
DeWitt Pills quickly relieve JOINT PAINS CARDUT ried in the jungle DeWitt KIDNEY AND BLADDER Pills SATURDAY, May 16th: 1942 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE MAYAI. VAR ANAMN WIN LIVERPOOL RECENT TRAGEDY THE LOCAL LABOUR An execedingly sorrowful, he decided to rejoin Diaz, MOVEMENT event took place at Liverpool and, accordingly, returned to The much talked about on Monday of the previous the place where they had Movement in this city is week.
parted company. As the man said to be making headway.
According to the informa was not there and he could It is being directed, we untion received, a man of about not locate him anywhere he, derstand, by the Shoemaforty years of age, a native discharged several shotskers Syndicate and aims at of the neighbouring and from his rifle and as even bringing the largest possible griendly Republic of Nicara when these failed to secure number of the workers in gua, known by the name of a response, he hurried back this Zone under the influenIsidro Diaz, went on a hunt to the village and reported ce of a organization which ing trip accompanied by his the matter.
will display efforts for treir adopted son. He never return Early the following day al improvement, finandially ed number of the villagers, ac and otherwise, The lad, Luis, is reported companied by the lad, went We are told that attention to have stated that on arriv in search of the unfortunate will be first directed toward a Joint pains and backache ing at a certain point in the man, but returned without thirty per cent increase on warn you that your kidneys woodlands of the well known finding a trace of him. An existing rates of pay, based are out of order. They are Castro farm, his adopted other party left on the follow on an eight hour working getting sluggish and allowfather went in one direction ang day and after penetratingIday.
ing impurities and poisons and he in another in their into the farther mountainous to escape from the bloodsearch for animals. As he, regions located the stream and lodge in the man The workers of Siquirres they actually tone up and strengthen muscles and joints.
the kidneys. You get evidence of Luis, did not encounter any, dead body. He is stated to have been invited to send a These poisons (especially excess the direct action of De Witt have fallen the victim of Committee to discuss mat uric acid) may bring on painfni Pills within 24 hours of taking the rheumatic swellings if they are not first dose. This gives positive proo toboba real. an extremely ters with the local Body we quickly cleared ont of the system.
that a wonderful internal antiseptic venomous serpent; as on the are also told.
The way to tackle the trouble is to is getting to work at the very rool WOMEN! body being examined by the go at once to the root canse the of your trouble in the kidneys Juez de Paz, the mark of the MR. ERIC SINCLAIR anhealthy condition of your kidneys.
Turn dark weak reptile attack was seen op De Witt Pills are specially predays into sun.
Once your kidneys are restored to pered to correct kidney disorders.
days. Be strong, STAUNCH METHODIST healthy activity, those joint pains: the lift side of the unfortuThat why they have proved such rheumatic twinges and depressing happy. Cardul, nate man chast. Death was We have acquired the famous medicinal an effective treatment for Joint packaches vansh completely. And Pains, Rheumntism and Backache.
tonic, helps prevent supposed to have been almost! very ploasing knowledge because the cause of your trouble De Witt Pills not only clear away has been removed you can expect, periodic discomfort. instantaneous. As decomposi that Mr. Eric Sinclair clogging impurities and poisons more than temporary relief.
tion had set in all that remai who is on a visit to our city ned of the villager was bu from the neighbouring Re.
public of Panama, is not on ly devoted to the pursuits PANAMA NEEDS MORE OF OUR POULTRY ing wealth of this world, but which pertain to the perish Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Joint Paine and all forms of Kidney Trouble. Of all chemists and storekeepers, We note the report regard depend on the more indus that he is an ardent search ing the increasing demands trious activities of the dwell. er after the treasures which coming to us from Panama ers nthe interior for our neither grow old nor fade for poultry supplies. It has need in this respect, just asſ away.
been stated that a requisition we persist in doing other Mr. Sinclair comes well YAST WEEK END FOOTBALL ENGAGEMENT was recently received for a wise? We should bear in mind recommended by the Rev.
total of more than sixteen too that our home consump Stanley Cannon of the Me thousand head; while it is tion is also on the increase, He has been giving a series Velox Juventil of San Jose Suffered a Shut out thodist Church in Panama.
supposed present shipments generally.
by average about one thousand Then, too, it is not a very of discourses among our lo México Junior who scored Seven Goals each month. It is mooted the exceptional thing for our city cal Methodists and their Executive Authority may ne to be without an adequate of the week in course ne. On night gative excessive exportations supply of fresh eggrs. And Last Sunday afternoon shot. Their time bomb wa at in the interest of the coun from all we learn, there is was the guest speaker try normal requirements.
