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BACKACHE GOES when kidneys are active again!
were waDe Witts KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills SATURDAY, 13th. December 1941 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA OSTA RICA AT WAR TOO WITH GERMANY Archbishop of Anglican AND JAPAN Diocese On Visit Anglicans and their well wi.
An reply to the Berlin and those of Japan the nationals e.
shers were greatly delighted as ome declarations, Costa of these two countries will arrival, a consequence of the ed jea yesterday announced a be subjected to special milisthe yesterday, cf His Grace bite of war against Germa tary vigilance and forbidden Archbishop of the West Indies, backache you can be fairly If you suffer frequently from and Italy In addition to to freely move about the the Rt. Rev. E, Dunn. certain that Kidney Trouble is country His Grace has gone on to to blame. The kidneys are two of the hardest worked organs San Jose and is expected to re in your body. They act Japanese Ship Takes Refuge in Costa Rica turn here on Tuesday next as the body filters preThe ship Alert o! Japa the crew was placed under when it is understod a very venting impurities and Inese registry entered Costa arrest by the local authori warm reception will be tender poisons from escaping Rican waters last afternoon ties. They were expected ed him in the Parish Hall. The into the blood. Weak and sluggish kidneys Wrigley of the cannot do this important in consequence of being purto be taken on to San Jose Rev.
sued by American bombing last night.
Church ofthe Good Shepherd job properly. Not until those Solares. She took refuge in The Alert is said to be in San Jose and the Rev. Eidneys are active again can you be certain of getting relief the locality known as Calde of small tonnage and engaged Cooper of Almirante from aches and pains.
here to meet the Archbishop. That is why De Witt kidney and a near Puntarenas where in the fishing trade.
The latter came by plane. Bladder Pills are prepared especially to act directly on the kidneys. Quick relief from backache follows the first AN EXPLANATION United States to Build dose for that sery reason. Within 24 of first. Due to difficulties arising with the linotype machine Docks etc. in Red Sea Pils get to the source of your trouble the kidneys. You will have positive, are helped back to healthy activity again ngaged on our work, we were forced to hold over several Area risible proof of this direct action.
Poisons and impurities are filtered out of Oace in the kidneys, the beneficina in the bloodstream. Your backache and of our articles, among which was, very unfortunately that regarding last Tuesday night concert in the Baptist church. According to Washington, gredients in De Witt Pills set to work joint pains quickly vanish. soothing inflammation, healing and If you suffer with backache don be content with half measures.
They will all appear preparations are under way restoring. At the same time, a remarkGet at the in our next.
by the Lend Lease Adminis able internal antiseptic clears the kidneys real cause of the trouble with De Witt tration to effect extensive of all clogging impurities and poisonous Pills and enjoy quick relief from those matter. In a very few days your kidneys weakening, nagging attacks.
COMPRO CUALQUIER CANTIDAD DE constructions of docks, rehouses, railways, sidings, HIERRO PARA TECHO QUE SE and airplane landing facilities in the area of the Red Sea. The work will be unME OFREZCA.
der the direction of the Uni ted States Military Mission Specially for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Joint Pains and Kidney Troubles in the Middle East. Extensi Obtainable everywhere. Prices 36 and 6. Start to get well TO DAY Almacén Tomás Fernández ve improvements are also to be carried out in the termiSAN JOSE nal facilities at Basra in Iraq PARIS AND BORDEAUX PENALIZED FOR and at Gurdarsaan in Iran.
