
PIA PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JANUARY 24th. 1942 CHANGE FROM GAS TO ELECTRICITY SONS OF ITALY TO AID UNITED STATES NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA DEFENCE FUNDS As an aid, it is understood to The best assortment of first class Jumber thé precautionary measures be: Grouped around the Liberty of Massachusetts, declared a ing instituted against possible Laurel and Cedar Bell in Independence Hall, Phi drive would be started to have enemy activities, the governing ladelphia The Supreme Council the members of the Order pur.
authorities of the corporate area of the Order of the Sons of ehase not less than 10, 000, 000 of Kingston and sub urban. St.
Administrador in LAMON, Juan Abdelnour Italy recently pledged unswerv. worth of defence bonds.
Andrew, Jamaic have agreed Saw Mill im Siquitres We buy Logs.
ing loyalty to the United States Standing at aftention and to the public lighting system of America in the fight with saluting the two American being changed from Gas to Elec Italy and the other Axis powers Flags which flank the Bell, the tricity. It was pointed out that As an indication of the practical members of the Council orally emergency Gas could not be support the Council intends to pronounced their willingness manipulated as quickly or easily give the nation, it was announc and that of the 250, 000 memes electricity. It may also be ed that the Supreme Venerable bets of the Order to in every that the pipes which convey and of the Order, who is a Judge of possible way give full support distribute the fluid throughout the Supreme Court of the State to the government.
the areas are regarded as greater elements of danger than the elec trical wires.
CARD OF THANKS This medium will serve to convey the heartfelt Thanks of ERNEST RUDDOCK, FLORA, CLARIS, ALBERT RESUMPTION OF and HUBERT SCHOOL WORK to the many friends and sympathizers who sent Cards, Letters, Fioral Wreaths or otherwise expressed their Condolence and for their attendance at the The announcement has been obsequies of our affectionate and beloved made that the Day School connected with the Methodist Deno CARMETA mination in this ciy will re open, after the Christmas holidays, on who slept in death on the 11th. day of January, 1942 Monday next the 26th. instant.
Mrs. Jessie Wright, the Headmistress adopts this medium DUAL ANNIVERSARY PERSONAL BRIEFS to remind her highly appreciat.
ed former patrons as also to FUNCTION We regret having to menadvise those who may wish to Mr. Winston Churchil el gran Mr. Winston Churchill, Bela tion the illness of Mrs. Reg place their children under her primer ministro británico de datain great Prime Minister, is The information has reached gie Clarke, the wife of the guidance Foreman during this coming la mano al Primer Ministro del seen here shaking hands with us that the local branch of the highly esteemed term.
Canada, Mr. Mackenzie King, Mr. Mackenzie King, the Cana. Salvation Army will celebrate a of Nine Miles, Liverpool. We dual anniversary on Monday wish her a speedy and full poco después de su reciente le dian Prime Minister, shortly afgada a Ottawa, donde dirigió la ter his recent arrival at Ottawa, night the 2nd. February pro recovery.
SALOMON CHIN palabra al Parlamento del Do where he addressed the Domi.
The event will mark the third minio.
nion Parliament.
We are also sorry to learn year since Major and Mrs. of the incapacitation of Miss ESTRADA Lynch assumed command of this Ethel Dobson, who is now a LA IBERIA RETIRADA GENERAL EN TO, refuerzos infligiéndoles grandes Corps and the first of that asso, patient in the local hospital ciated with the inauguration of where she is usually employ DA LA LINEA DE MALACA, Ibajas, ARTICULOS DEL PATS HACEN LOS INGLESES the Band. As it further mened. It is sincerely hoped she SINGAPUR, 23. UP. Ofi. ATACADO EL PUERTO DE BE tioned that a very colourful and will soon regain her good Precios ECONOMICOS.
cialmente se anunció que las LAWAN DELI instructive programme will be health.
fuerzas imperiales británicas e presented We anticipate an Abarrotes y Licores. fectuaron una retirada general PBATAVIA, 23. UPEI estado na overwhelming attendance. Miss Vera Gillings, a wien toda la inea de Malaca en yor holandés anuncia en un comu dely regarded Limonense who el este, oeste y centro del sul Inicado que Belawan Deli, puerto now resides in San Jose, is ON VISIT TO tannto de Johore. Se lucha in de la ciudad de Medtan, en el nor here on a vacation. She has tensamente en la zona de Chaah te de Sumatra fué atacado óyet THE CAPITAL en Johore central y los japore. en dos oportunidades por avio bes decidirte: o te casas con greetings from both former ATRACO. Hija mía, de been the recipient of sincere ses infiltraron más tropas en la nes japoneses.
región de Batu Pahat, en la cos el banquero, o con el médico. and new friends. We bespeak Among those who left by the ta cccidental.
NO EXISTE NINGUNA CON Es claro: LA BOLSA for her a very pleasant stay Kegular Darsenger train last TRAPROPUESTA ARGENTI. ILA VIDA among us.
Sunday for the Capital were Mr: LAS FUERZAS DE MAC AR NA 0and Mrs. William Daysley. Mr. THUR CONTRATACAN La sirvienta que despe After a week end spent Dayley has gone on a well earn WASHINGTON223. UP. BUENOS AIRES, 23. UP. dimos ayer se ha llevado in the Capital our young ed vacation which is being shar1 El departamento de guerra a. El ministro le relaciones exte nuestras mejores toallas. and well regarded citizen, ed by his batter half.
nuncia en un comunicado que tiores interino, Rothe manifes Qué ladrona. Miss Edna Lord, has returnThe ATLANTIC VOICE wish: las fuerzas filipinas y norteametó a la prensa que no existe nin ed. Cuáles eran, querida?
ricanas al mando del general guna contrapropuesta formal ar looking pleasingly rees our highly regarded citizens Mac Arthur rechazan continuos gentina en lo que respecta al Las que sacamos del ho freshed.
ma, enjoyable stay in the mildere intensos ataques de las unida proyecto de ruptura de relacio tel en que paramos el mes clime of San Jose.
des japonesas que han recibido nes.
PASADO TO THE COLOURED MOTHERS OF LIMON TODAY INVESTMENT FOR TOMORROW Security. appeal to you Mothers! You are, seemingl. not exercising the real responsibility you hold in your hands. We have a class of children in this community of whom the grown ups are afraid. Parents, please do not teach your children to swear, you will be responsible to God for this curse. Mothers of our Race! think of the future which lies before your offspring; teach them to be self respecting and thereby let us have a much better type sf boys and girls. There is an adage which says. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. Let us, therefore, train men and women who will be able to take their place among the ruling ones of our world.
Wishing one and all God blessing for the New Year.
Life Insurance gives Mother and Dad Peace of Mind San José BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS. Limón MOTHER.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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