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As each Christmas comeste He brought to earth. We The birth of the Lord Jesus, Wednesday, 24th 11. 30 Midnight Mass.
around, wherever we happen should not be discouraged as as recordered by St Luke, is Thursday, 25th. a. Lodge Service, a. to be, the same spirit of re through an abiding Faith wela familiar story. This wnoder Holy Communion, joicong exists and even mia can triumph over the emba ful story describing the great Friday, 26th. St. Stephen Day.
the present waring atmospherrassments which seem un event the hym of praise sung Holy Communion.
Te, which causes such sufering surmountable.
by the heavenly choir, the Saturday, 27th. St. John the Evangelist)
and gives rise to so much dif In Christ is found the wav proclamation of His birth by a. Holy Communion.
ficulties, we are prepared to to unity between God and the angels to the shepheres Sunday, 28th. Innocents Day. a. Holy again join the Angelie Refra man es also between all na: in the field above the hills Communions, a. Sung Mass; p.
in. Glory to God in the tions. In Christ are all racial of Bethlehem may all be re Evensong.
Highest. Peace on earth Good differences dissolved and all peated and pondered over by Monday, 29th. p. Sunday School Party.
Will to mem. This sweet spiritual essentials met; and u sat this Christmastide. The Wednehday, 31st. a. Holy Communion; 11. 30 strain still reverberates thro those who foil for the brin story, although old, is perenp. Watchnight Service.
ughout the Christian world ging of His kingdom are ma nially fresh as a new dawn Thursday, January 1st. Circumcision of Christ.
as myriads of people mingle king the finest contribution and sunrise New Year Day. a. Holy Communion.
in the celebration of the day to the perfecting of man and of Christ Birth the world. The man or wo Centuries before Christ Closing Programme by Sacred Heart School Though it is true we are ex man who is to be, the world was born. His birth as the périencing economic suffer that is to be depend on Christ Virgin Son was heralded by 12th. instant the Sacred Heart presented marked On the night of Friday the items was praiseworthy and ings, there is the consolation Jesus whose birth we celeevidence that our difficulties can be brate with so much feeling of and unmistakable language: ted under the guidance the Prophet Isaiah in plain Day School, which is opera of much care in the prepa of ration of the youthful minds.
overcome if we would only Good Will to all Unto us a child is born, unto the Cathedral Parish, gave a Several of the pupils were fully entrust ourselves to the Mrs. Lynch joins me in ex us a Son is given. the eter very good programme in con the recipients of prizes which care of the Redeemer of man tending good wishes for anal Son of the Father. Who nection with the closing of His Lordship distributed with kind, who came to succor ali happy Christmastide and became flesh and tabernacled the school year 1941 people if they but freely sub New Year of Contentment, The the complement of an excee.
among us. Hence His perfect attendance was overwhelm. dingly impressive address, mit their aftltetions to Him Joy and Peace humanity an true deity.
and thereby obtain the Pea God bless you much.
ing His Lordship Bishop Od endahl an dthe Rev. Fathers The ATLANTIC VOICE This surely is good tidings graced the occasion with wishes Teachers and Children JEWS SUBJECT TO MORE DEATH PENALTIES of great joy. But what are their presence.
a happy joyous Christmas According an official anvouring to prejudice the we to think of the words The rendering of all the and a most successful 1942.
nouncement from Berlin all prestige of the Reich and contained in the song sung Jews in the Polish territories its well being, for violen by that immense heavenly CACAO GATHERERS DESIRE HIGHER PAY occupied by the Nazis will ce against German officials choir who sang: Glory to be subiect to the penalty troops police forces and ot God in the highest and on The Editor of the labouring class.
of death if found guilty of her Nazi organizations Dear Sir acts of violence against The tide has now changed.
earth peace. How must we a for damaging the property German Cacao for insulting or of Germans. for disobe interpret the words on earth Please afford me space in the market price of to has advanced so all owhers anti Nazi activities. for ying official orders and for peace in a sincursed world your journal to express removing or damaging of the illegal possession of ar drenched with human blood the authorities of the United of cultivations should be in a fic notices for endeams munition or other war at this tragic Christmas?
