
PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, April 25th 1942 TAM 1w a SPLENDID PARA LOS PROPIETARIOS EN LIMON: IMPROVEMENT EFFORT RICE ONLY 30 Lb. AT Una gran 1942 oportunidad para adquirir los servicios competentes, de confianza y de muy larga experiencia LA PROVEEDORA the SENOR GEORGE LAZARUS Truly has God given Being He made after His como administrador de propiedades en la provincia de Sugar Head 30 Evap. Milk, Ige. 80 own likeness the power to Limón: Se habla español e inglés.
Cond. Milk, Ige. 05 Evap. Milk. small 40 transform the wilderness into Quaker Oats 40 garden, to harness the NO OLVIDE QUE LOS EXITOS COMERCIAstream, to conquer fire, to WIN BIG BAG OF GROCERIES LES DEPENDEN DEL FUNCIONARIO place fetters on the lightning acción postal: Apartado 449 DEMAND YOUR TICKET Limón.
and to concentrate his genius for the betterment of his Share in 45. 00 Merchandize Prizes fellow creatures.
With much gratification, EACH WEEK therefore, do we observe the LA PROVEEDORA splendid aid being afforded (CONDENSED FROM THE IDLER. Limón the community by the re sur facing of the mud path, which leads from the railSIDELIGHTS OF THE WAR Prudence is of more fre engrossed by vast designs road track, west, to the sett quent use than any other in nor distracted by multiplicity lement known as the Pres. To prevent their faling into Fascist Party officials station tellectual quality. It is exer of attention.
tinary Hill. Our highly re the hands of the Japanese, ed in different towns througted on the slightest occasion Prudence produces vigilan garded citizens don Eugenio 16, 000 petroleum wells were out Italy and to have convg and called into action by the ce rather than elevation, rath Garron and his sons the new destroyed by the British. ned a conference of ali the cursory business of common er prevents loss than the pro owners of the property, are Provincial Prefects for the life.
curing of advantages; it often carrying out the great im.
28th. instant in Rome. This Mankind is usually grantescapes miscarriages though provement. Their truck may Accompanied by the Cornis due, it is said, to increasing ed that which is universally it seldom attains honour or be seen almost daily hauling mander of the British forces in anti war movements and the necessary on the easiest of power. It quenches that ar and dumping gravel along the Egypt, the Duke of Gloucester desire of the people to arrange terms; hence Prudence, dour of enterprise by which pathway. We have heard reviewed units of the Middie a separate Peace Pact with En mvhich is a universal require deeds are done for the sake many expressions of sincere East army on the 19th instart glond both of which are ment, can be obtained with of claiming praise or admira praise for the interest Mr The Guard of honour consisted supposed to be favoured by isut much difficulty. It retion. It represses that gene Gavron is displaying in the of detachments of Maori sol Marshals Badoglio ond Gro.
quires neither extensive view rous temerity which often general welfare of the loca diers The Duke later on visit ziani.
nor profound research, but fails yet often succeeds. Pru lity and its people. The ed the camps of the New Zea forces itself, by spontaneous dence safeguards life, but ittlantic Voice adds its quota landers and South Africans.
Impulse, upon a mind neith does not always ensure hap. of congrats.
er great aor busy, neither piness.
According to a Moscow re.
LIVERPOOL CHORISTERS Mussolini is reported to ha port, Germany lost more than ve expelled a number of the one thousan dair craft in Rus MUERTE PARA LOS SUBMARINOS COMING ON VISIT sia during the month of March and more than five hundred SOCIAL SHORTS in the first two weeks of the current month.
Very pleasing is the information that, headed by Miss. Mr. Charles Mason, cate. Brown, Schoolmistress chist and school teacher of INGLATERRA LISTA PARA of Liverpool, a company of the Anglican Denomination LA INVASION EUROPA entertainers of that district at Rio Hondo, was an over DICE LORD BEAVERBROOK will be visiting our city for night business visitor on Mon the purpose of staging a Can day of the present week. Mr.
