
PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 21st. 1942. 00 on and was FETED ON BIRTH BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT ANNIVERSARY IN PROFOUND AND PERPETUAL LA PROVEEDORA MEMORY Not a hint had reached Miss Wade. It was a consSugar Head 0:30 Pure Coffee 16. 60 Two lives have gone from us, but as long as we Grape Juice, tin. 60 Lux Soap, large piracy free of the slightest 50 enjoy bur mortal existence our memory for them Cond. Milk, small. 35 Palmolive Soap, large. 50 exposure; and the concert will never fade. They are our dear comforting Cond. Milk lge.
held the same evening in mother 50 Brooms, from the St. Mark Parish Hall 10 Camay Soap, large 15 Evap. Milk, large, doz. 65 ably assisted the scheme.
Klim, tin SUSAN FREDRICK Mr. Albert and Miss RoNestle Oats, tin. 40 Royal Baking Powder tin 55 sita Watson were the spon (died March 23, 1937)
Genuine Gold Medal Flour, lbs. 00 soring parties to the surpri and dearly beloved father Complete assortment of biscuits just arrived from the se Soiree in honour of Miss States. Cigarettes, Wines and fruit juices at Wade birth anniversary.
ATHILL FREDRICK Wholesale prices.
The gleeful occasion wasi LA PROVEEDORA. Died March 13, 1939) effected on the night of the Limón 16th. instant in the accommo We know they have passed on in grace to God; dating residence of the host and hostess. Here is the pic Their love was not only in words but in Deeds; left behind LAST MONDAY NIGHT SACRED CONCERT ture: The string Band was We are pledged to follow till we reunite beyond dishing out the rhythms NORMAN PRELTON CYNTHIA while several of the invitees Miss Rubena Davis, the programme were the Mistripped the light fantastic.
moving spirit associated, ses and Vincente, The Misses Thompson with the Concert presented Grant, Milliner, 0! and McFarlane were de: under the auspices of the Pugh, Robinson, Wiputed to lead Miss Wade to zement was unbounded. She, vàriety and flourishingly serwas showered with con ved.
St. Margaret Guild in the flie, and Murdoch, the scene and this they gratulations, cards It is deired to sound a note Parish Hall Monday Davis, McKenzie, they cunningly carried into other tokens of night of the week in course, Dobson, Delpratt, effect. and while the five friendship of praise for the young muand cordiality Midnights sicians who were exceedingly deserved the enconiums sho Thompson, Blake, piece outfit played with sai slipped by almost unnoticed effective on their stringed wered on her by the Rev. Wade, Fuller, Mctisfying precision, Miss Wat by myrth reigned. The refre the trumpeter, was most coW. Forde, who ably presi. Farlane, Johnson. son warbled the Guest of shments were of a delicious Iordinate.
ded and, in addition, deli Watson, Davis, Red honour into captivation of vered a splendid comment wood, Goulbourne, Wright spirit, the terpsichoreans stan on Youth and Brown, also Mr. Coding around, seemingly char ANOTHER CITIZEN OF LONG RESIDENCE AND DEEP. marked co ordination Corniffe.
med. The secret being with ESTEEM LAID AT REST in the worthy effort The comments on Youth divulged Miss Wade ama.
very visible. There were parby Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Lydia Our mental inclinations, the obsequies truly represent ticipants from almost every Rogers and Mrs. Blakeed the vote of thanks when usually rise or fall in respon the life career of the dear religious denomination in ere most interesting he called special attention to se to the things which most departed, and so it was in the city. The items were Messrs. Edwin Campbell the worthy cause for which affect them; hence their this city on Thursday of the highly intellectual. The wel and Robothan were the the function was held to withdrawl with strong aver past week when the mortal come address was delivered instrumentalists and Missaid the Church Organsion from the dismal prer remains of he who was by Miss McKenzie. Johnson the organist. Three Fund. The concert, on the cincts of the tomb, though of known to us as James Cole mong the many Young Peo short dramas were portra whole, was a praiseworthy kime there is a solace when were honoured to the grave.
ple who contributed to the yed. Mr. Maxwell deliver leffort.
The deceased was a native of Spanish Town, Jamai LICITACION 2 7 ca, and a son of Mr. and Mi George Cole, who are Administración del Crédito Hipotecario de Costa Rica said to have been highly re BANCO NACIONAL DE COSTA RICA garded in the Ancient Capi tal of the Isle of Springs, He was a widely respected and useful resident in our com munity for more than three CASA CENTRICA DE DOS PISOS FINCA DE TERRENOS INCULTOS decades. Those who were EN SIQUIRRES LIMON PROPIEDAD NO 553, EN MATINA LIMON closely associated with him tell of his good sense of hu Einea Nº 137 T9 967 F9162 As. (Part, Limón)
Situada en el centro de Siquirrés, como 50 Varas al hour, his forbearance, his stir de las Bodegas del Ferrocarril a Limón, o sea de la PROPIEDAD NO 549.
innocuous disposition and esquina Nor Oeste del Mercado 100 varas al Oeste y co Finca Nº 939 Tº 974 F9 287 As. 19. Part Limón) splendid broadmindedness.
mo 80 varas al Sur. Es construcción de dos pisos con Finca ROMA situada una milla al Este de la estaHe was numbered among paredes de madera a forro sencillo sobre cortina de conereto, y techo de hierro galvanizado acanalado. Se divide ción de Estrada, distrito de Matina, cantón 10 de Limón, the fathers who guided his en la siguiente forma: como 000 metros al Sur de la vía férrea.
children along the paths of PRIMER PISO: Consta de cuartos con pisos de tarectitude and righteousness.