TERRORIST ACTS These improvements are for the purpose of expedting the aid to The City of Paris was fined the capture of the party who British in terests in those re a million francs a few weeks had killed a German officer gions as well as the shipments ago by the German authorities It was thought the Nazis we to the Soviet Union.
as a result of the bombing of re resorting to the infliction, of a Nazi restaurant. The bombing fines generally, in lieu of the An Offer and Threat is said to have occurred after shooting of hostages as a punish an announcement that the pla ment for terrorist activities, Nairobi releases the inforce had been requisitioned by Until suspended during the latmation that the Governor of the German authorities. Bor ters days of October 188 the French colony of Somali deaux was also ordered to pay Frenchmen were executed by land has offered, with the ap a fine of 10. 000 francs pending Nazi firing squads, proval of the Colonial Minister, to place the port of Djibouti and the railway at the BASKET BALL ENCOUNTERS disposition of the British fot Delighful were the two ditably they accomplished the the transportation of medical Basketball encounters presen brave deed and won the constores and foodstuffs to Ethio ted last Sunday afternoon on flict.
pia, as also for the evacuation the Cubs Court, The tabulated scores were of the civil Italians yet in oc The amusement was fur Junior: twenty one points, cupation in return for the nished, first by the masuline of which fourteen were by lifting of the blockade in divisions of the Juniors nad field caging and seven by force against the colony. Pathfinders and then by the foul penalty. Pathfinder: Should the offer be rejected feminine sections of the Cubs eighteen points. twelve by Miembros de la misión mi Members ofthe Soviet mi and the colony be compelled andPathfinders The Boys shots and six by foul penalty Altar Soviética inspeccionan litary mission inspect some of to surrender on account of were in the pink of shape. Messrs. Johnson and a las baterias antiaéreas de London anti airscraft batte hunger, it was said, the autho At the start Dixon, Bar Smith were the officials.
Londres. Un precioso rega ries. nice present for Gerrities would first destroy the ton, Jolly and Williams lo para Alemania. comentó many. one of the port and railway.
The scene was completely Russian represented the Pathfinders, It might be of interest to while the Battery of the Ju changed when the feminine el oficial ruso al apreciar el officers commented he mention, at this time, that niors consisted of Clifford, sections of the Cubs and Path peso de una de las granadas tested the weight of an inti the British High Command Alfonso and Vernon Taylor, finders went into action. The anitaéreas.
aircraft shell.
have decided to withdraw Osmond Evans, Perey Browle former were effectively outtheir forces from Ethiopia just and Noel Lord. Though at classed. At no time were the as soon as the evacuation of such a disadvantage. nume Pathfinders in danger, and CANAL ZONE TO INITIATE RUBBER SAVING the civil Italiaris has been rically the Pathfinders fought sweeping everything before ACTIVITIES completely effected.
on thought is was obvious them, the girls accumulated apart from this, that the Ju thirty one points against the With a view of conserv. carcass is in good condiniors had the better of the small total of seven by their ing Rubber, in co operation, adds, it is estimated game. They effected more opponents. Messrs. Brown tion with the national de from 10, 000 to 15. 000 miefficient caging, attacking and Smith were the Umfence Programme, the Mo les to its life. The tires of and counter attacking, which pires.
earned themeleven tor Transportation Division all standard brands and sipoints against eight for the first of the Canal Zone have de zes will be treated. The pro half play cided to install a complete cess consists, we understand Sinclair augmented the SALOMON CHIN equipment for the retrea of removing the existing rub Besides easing fanctional Pathfinders on the resumpding of tires and the mak ber from the careass, apply pains of menstruation, Cardai aids in building up the tion, and the game went into ESTRADA ing of sectional repairs. ing a strip of new material whole system by helping This service will, it is stated and molding the trend unhigh gear with the Juniors women to get more energy being repeatedly penalized.
LA IBERIA represent a considerable filder heat and pressure.
and strength One after the other the mem nancial saving to the Pana If considered feasible, from their touds bers of the team were benAbarrates y Licores.
ma Canal undertaking as a rubber salvaged from the ched, for obstructions beyond very large pereente e of retreated tires will be sent For Wonter SARTICULOS DEL PAIS the prescribed regulations the tires formerly discared to the United tates for use until only Clifford and Ver will be retreated. The re in other forms of manufac Precios ECONOMICES non Taylor were left to con treading of tire, when its Iture tinue the struggle. Very creas Cardui (141 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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