
PAGINA THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, May 30th. 1942 important mention a ZAPATERIA LA UNION own a be recalled gland has any doubt, būt ma bene cabled far crancs wieder UNITED FRUIT COMPANY POSTPONEMENT ON THE SICK LIST CARD OF THANKS As a consequence of the It is further understood With much sympathy we By this medium we beg to return our heartfelt thanks regrettable indisposition of that as several that Mrs. Susan to the many friends and well wishers, who sent us Mr. Chas. Hayling, the Direcommendations will be Moody, one of our endeared Cards and letters of sympathy, or otherwise tendered rector of the St. Anthony submitted to the members, citizens, is on the sick list their condolence, or assisted at the obsequies Burial and Sick Aid Asso with a view of improving and has gone to the Capital of our dear Father ciation, the meeting sum the Socitey activities, for special medical treatmoned for Tuesday evening full attendance is urged.
SAMUEL CHARLES NATION last was postponed for the approaching Tuesday night, who died in Limon on Saturday May 23rd. 1942.
June 2nd. Foreign Papers please copy)
Tonight Friendly Mr. and Mrs. Cecil and Mr. Percy Nation Dance DOMINGO INGIANNA According to the trend of things, tonight uppermost amus IN REMEMBRANCE OF THE LATE EDWARD ement will be the Limon Jarior Avisa a su estimable clientela el traslado Sport Club Friendly Dance. AUGUSTUS PITT in the St! Mark Parish Hall de su establecimiento a su nuevo local frente Our young friend, Mr. John al Mercado, contiguo a la Farmacia Grillo, On Tuesday the 26th. ins Messrs. Goulbourne and Humphreys, the energetic Secre donde, como siempre, está a sus gratas órdetant, the flight of time Roel Johnson placed in po tary, hals assured us that his brought us to the third anni sition, on the right siding Club will re assamble a numnes.
versary of the death of the above the Altar, a magnifi ber of notables to participate Rev. Edward Augustus Pitt. cent Memorial Tablet which in the gala affair, which, coand a glowing tribute was bore an appropriate inscrip incidentally, is harmonized with tendered his memory in the tion. Mr. Angus effected Memorial Day of our Great Begs to notify his esteemed clients that his church wherein he long the reading and Mr. Goul Northern Republic. We advise establishment has been transfered to his new worshipped.
bourne the presentation. all the gited ones to be sure The Rev. Holmes con The artistically designed to atend. it will be, in adlocation in front of the Limon Market, adjoinducted the service, and with and finished Tablet is the cition, a Lebert Brown setting the Grillo Farmacia where the usual serhim were associated the work of Mr. Roel Johnson ing.
vice with be afforded.
Rev. Forde, and Messrs. and the lettering, in Roman Angus, Newton and mould that of Mr. Newton. Goulbourne. The service The rendering by the Choir touching address on the vir began with the singing of of another anthem preluded with the Grand Old Man. THE WILL OF.
tues of and his association the bymn Now the Labou. the outstanding tribute of this nation seem to conrer Task is o er; Mr. An given the noble life of the Angus, added a well timed unity, whether there be any in England, know how go.
The Circuit Steward, Mr (VIENE de la Pág. CINCO) sist of stupid slackers. We, gus then read the scripture deceased by the Rev.
Mr. Forde. After the immortal from Mr. Stewart, our discourse, and read a letterſ doubt lesson and the Rev.
about the unity But of tesque is this picture.
Forde offered prayer.
song Forever with the people this few realize the injury it has During the singing of ano Lord had been sung, Mr. have attended the service.
treating o nhis inability to crisis of our history. No done abroad. The words of ther impressive hy n, Newton delivered Envery these licensed critics have It might here that it was due to the ins ny foreigners, not sharing and have cheapened and detrumentality of Mr. Ste our confidence, may be forgi, famed our war effort. They wart that Methodism was ven for hesitating doubts. have discouraged our friends started in Costa Rica. In Alas, a tiny, noisy, uterly and have stimulated our ene his very interesting dis unrepresentative collection of mies propaganda. have gi minded his congregation of painted a strange picture of colm ll now give one from you a SERVICIO the responsibility to sancti England at war. These croa the writing of one of his fy their spirit and ever bear, kers never fail to declare and staunchęst friends.
in mind that God will al pronounce their zeal for vise DE VAPORES ways illumine the soul of tory. Perhaps, like Midship crucial year, a great effort In 1864, the Civil War some one to further the man Easy, they suffer from was made by some politicians Message of Salvation. Tru an excess of zeal. They have and journalists to ly, that Love which survives a strange way of shewing it. This re election. They declared prevent the Tomb, that attribute of They encourage our armies he muddled everything. His the Soul, will long remem by telling them they are led amateurish interference in mi partir de esta fecha y a causa de ber the loved ones whose laby aged incompetent litary affairs, his lack of unla situación anormal, cualquier informe bours were founded on love, Blimps and, if their descripderstanding the problems of honour, integrity and true tion of British war produc the contractors to the War respecto a reservaciones de pasajes y escharity tion is accurate, a large part Department were losing the pacio para carga, no pudiendo atenderwar for the Union. To prove lo telefónicamente, deberá ser solicitado he had NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA the prestige personalmente en nuestras oficinas en o fhis country abroad, his critics quoted some unworthy los bajos del The best assortment of first closs lumber gibes from English newspapers. To this Lincoln friend GRAN HOTEL COSTA RICA Laurel and Cedar replied. The worst things said bout America in Endonde nos esforzaremos como de costumgland, have been but the echo Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnour of things said here. Surely bre por llenar sus necesidades.
the echo of some of the Saw Mill in Siquirrés. We buy Longs things said here, in England have wrought much injury to our cause. CACAO EMBARCADO EN LIMON. COSTA RICA ABRIL 1942. Hitler only hope of victo ry lies in dividing the British Fecha Vapor Embarcadores Sacos kilos Destino Consignatarios Empire, America, Russia, Chi April na and the smaller countries San Pablo 800 Agencias Unidas 56000 San Francisco Otis McAllister Cº 28 Stella Maris Cia Banatera de 1000 68947 Cartagena who form the United Nations Escipión Mosquera 28 do do 55158 Barranquilla Cia. Nacional de Chocolate His dirty triumphs over Fran 28 do 200 ce and the smaller do states do to nister quality of fomenting 2800 193894 doubts and refeatism. Neither Hitler nor his jackal CO 2800 sacos SS. CO Goebbels will succeed in divid ing England. In the country RESUMEN: now, in Parliament and in the press, there will always EMBARCADORES: SACOS Kitos DESTINO: Sacos Kitog be an overwhelming majority of persons who in sunshine Agencias Unidas 809 56000 Colombia 2000 137894 and storms, in fair weather Cia. Bananera de Costa Rica.
2000 137894 San Francisco 800 56000 or in foul will stand fast against the Axis tyrants.
2800 193894 193894 They truly ven the will lof the people of Britain or cacao 800 13789 do 2800 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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