
PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY Yth. 1942 we a The Proposed Elocution LIMON SUCCEEDS IN LAST SUNDAY FOOT MOST UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT Contest BALL ENGAGEMENTS There are among us those in stretching over the rail to The highways of literature whose outstanding characte receive it lost her balance and are manifold and carry their The Gimnástica Júpiter México Combination ristics draw largely on the fell to the concrete pavement tender feelings fegeniuses who have hung their trimmed Tres Ríos to the tune of Five Goals, lower creatures of thesis was maderneath eyewitnesses believed Hall of manifested in almost every tantaneous but, Providence Fame, began from such small against One cirele last Saturday when was merciful, and she was beginnings as that proposed the exceedingly sad report rushed to the hospital by the members of the Scotch The Second Engagement was one of Endurance was circulated that the wife where the most care Lily Lodge of the Indepen.
of our esteemed citizen don ful atention were extended her tish Mechanics. In this respect we desire to congratu from Orión with Four Goals against Three parmew escape with her life. At the time of writing, The unfortunate is. Mr.
These two visiting Teams came about when one of her out of the gravest danger.
Herbert Van Horn, who, we splendidly entertained Our children, while playing on The ATLANTIC VOICE tenunderstand, has headed the enthusiasts while our guests the porch of the family resi ders its most sincere sympaList of those who will vie for on Sunday last. The forerðon MENS JITTERBURG dence located above the busi thy to the suffering lady as the Laurel. We hope to hear match was between a combiness establishment of Mrs Jalso to her husband, don SUITINGS of very many others. The nation of players from Gim Avelina Peña Sucs. dropped Pancho, and their children.
Contest has been fixed for nástica, Júpiter and México THE LATEST AMERICAN a ball to the street below. May she have an early and the night of Friday March who experienced little diffiThis was picked up and full recovery.
the 20th. prox.
HITS culty in trimming those from thrown to Mrs. Urbina, who at Jack Orane Sucs.
Tres Rios. The ground, we MARVELLOUS must admit, was in very bad SIQUIRRES METHODISTS AMONG RECENT DEATHS From page condition sticky, and with hering together of so large a numerous stagnant pools of TO ENTERTAIN group of citizens of colour and water all over the surface. Jease of the doctor pronounc We learn that a well pre were connected with this ZoThe following persons who representatives of the Chinese The visitor were, apparently ing the patient Dead. This pared programme was recent ne are reported to have died Colony presented a scene long, not good mudders. ruling placed the Homesters ly effected at Pacuarito and in the San Juan de Dios Hos to be remembered True hear The afternoon display to a great disadvantage, sinte that those concerned will be pital, San José.
tedly did au co operate with was grand. The powerful they had already been playviskeinen Siguirres on Monday ing honour to the leading Defoe. forceful in all respects the retirement, through disa entertainment in the Metho former resident of this city the 9th. to repeat the George Derby Derby, a mocrát of our age. The sunbeam The match was seasoned with bility, of George Cuthbert, dist Church Where.
of happiness which glistened on all the peppery sauce one could It was by no means a freak and the son of Robert Derby Adherents of the Denomina and Elisa Derby, died on the the countenance of our distin have wished to see served which earned Barcelona the tion and its well wishers are 27th. of January last at the guished Governor, don Abel Our Referee followed the lead of the one goal. not by specially asked to extend a age of 62 years. He was Robles, was evidence of his maxim of extending our well a long shot. The canine te warm welcome to the friends native of Jamaica.
feelings of sincere gratefulness known hospitality to thenacity of Nicar, Jackson, from Pacủarito.
