated by the Direc the leaders completely gai twelve sons of Jacob of Isthe machinest. May the lads tor of the Institute throwing ned the upper. hand The majority of 2, 000 Ching and rael.
diligently apply themselves the first ball. Starting at a added fourteen points whi Hardly any of those among soldiers stationed in the vi to all they are being taught very lively pace, some admile. Cacique made an in us who are familiar with the nity of Ichang are said to ha so they may become worthyrable passings and shuflings crease of ten. The finals sho narratives associated with been killed by the effects of members of our community were observed. May Gayle wed Atlantie with eigh those Sons, the originators of bombs dropped on them frd and Mrs. Jestina Lawrence teen against thirteen points. the twelve Tribes of Israel thirty six Japanese planes.
showed themselves very will not, we believe, be glad good markers for the Atlan Football Engagements of the oportunity of hearing large number of the Il MENS JITTERBURG tic. The former also dethem repeated. The Casts lians and Germans captured monstrated a very we good Our Footballers were com have been well chosen, the Allied Powers have be hand at cagint. Gradually, pletely outclassed in their learn, and are brim ful of sent to Australia. Many are the scriptural records. capa mere youths, it is said.
SUITINGS the Five developed sensa two encounters.
tional manoeuvrings. Caci Gimnastica was the city audience is anticipated, que then steamed up and first to be given the Olga Leon and Lena Rivers punch by Turrialba: the THE LATEST AMERICAN challenged their opponents. scores being goals in honour of Lic. don Fransed between Jupiter and.
HITS They both topped the list against nil.
cisco Fonseca and his muchniversitario of San Jose, at Jack Orane Sucs.
for rapid passings; the first forceful match, played esteemed wife was witnes visitors made three goals the first half, the homeste AND CANADA FACILITATE TRANSIT OF SOLDIERS were shut out. Shortly aft COMPRO CUALQUIER CANTIDAD DE the start of the second paf Jupiter earned a single, an An agreement is said to to the United States will, it HIERRO PARA TECHO QUE SE San Jose added anoth have been reached between is stated, need a finger print On a penalty being giv the government of the United border crossing card for a ed States and Canadá which stay of not more than twenty ME OFREZCA.
against the guest team, Jackson effected the go permits soldiers, in and out nine days and a passport At the call of time the vie of uniform, crossing the bord with a United States visa for ting er from one country to the a longer period. American four goals other under the same regu soldiers will be permitted inthe homesters. Impressive lations that govern the passit to Canada on production of congratulating the winner ge of civilian nationals. such documents which SAN JOSE pmdon Francisco presente Canadian soldiers going perly establish their identity.
WRITLIDITAWARA them with a beautiful bal Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. CE br Ik ch bi er two ca ੧੫ Almacén Tomás Fernández fone side, were found wi


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