
PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, March 28th. 1942 BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT LA PROVEEDORA LA escrupulosa atención que el tabacalero tengo en la selección y beneficio del tabaco, produce excelentes calidades como las usadas en el Sugar Head.
Cond. Milk, small Cond. Milk lge.
Nestle Oats, tin Evap. Milk, Large.
Svap. Milk, small. 30 Pure Coffee lb. 60 35 Palmolive Soap, large. 50 00 Island Palm Soap, large, 50 40. 80 Evap. Milk, large doz, 40 40 Royal Baking Powder tin 55 IR ZU Genuing Gold Medal Flour, lbs. 00 Genuine assortment of biscuits, Cigarrettes, wines and fruit juices at wholesale prices.
LA PROVEEDORA Limón LETTE CIGARRILLOS TRAZU IR ZU St. MARK CHURCH. HOLLY WEEK AND EASTERTIDE SERVICES Palm Sunday a, m, Holy p. Evensong and AdCommunion; a. Bles dress (incidents on the Way sing of Palms and Sung to Calvary. Mass; p. Evensong and Sermon.
Good Friday. a. Litany and Ante Communion; a.
Holy Week, Monday. p, Young People Service; Evensong and address (The 123 Meditation on the Setrial before the Church. ven Words. p. Crucifixion Music Tuesday. 6a. Holy Communion; p. Stations Saturday. a. Ante of the Cross and address Communion and Litany; (The mockery of Christ. Preparation for Easter Communion.
Wednesday, a. Holy Communion; p. Stations of the Cross and address (The Easter day. 30 a. Sung Mockery of Christ. Mass; a. Hoy Communion; a. Sung Mass; Maundy Thursday. a. p. Musical Service; Holy Communion Watch po Festal Evensong before the Blessed Sacra and Procession.
ESTAS calidades, maduradas y tratadas mediante un ment.
proceso de altas temperaturas se mejoran aún más para que GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER SERVICES AT el fumador pueda disfrutar de un cigarrillo TAN SUAVE BAPTISH CHURCH como el The regular services will sentially superficial, these ser be conducted on Good Friday vices provide us with the at the Baptist Church in this means of following after vircity. Those on Easter Sunday tue and realizing a fuller will also be as customary, union with the Creator of our with the addition of a Young spirits. Apart from the devoPeople Programme at three tional aspects of the Easter o clock in the afternoon. services, we anticipate the As every life, which does afternoon function will be of not take the soul nearer to much value.
the Infinite Presence, is esRally by Pentescostal OFENSIVA EN EL FRENTE ARTI ERROL FLYNN ESTA CO PREPARAN LOS RUSOS ENFERMO Union Baptists St. Anthony to Cele CORRECTION MOSCU, 27 UP. En esferas ex HOLLYWOOD, 27. UP. Son brate Anniversary In our last week issue it traoficiales bien informadas anun varios los actores del cine que was stated that the concert gi. On the night of Thursday ciaron que las fuerzas rusas pre guardan cama. Errol Flynn esta el enfermo de grippe por lo que the 19th. instant, the Pente paran una gran ofensiva en April 7th. ven by Miss Rubena Davis in the St. Mark Parish Hall, costal Union Baptist Taber frente ártico. Agregaron que una se halla paralizado el rodaje din the 16th March, was under the nacle, situate on the Camp dades rusas han efectuado intensas la película Desperate Journey. The Managing Personnel Margaret: One Road, was specially re incursiones por mar y tierra contra (Viaje Desesperedo. Jon Blow of the St. Anthony Burial auspices of the St.
Guild. This was incorrecte galed for the presentation of un puerto ártico no revelado, ope del ha sido sometida a una op2 and Sick Aid Association har function was a private effort the Rally on the Four Sea rando en la retaguardia alemana vración quirúrgica, de poca im. ve, we learn, completed arran of Miss Davis in aid of the sons of the year. social pro causando al enemigo bajas muy poctancia; Ann Ruthford ha strogements for the effective ceChurch Organ Fund, atacada por el sarampión y Walebration of their anniversawith gramme, steered by Mr. Jos. numerosas. Thomas, which the Guild was not associar was entwined rren Wiliam que es taba grave ry on the night of Tuesday ed. In making this correction we with the main feature. and her address as one of the mente enfermo de pumonía, 137th. April próximo.
The Choir, with Mrs. Irene representatives of Autumn. mejorado algo.
In adition to a programme beg to express our regret for the error.
Smith presiding at the organ, The Leadresses for the other NIEGASE QUE TROPAS CH. of exceedingly pleasing items, was particularly entertaining; Seasons were also accorded NAS INVADIERON SIAM it is understood guest speakas also the contributions by much appreciation. An ap CHUNKING, 27. UP Un por ers will be present from FROM SIQUIRRES the Misses. McTaggart, propriate discourse was con tavoz del gobierno negó haber other societies of the same Myrie, Ivy, Roberts, Mctributed by Mr. Da dado la noticia de que tropas chi category. very quiet but exceedKenzie, Graham and Mrs.
ingly pleasant, function took vidson. The address of nas invadieron a Thailandia. ABrown. Miss Drysdale Thanks was effected by Mr. gregó que hasta The festival will be open place in this township on the of Zent was greatly applaud George Davis, the Pastor of han entrado en ese país gran. Hall of the Catholic Day bert Samuel Sawyers Royal mento 1o to the general public in the 10 th. instant, when Mr. Roed for her organ selection the Sect.
des columnas chinas.
was joined in the bonds of wedlock to Miss Albertha Eli Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back zabeth Copeland Langlin at de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: the Jefatura Politica de Siquirres.
Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before Both Mr. and Mrs. Sawyers dentro de los primeros 10 días the Toth of the month are well known and highly de cada mes esteemed residents in the Be so good as to comply with this request and do not district of Zent where they Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pero oblige us to suspend our service, a step which will establish their home. We de tener que cortor su servicio wo would much regret to take.
extend them our sincere wishes for a long, healthy an prosperous union. Den Special Correspondent on ותו COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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