NUEVA YORK, 24 UP. El tata entitled Springtime. Mason is also one of the lead coordinador de aprovisionamien The sitting is proposed for ing agriculturists of Cimarro to y pertrechos del gobierno inithe Hal lof the local Branch nes. We were glés, ford Beaverbrook anoche exceedingly en esta ciudad dice que el moof the Universal Negro Im pleased to have had himmento es propicio para abrir un provement Association on the with us.
segundo frente en la guerra de evening of the 3rd. prox. We Europa. Beaverbrook pronunció hope the effort will be suc With much regret we un discurso ante la sesión cessful.
chromicle the indisposition clausura en la convención de los of Miss Edna Lawson of Li América. Beaverbrook dijo que editores de periódicos en Norte MEASLES verpool, who is said to be Inglaterra y Estados Unidos de one of the bright lights of ben atacar audazmente y sin te It is not an unusual thing the village. We wish her a mores algunos, que él sabe bien for us to have visitations of speedy recovery.
que Inglaterra está preparada pa a more or less epidemic type ra intentar la invasión de Euroat periodical intervals, parti Sorrowfully we mentionpa.
cularly among our younger the close of the short and CORDELL HULL HABLA DEL people. We are having the inocent career of little Frank Measles at this time. an Wilson Parker, whose spirit SALVAJISMO IMPLACABLE DE LOS NAZIS EN YUGOES infectuous ailment characte returned to Him who gave LAVIA rized by fever and the appeait after an illness of less than rance of numerous small red three days. The very sad WASHINGTON. 24 UP. E!
spots all over the body. The event took place on the 15th. secretario de estado Cordeli Hull present visitation has assum instant. We extend our sin declaró que los intentos de los ed wide spread proportions cere sympathy to his moth de guerrilleros yugoeslavos nazis por acabar con el ejército during the past couple of er, aunt, and other relatives. parte de otra serie de actos de weeks and bee nthe cause of salvejismo implacable del terro En la fotografia aparece un pequeño dirigible de la Marina de los Estados several deaths.
Unidos, bombardeando una mancha de aceite que indica la presencia de guardians and others interest rismo alemán los nazis han lan un submarino enemigo. Los dirigibles pueden viajar a poca velocidad.
As it may not be conve led could be convened at the zado la advertencia de que a me asegurando así la precisión, al lanzar sus mortiferas cargas de profundidad nient, a all times for contra los corsarios submarinos. Esta fotografia, tomada desde un avión the office of the United Medical nos que el general Draja Mihai que acompañaba al dirigible en la patrulla del océano, muestra la columna afflicted children and infants and Sanitary Department, ovich y su estado mnyora depon de agua lanzada al sice por la explosión.
to receive immediate atten when the gan las familiares y necessary trtat. tion by our very busy Medi ment could he briefly explain rehenes. El secretario Hull de amigos serán aprehendidos como BERLIN SUFRIO ANOCHE SU, dio de Berlin intorma que aviocos, we suggest the circula ed. All would not, of course mencio vigoresamente PRIMERO BOMBARDEO nes ingleses anoche atacaron tion of some first. aid treat be able to attend, but the in manda como un bárbaro méto DEL Año Berlin por primera vez desde el ment instructions; or, performation propounded would do de guerra alemán.
LONDRES, 21 UP. La rai sicte de noviembre, haps, a meeting for parents. quickly take wings.
NUMEROSAS VICTIMAS EN Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back EL ATAQUE ALEMAN U.
NA CIUDAD INGLESA de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: YER Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before LONDRES, 24 UP. Dos a: dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month viones alemanes atacaron esta de cada mes He so good as to comply with this request and do not mañana una ciudad de la costa Le megamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena Sudeste y causaron con sus bom oblige us to suspend our service, a step which bas considerables daños materia de tener que cortar su servicio wo would nsuch regret to take.
les especialmente en el barrio obrero. Hubo varias víctimas, al gunas de las cuales fueron hospi Lalizadas. Sex teme que algunas personas hayan quedado sepulta das bajo los escombros.
de es esa de a COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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