p. 8


Highly congratulatory is the report from Zent regarding the entertainment held in the St.
John Church on Sunday the 15th. instant. With the absence of the Rev. Evans, conse quent on the Mothers Union Anniversary in this city. Mr.
Chas. Mason, Catechist and Layreader, of Rio Hondo, was depu.
tized to preside over the programme. He is said to have executed his responsibilities with much predominancy. The items of recitations were :contributed by the Misses Maxweil, Bell, Brown, White. and Peterkin, and Hamilton; Masters Calvin, Brown, and Maxwell with much grace. The Misses Neisbeth, Russell, Walters, Calvin, Douglas, and Mr. Scott were the soloists. quartette was effectively rendered by Mr. Green and others, while Mr. Bucknor and another gave a duet.
The contributions by the Choir were highly appreciated. The Misses Evans and Whitehorn presided, aletrnately, at the organ.
ESTAMPAS NACIONALES MENS JITTERBURG La Casita Campesina Modelo. Bien encalada, alegre, acogedora.
Con su horno para hacer pan dulce y bizcocho, cobertizo para la leña y SUITINGS muchas otras comodidades rústicas.
E1 ANIS IMPERIAL. El Gran Producto de la Fábrica Nacional. Elaborado con plantas y frutos de varias partes del mundo, como Anís de la China, Almendras de California, Iris Florentino, Cacao de Costa Rica, etc.
PERSONAL SHORTS Es el licor fino modelo, insuperable, deliciosamente suave. Las ventas aumentan constantemente pues su fama cubre todo el país.
After spending a very enjoyable vacation with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Rodríguez, well known residents of our commu LO QUE HAY QUE demoler ruinas. Si usted tie MARINE JOE LOUIS TO MEET nity, Señora Rodriguez de (Viene de la página dos) ne un automóvil y puede FROM PAGE Marroquin and babe left last manejarlo, usted puede for ABE SIMON week end for San Jose prepa trucciones ajusta a estas sencillas insmar parte del cuerpo de ratroy to joining don Raul Marconductores. Mujeres y hom transports sunk were 56 the New York advice states Sea un muchacho bueno roquin in Golfito. We wish them probablas 12 and the da: that arrangements bave been bres se necesitan, y atienda estas observacioUsted puede comenzar a maged 29. Cargo and auxi concluded for Wirld Champion, every good.
nes. No presuma de sabio y liary ships destroyed were Joe Louis, to meet Abe Simon sí: haga las cosas mal.
23, damaged Of various in a championship bout on the Diríjase a la oficina de USTED PUEDE AYUDAR other types Defensa Civil Voluntaria en Mrs. Aubrey Gaston, were 17th of the coming month.
who Un grupo de hombres casunk and 10 damaged.
had been vacationing in the paz, con calma, se necesita su ciudad: ella le dirá lo Both Louis and his Manager, neighbouring Republic of Pa para los servicios voluntatiene que hacer.
Mike Jacobs. will donate al!
de caminos (hombres fuer their gains to the war fund of nama, returned here on Thurs rios. Si usted quiere ayu He aquí lo que necesitates)
day, ten days ago. The highly dar, no pierda estas oportumos: the American Army, while Siwelcomed citizen appears nidades.
Guardianes para los ata Escuadrones para demo mon will give two and one halt marvellously benefitted from per cent of his.
Si usted conoce algo de ques aéreos (hombres y mu lición de edificios averiathe trip to the land of her birth. primera ayuda, y tiene un jeres. dos hombres fuerte. certificado, hay inmediataBomberos auxiliares Grupos para reparar ave ST. ANTHONY PREmente un puesto para 515. hombres. rías eléctricas (electricistas ted. Si usted es un veterano Policía auxiliar (hom prácticos. PARING FOR It delights us to report that o un antiguo voluntario obres y mujeres. Grupos de mujeres que Mr. Jas. McRae, of the Modern un bombero io un policía, aANNIVERSARY Enfermeras (entrena sepan cocinar y dirigir caDrug Store of this city, who quí hay trabajo para usted. das. sas Maintaining its upright posihas been incapacitated for the Si usted no tiene habilida Grupos de médicos de e. Ante todo calma. Permation for more than a decade past couple of weeks, is making des especiales, pero es us mergencia (hombres y mu nezca en su casa. Apague since its re organization, the favourable progress toward the ted fuerte y decidido, aquí jeres con certificados. sus luces. Acuéstese en el St. Anthony Burial and Sick regaining of his former soundhay un trabajo para usted, Escuadrones de rescate suelo. Sepárese de las ven Aid Association, like the in.
health. We wish him a comp. como element de rescate. hombres. tanas. Usted puede ayudar dustrial Bee which silently lete recovery para reparar caminos, para Grupos para reparación nos. sips from the blossoms their honey making elements modestNos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back ly continues its life of benede su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: volence.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina In keeping with the establish dentro de los primeros 10 días This bill must be paid at our office before ed procedure, it has been announced that the Administrade cada mes the 10th of the month tive Personnel are preparing Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena Be so good as to comply with this request and do not for the celebration of the Association Aniversary on the de tener que cortar su servicio oblige us to suspend our service, a step which night of Tuesday April 7th.
THE ATLANTIC VOICE wishes the venture every possible UNTIL succes.
15 COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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