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PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, February 14th. 1942 we can TO THE MEMORY OF LOVED ONE Jamaica Burial Scheme One year has passed since individual who contacted him to Celebrate Anniver IN FOND AND LOVING MEMORY he whom we truly loved was His merry temperament and taken from us across the pleasing disposition were his sary ON FEBRUARY 15th. 1941 Great Divide. Twelve months outstanding and attractive amount of Ever ago, today, he whose future characteristics.
An extraordinary a shall enthusiasm is evidensed Father Time, with sickle in hand, reaped our most seemed so full of promise, at we cherish his memory and precious Jewel, our darling Mother, Councillor one time, left us for the Hi pray that in the Life Beyond among the members of the and Spring of Happiness gher Life in answer to the his immortal self shall have Limon Branch of the Jamaica Burial Seheme Call of our Omniscient Hea found peace and rest for ever tion with regard to the cele AssociaA DINA WATSON venly Father. to a life freed more.
bration of their annual Than from all the turmoil and wo de ksgiving Service and the.
rries of this mundane spheadded social Programme.
Tomorrow brings the first anniversary since re.
she left us with a sorrow from whic)
We are told that the mem MENS JITTERBURG bers will assemble at the St.
never be divorced Cut off in the flower of Mark Parish Hall on Ash his youth, the ever to be reSUITINGS They who had seen thy look in death Wednesday, the 18th. instant getede passing of William Can never fail to keep in memory sweet Phipps Lord has created a and proceed from there to the THE LATEST AMERICAN Baptist Church where the That countenance which answered nature call.
void which can never be fill HITS Now calm in thy grave, sweet spirit rest thee there.
Rev. Forde has been asked. Of an honest loveable at Jack Orane Sucs.
ed to conduct a special servi.
disposition, Willie was the ce. The social feature of the ALFRED AND ROSITA friend, the beloved of every celebration wili be effected (SON AND DAUGHTER)
in the Parish Hal on the follo wing evening The Retirement of Mr. Arthur Rivers SPORTING BRIEFS ENTRARON RUSIA BLAN.
We have been afforded the of the Club. We are glad to Football tempest was prej former defeated their oppoCA LOS RUSOS information that Mr Arthur know that Limon will still MOSCU, 13. UP.
Las fuerzas sented on our playground nents with 38 points against dely khown citizens, will se his amicable disposition and sia Blanca y continúan avanzan when, to use a well known ments concluded between the Rivers, one of our old and wi have the pleasure of enjoying rusas han vuelto a entrar en Ru last Sunday afternoon bet. 28.
ween Gimnastica and Jupiter In keeping with arrangeves his connection with the lo genial deportment do el cal Railway Company at the saying the latter could Costa Rica Baseball Team close of the current month not carry water for the for of San Jose and the Cubs of mer.
this city, the former players Mr Rivers has held the res From the start of the en from the Capital will, we un ponsible position of Chief Ope counter Gimnastica moved derstand, arrive here on the rator and Linesman in the into striking range and let 28th. instant to invade of Company Telephone Depart loose their heavy artillery. In Baseball Diamond on the day ment for a number of years vain did Jupiter endeavour following. Much interest is while his services, generally to silent their enemy effec being evinced in the coming cover the lengthened period tiveness. The match closed contest.
of forty and five years.
We victoriously for for Gimnasti understand he was asked to ca with a score of six goals It has also been announced yaake way for younger blood against two.
that the Independiente Bas It is hoped that he who has the Police Headquarters. a be with 45. this tifinder feof ketballers of Tres Rios will served so long and faithfully afternoon to will not be overlooked in his advanced place between the Cubs and minine division tonight and age.
Pathfinder male divisions. tomorow night. We bid them Mr. Rivers has been a nota Well edged for the fray the la hearty welcome.
ble contributor on the field OF Sports As President of the Cubs Sport Club his guidanTWO PEACE TALKS MOOTED ce and influence have been of It has been mentioned that much value to the progress through the International Indus trial Workers of France and JOSE ACHION Ng.
Germany, Hitler has issued ins Comerciante Detallista Special Services at St.
tructions for the staging of another Peace move.
Licores, Abarrotes, CristaleMark ría, Artículos de Ferretería y The Workers are reported as We understand that special being greatly alarmed with Eléctricos; todo se encuentra services will be conducted en este establecimiento Aunque no se ha revelado el Although the number of Gem respect to the occupation of the PRECIOS DE SITUACION tomorrow at the St. Marksnumero de submarinos alema man submarines destroyed Peninsular and other Church.
nes destruidos por las fuerzas British air and naval forces Far Fastern territories by the Some commentators regard the The principal features will naavies y aéreas británicas des since the beginning of the war Japanese. They opine that this Move as an attempt to offset be the anniversary of the Mo de el comienzo del conflicto, se has never been revealed, it is will enable Japan to secure the Japanese reverse which is ther Union and the dedica sabe que cerca de 1, 500 tripu known that about 1, 500 mem control of the great industrial bound to take place just as soon tion of a new Banner during antes de estos piratas del mar bers of the crews of tieše pirate centers and to finally dominate as the Democracies get into full theevening service. The Rec se. ncuentran recluidos en los vessels are shut up in the pri the world markets, while Ger militar yand naval swing. There tor, the Rev. Evans, campamentos de prisioneros en soner of war camps in England many and the Allied Nations is no chance of any success atwill conduct the services Inglaterra actualmente at present persist in prolonging the war.
lending the effort.
It is also stated that Japan is desirous of effecting a Peace Pact with the Nether and East Indies, which would guarantee the Dutch their full indepen.
dence in exchange for their by Malay TODAY INVESTMENT FOR TOMORROW ral resources. This also we feel sure will be aborsive.
FRUSTRADO UN ATAQUE NAZI SOBRE GRAN BRETA NA LONDRES, 13. UP. La radioemisora de Berl trasmitió de Berlin el siguiente comunicado: el doce del corriente barcos de guerra alemanes atravesaron el Canal de la Mancha a la luz Edel día. Poderosas formaciones de la aviación británica intenta ron atacar a las unidades germia nas que estaban escoltadas por fuertes escuadrillas de aeroplaDINE nos. Se entablaron violentos combtes aéreos y en el transcur Life Insurance gives Mother and Dad Peace of Mind San José. BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS. Limon dos 40 aparatos británicos, per diéndose sólo de los nuestros.
Además fué hundido un destruc tor británico e incendiado otro.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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