Football match was dedicato apparently badly calculated the customary Prayer Meet led to our highly no possibility of our securing esteemed and gave out before reach.
While we admit that a pro additional quantities. Why in ing. During the afternoon of Captain of the Port, don Ra ing terra. firma. The homesplerly organized and regular not let us make a start to the following day he taokyal Eduarte Sandoval. He ters: first goal was a photo trade with our neighbouring not only meet our own de cheer to the Young Adven was the recipient of a pro graphic pass from right, and Republic would afford the mands with locally reared urers, and at a later hour longed ovation on perform Ulloa, the fleeting left of source of profitable liveli fowls but also with an abun aduressed an assembly shot.
ing the honouree accustom extreme, earned the hood, we of this Zone would dance of newly laid eggs?
the Sisters Union, while on role.
The second was a daring dash be seriously affected, as the Wednesday the Christian It was obvious that the from a bayonet charge by very limited number of ani DEFENSAS PARA LA MARINA Endeavourers were the reci homesters had made sure Macho Rodriguez. The third pients of another of his soul that when one territory is was the result of a kick by mals now coming to us from MERCANTE DE EE. UU: interior points would be fur NUEVA ORLEANS, 15. UP. Ja tirring discourses.
invaded, the ablest of the centrehalf, a pass to Chather curtailed. On the other mes Mead, con el objeto de dar home guards bust be con, then a trail by León, people of Costa Rica another una proteccin inmediata y eficar cos mercantes y serían bajados al assigned the defence with and Andres had the pig hand, we see no reason why a los barcos en aguas norteamerinar en caso de notarse la presen a instructions to beat back the skin rolling through the vir canas del 18. such a demand should not den México ha propuesto a adopcempleo de numerosas larichas rá enemy with heavy casualties, sitors camp. Macho repeated be an incentive for the initiación de las tres medidas siguien pidas armadas para patrullar lar Shortly after the start of his dare devil stunt and had ting of a systematic rearing tes: Primera: formar una flota mh aguas citadas. Tervero; el empleo play it was confidently felt the fourth goal chalked up of poultry in this province. merosa de pequeños caza submeril de dirigibles con el mismo propó that the Port Captain bea Ulloa scored the fifth Why must we continue to nos, que llevarían a bordo los ba site utiful trophe would not ac point and Solano the company the visiting team on sixth. The seventh. and finther homeward trip. Oual, was triggered by the un COMPRAMOS prancing and furious attack daunted Macho.
ing players gave them not Despite their losing the slightest chance. An im match the Velozians played LOS MEJORES PRECIOS penetrable smoke screen was admirably and proved them sent out and no serious at selves real sportsmen. At the tempt to pierce the battle close of the game don Rafael fleet attack was witness presented Captain Chacon of CACAO ed.
the winning team a beautiful The visitors had the oppor and costly Ball. The military HOLE tunity of using a short range Band enlivened the engagegun but failed to earn thel ment with rich music.
RAICILLAS MEDICINALES Panama to Intensify Abaca Cultivation the COCOS COP RA LIMON TRADING Co.
With the desire of accor reported to have ceded six ding the efforts underway to thousand acres of the lands produce as great an amount lying in the adjacent region of the Abaca product in these of Bocas del Toro to the parts as might be feasible to United Fruit Company for meet the urgent industrialſ the purpose of extending demands of the United Sta their cultivation of the plant.
tes of America and else The cession is said to be a where the government of gratuitous one.
the Republic of Panama is Limón THI Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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