to all the participants. On arristrangers among us by bench Sáenz, Salazar, Roberts and Ning at the Stadium, the grand ing Arturo Hall as a conse Carlito contributed Urbana Esquivel Jiménez, largely BRIEFS FROM HERE AND late of Cairo, a daughter of dompany listened most attenti quence of a skirmish with to the achievement. Orion Jesús Esquivel and Vicenta vely to the outstanding eulogy one o fthe visiting players. goals were made by AraTHERE Jiménez. She. entered the ins propounded by our popular Me Many impartial observers ya and Navarro. George dido, Dr Cuevillas. The climax were however, of the opinion Cuthbert, Jackson, All Germans, Italians and Stution on the 23rd. Januacame with the playing of the that Barcelona brilliant Sáenz and Salazar made the Japanese in Río de Janeiro ry and died on the 26th. She two National Hymns. Lefty was not the aggres shots for the Limón Team.
have been ordered to deliver was 35 years of age. The remainder of the day sor. It was, nevertheless, the to the governing authorities was occupied by sporting events all the fire arms in their pos the United States of Ameriwhile the Fair at the Municipal session despite the fact that ca is stated to have contract Bath house at night was large COMPRO CUALQUIER CANTIDAD DE they may hold legal permits. ed for the purchase of600, 000 pounds of tinned meat from ay attended and tsarngely magni feient.
HIERRO PARA TECHO QUE SE The Marine Department of Argentine.
VIENE de la Pág. CUATRO estaba a tu ado. dijo él. PeLA SIGNIFICACION DE LA CUENTA MUY PRONTO DE tas por la playa en noches de ro ahora. agregó poniéndose AVIACION NEGRA Almacén Tomás Fernández luna; los retozos en el mar, ba en ple y ayudándela a levantarjo el ardiente sol tropical. se. estamos juntos y nunca TUGSEE, UP. Los oficial Mas luego, la despedida. habremos de separarnos.
les blancos que tienen a su cai SAN JOSE Nunca me corisolé de que Empezaron a andar de nuego la instrucción de pilotos ne te hubieras ido. confesó ella vo. Jaime se sentia ligero, ágil, gros de primera categoría, de. Me pasaba siempre en espe sosegado, lleno de paz, sin el clararon que el experimento rin dados de alta desempeñarán cai todo el país y se mostró ansio ra de noticias tuyas, que no lle peso de las molestias habitua.
de résultados tan felices, que segos de instructores de los nue so de terminar el aprendizaje gabản, y soñaba que algún dia les. La presencia de Lorena, pen procederá a la organización de vos alumnos de color. Los ins: pronto a pesar de haberlo inicia llegar as tú, como si nunca nos saba, era un verdadero bálsamo otras escuadrillas de pilotos. El tructores afirman que los alum do en otoño para tomar servicio.
primer grupo de entrenamien nos morenos aprenden rápida Uno de los pilotos dijo: Los ja, hubiéramos separado.
para su alma. Jaime se dirigía ko integra una escuadrilla de mente el arte de volar y espe poneses se darán cuenta dentro. Fui un ciego no habiendo al avión destrozado, y Lorena kazas. bos pilotos cuando sean cialmente el estilo de los cazas de poco del significado de la comprendido que mi felicidad hizo un gesto para detenerlo; El contingente fué reclutado en muerte negra.
pero él estaba muy interesado en ir y siguió andando en la misma dirección No debias ir. insinuó a Ila temerosamente. El espectácu lo es muy fuerte. Oh, no! Nada pasó, a fin de cuentas, y quiero ver vez cómo quedó el avión. Bien, si tú quieres.
Empezaban. dispersarse los curiosos. Jaime se detuvo de pronto, al tropezar casi con un grupo de hombres que llevaban dos camillas en las cuales veían montones informes de car Security.
ne humana. Sorprendido, miró a Lorena, quien a su vez 10 miraba apenada Si. dijo ella al cabo de unos momentos la otra TODAY INVESTMENT FOR TOMORROW se unos mome Life Insurance gives Mother muda interrogación que había and Dad Peace of Mind en ojos de Ese tu po, y el otro el de Tommy. Por eso, porque sabia que hoy se.
ría tu último día en el mundo, no te he abandonado un sólo instante. Comprendes ahora Jaime? Tú y yo estamos muertos.
San José BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS Limon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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