Bloncillo; coeina y servicio de baño y excusado de tan Consta de 214 MANZANAS y 242 VARAS CUAThe St. Mark Church que séptico, con pisos de concreto; corredor exterior sin DRADAS de terrenos encharralados, entre los cuales se pisto, con una escalera que conduce al segundo piso, y pa notan algunas matas de cacao en estado de abandono. Forwas capacity filled for the trio interior.
religious ceremony which SEGUNDO PISO: Es casa de habitación rodeada por metros sobre el nivel del mar y regados por dos criques man un solo lote de terreno plano, con altura media de 11 and at the grave by the Rev.
tres lados con un corredor volado; se divide en sala, actualmente casi secos; para el servicio de la finca existe cuartos, comedor, cocina, corredor cerrado y servicio de un pozo para sacar agua.
was solesmnly perfomed there Evans. The choir chan baño y excusado; todos estos departamentos tienen pisos de tabloneillo y algunos cielos rasos de tablilla.
bed the dirge impressively Hay servicio de cañería. El estado general de la LINDEROS: Norte: Suc. de la Sociedad Jorge von Mr. Cole was associated construcción es regular y mide en cuerpo principal 351 Starren y Teodoro Hiramell. Sur United Fruit e ES with the New Hope Lodge metros cuadrados. La extensión del terreno es de 281, 25 te: Lote Nº 40 con calle en medio y Leonard Broan, bes of the Ancient Order of She metros cuadrados, igual a 402, 42 varas cuadradas. te: Suc. de la Sociedad Jorge von Storren y Teodoro LINDEROS: Norte: Emilia Lam de Mc. Gregor. Sur: Himmell.
pherds, which Traternity Vicente de la Peña González. Este: George Sheden.
had charge of his remains.
Oeste: Calle con 11, 25 metros de frente.
As it left the Church, hea SIN CASE.
Para tomar parte en la licitación de esta propiedad, Para tomar parte en la licitación de esta propiedad, ded by muffled drums and deberá hacerse un depósito de 20. 00, Junto con la oferta deberá hacerse un depósito de 20, 00, junto con la oferta fifes, the St. Mark Scouts escrita.
escrita, and Girl Guides, the Rector and Altar Boys, then the CONDICIONES: corpse, the members of the 14 Estas ventas son por licitación privada conforme a propiedad. Debe indicarse si se desea pagar las čuo. surviving family, the frater la ley Nº 27 de diciembre 19 de 1935. EL CREDI tas por mensualidades e por trimestres. Los honoTO HIPOTECARIO recibirá propuestas de nalists and a throng of sym conipra rarios y gastos de escritura correrán por cuenta del por esſerito, en sobre cerrado indicando por fuera a comprador.
pathisers, the funeral proces cuál finca se refiere.
59 La Institución no se hace responsable por diferencia sion was one of the largest 20 as ofertas se recibirán hasta las once de la mañana de medida, cabida o linderos: la escritura se hará witnessed here for a long dei LUNES 30 de Marzo de 1942.
34 No se recibirá propuesta en que no se ofrezca pagar 64 Cada propuesta de compra deberá acompañarse del conforme a los datos del Registro de la Propiedad. while. James Cole is dead, al contado por lo menos un 10 en dinero efectivo, depósito que se indica en cada caso y que el interesaregard but he has left a o un 25 en valores de la Institución, que se recibi do perderá si la tinca le füere ad iudicada y no se which will long survive the rán asſ: los Bonos por su valor nominal, las Cédulas resentare en el término de QUINCE DIAS a forma. tomb. Those who mourn his por el 92 del valor facial, y los cupones vencidos lizar la operación irreparable loss are a widow and six children here and valores calculados al 400 de cambio.
LAS OFERTAS que pueden ser mayores berá expresarse con claridad la forma de pago que se que atraellas sumas, three in the neighbouring Re ofrece: fetpecialmente il se trata de ofertas al conta: La Directiva se reserya el derecho de icebras in pe. public of Panama. To them do, efectivo o del Cré puesta más conveniente para los de la Ins and all other members of the dito.
titución de rechazarlas todas.
La parte que quedare pendiente podrá pagarse al (PARA MAS INFORMES DIRIGIRSE LA ADMINIS.
bereaved family, we tender de interés y de amortización anuales, en las TRACION DEL CREDITO HIPOTECARIO DE our deepest condolence; and condiciones usuales del Banco para las operaciones COSTA RICA may the Soul of our departed hipotecarias a largo plazo, con garantia de la misma San sé. de Marzo de 1992, citizen be ever at rest with Him who gave it.
VENTA DE PROPIEDADES desumos vatras, porculabo de seu valor nombrol De Las evaluare indicades NOGENITICA BASE PARA WA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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