Fruit Company the general better position to more amply material unrest existing among their remunerate their reapers Our Lord himself said: Cacao reapers due to the very Many have done so. All arA PLEASING PROGRAMME low price being paid fo the ound this vicinits smaall plan Think not that am come to work tation owners pay two coloNo life is worth living from Johnson, Stewart, Cal send peace, but a sword. His In the earlier period of the nes per box of thesame capa which some enjoyment is not der and Gourzong. Very teachings enunciated in the year one colon and seventy city as those usexi by the Com derived hence the value of harmonious was the duet by Sermon on the Mount are re five centimos was paid perpany for reaping the measure accessible to tho the Misses Millicent Cyrus sisted, because thay are at box of about thirty two kilos To bring about better satis Be who attended the concert and Delrita Stewart of Ger strife with the ideology of wet. Though this was small, faction among reapers and to presented in the Baptist mania. With Mrs. Mc unregenerate man; therefore there was no protest. Due to afford their having some in Church on the night of the Rae at the organ. Miss peace cannot ensue. It is not the fact that the price of the terest in the reaping, it would 9th. instant. It was a most Joltson earned much com of this age peace on eartb product fell very low, the be well if the Company augenjoyable function and those mendation for her solo. An establised among the nations. Company was forced to lowerment the present rate of pay.
responsible for the effort are elocutionary effort by Miss What is now assured us is the price for reaping to one We take this medium of solito be highly congratulated. Stewart was well receive an individual peace in this colon and fifty five centimos. citing a more generous treat As it was promulgated solely ed.
dark world of sin This was very disadvantage ment.
for the purpose of aumenting The charm of the vocal art ous to reapers yet we were much Thanking you very the funds being raised in the was made manifiest in the We may rejoice in Christ forced to bear with the Com Mr. Editor interests of some of the ne quartette My Task, rende as the Prince ol Pearce notwithstanding the REAPER ediest in our community. We red by Mr. Escoe, Miss the individual. Al that is serious economic condition December 1941.
regard it as another mani Williams, Miss Cyrus and now happening was foretold testation of the age. old, Mr. McRae. The crown by our Lord as a characte WHARE WORKERS DEMONSTRATE DISSATISFACTION though ever new maxim ing item was a presentation ristic of the age between His. Attracted by an unusualtion for again being denied good deed done is a step entitled Mother in law. in first and second Advents. nfovement inear the mid the Christmas gratuity toward Heaven.
which Miss Gourzong sta Wars and rumours of wars, night hour of Wednesday though the monthly the reci The entertaining items werred as the housemaid whose distress of nations, men last, a representative of the employees were are of a very high standard frank intervention placed the hearts failing them for fear, his way to the Water Front lent to a month salary Atlantic Voice wended pients of amounts equivaAmong the head liners we pranks on the Mother in earthquakes in divers places where he beheld a body of The abnormal situation Ye Masters Roy IcRae and law, who was imposingly por All these are now with us. men who usually work brought the leading offiBydney Stewart in the dia trayed by: Mss Cyrus. Mr.
for the local Banana Com cials of both the GovernTogue Life Insurance. They and Mrs. Oscar McRae repre is not as the cynic has pany in the handling of ment and the Banana Com were sensationally amusing. sented the newly weds whose it that christianity has failed the fruit on the piers. pany on the scene The for It was gathered that somer of course, attended in Another thrilling item was happiness was on the verge but rather as Chester me of the men should have the interest of Laval and on that which brought out the of collapsing on occount of ton has said it has not been been at work from the hour der, while the latter endea note of the old feminine mo the mother taking the reins tried. Let us make this Christ of p. unloading Bana voured to appease the wor hey idealist. a character bri of the homestead in her own mas one of giving an then: nas from a Jaunch which kers.
Niantly represented by Miss hands The atmosphere was Come let had arrived from the Colo As after airing their grievan us adore Him rado Bar, while the remain ce no amelioration was ad Fris Williams.
charged with much humour Christ the Lord Our Emma der were echeduled to com parently promised, the bulk Equal illumination resulted during the interpretation. nuel! Even to corne Lordmence loading the ship, of the men departed in the from the other cast of charac The Pastor of the Church, Jesus.
then in port, at midnight most orderly manner for ters: Messrs. Ben Escoe, Althe Rev. Forde, was very The gang for the launch their homes, while about Wm. FORDE had not started the tonso Taylor, the Misses Car impressive in expressing his work ten per cent of the required and the loaders were heard number passed on to the men Taylor, Lewis, Edith thanks to all.
Pastor Limon. Baptist: expressing their dis satisfae dock.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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