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PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, MARCH 21st. 1942 SALOMON CHIN ESTRADA LA IBERIA Abarrotes y Licores ARTICULOS DEL PAIS Precios Económicos DEVOTIONAL MEETING BY MEN ASSOCIATION UN With a reasonable num ber of members in attendan ce, Mr. Goulbourne pre sided over the devotional session of the non denominational. Men Associa tion in the Hall of the Meth odist Day School on the ev ening of Thursday the 12th of the present month.
The supplication for Divine guidance was evoked by Mr. Leslie Angus, and the scripture lesson, taken from the 28th. chapter of Deuteronomy was read by Mr.
Jos Thomas Helpful hints regarding the lesson were expressed by the Rev.
Mr. Holmes, and Messrs.
Angus and Newton.
Several well intentioned ESTAMPAS NACIONALES suggestions were introducLa Casita Campesina Modelo. Bien encelada, alegre, acogedora.
ed with the view of secu.
ring a greater support of Con su horno para hacer pan dulce y bizcocho, cobertizo para la leño y the Association by the men muchas otras comodidades rústicas.
of our city The literary division will convene on the evening of LICORES NACIONALES Thursday the 26th. when it is expected a widely EL ANIS IMPERIAL. El Gran Producto de la Fábrica Nacional. Elaknown and highly regarded borado con plantas y frutos de varias partes del mundo, como Anis de la lady citizen will be the guest speaker.
China, Almendras de California, Iris Florentino, Cacao de Costa Rica, etc.
Es el licor fino modelo, insuperable, deliciosamente suave. Las ventas aumentan constantemente pues su fama cubre todo el país.
Programme greeted the eye, in the fall Booth, Forbes, Ed RIOM, 18. UP. Un general of the Salvation Army last wards, Sealy and Master Prancés. Mittelhauser, en el pro Sunday afternoon, with the McFarlane. Mrs.
Easter is fast approaching, cego de Riom declaró que Ale.
presentation of the Sunday Lewis, the Young People Francia aprovechando la guerra son mania le sacó la delantera a and in keeping with the Sea SOME RECENT DEATHS School commemorative pro Sargeant Major, delivered a civil en España como un accustomed festivals, conse the Baptists are said to be gramme. The floral decora splendid address.
jo de Indias para poner a prue preparing a very special af cently breathed their last in Among the many who retions evoked admiration. Rather amusing was the ba y perfeccionar los aviones y The captivating song, dialogue entitled Anniver tanques a emanes. Agrega dicho ternoon entertaining program the San Juan de Dios Hospi Come join our Army. sary as presented by eleven general que Francia perdió por me in addition to the regular tal, San Jose, are the followpreluded the entertaining tots. Each cutely told his falta de fuerzas aéreas.
ing Rehearsals are, we underitems. It was followed by or her story. Other items by Ricardo Barley Aelmans, prayer by Sargeant Major the Band and songs by the tificates which were obtain rily by well experienced ta. Jamaican and son of William stand, progressing satisfacto late of the Estrella Valley, a Roper. Corps Cadet Me Young People Singing Corned from the Headquarters lent augmented by a number Barley and Ana Aelmans. He Farlane read the scripture pany were rich additions in Jamaica. The students of new ones.
fesson Then in his accustom Miss Ethlyn Booth distribut. who studied for the entered the hospital on the ed at the moment speech, ed thrirty two prizes to the Course were Miss Irene MC RHZEV CAYO EN PODER DE 17th. December last and died Major Lynch introduced Mr. children of the School and Farlane, she was rated first onthe 6th. instant. He Jos. Thomas as the presid special ones to three tea class with 543 marks; Geo LOS RUSOS 55 years old.
ing chairman. After the chers. Miss Booth prelimi Goulbourne Francisco Coto Paniagua, a second preamble, the Band render nary remarks, as well as with MOSCU, 20 UP. Despachos de year old child of Emilio 488, McFarlane next fuente autorizada anuncian ed the selection Lift up the those which accompanied que Coto Cerdas and Guillerma Banner. Master Colvi. the delivery of prizes were with 390 and Miss Babb sos. Agregan que los soviets irrum was placed in the hospital on with 398, then Leslie Clarke Rhzev cayó en poder de los ru Paniagua Salas of Cairo. He lle propounded the Address exceedingly eloquent and with 396 of Welcome. Recitations pleasing. Mrs. Lynch distri pieron en las defensas de esa ciu (the 8th. December last and were contributed by the Mis buted the Corps Cadet Cerclose with the address The celebration came to a dad y ocuparon un importante em succumbed on the 7th, of the of palme de cinco líneas ferroviarias. present month.
thanks by the Major and LA LOTERIA NACIONAL ES LA UNICA ESPE the singing of the doxology.
RANZA DE REDENCION ECONOMICA DE LOS NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA AGAIN INDISPOSED POBRES, SE DICE POR TODAS PARTES Profoundly we regret hav The best assortment of first class lumber este aserto se cumple más allá de lo que la mente ing to mention that our very Laurel and Cedar popular concibe, desde luego que con la LOTERIA NA popular townsman, Mr. WaCIONAL también se llevan auxilios de toda índole para ily Logan, is once again las enfermdeades y la vejez de los desamparados.
the sick list. He left last Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnour Thursday for the capital to Saw Mill in Siquirres We buy Logs. 50. 000. COMPRE LOTERIA NACIONAL. 50. 000 undergo special medical treat ment. We sincerely wish him an early recovery.
was on Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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