
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE formy a of OD Nothing is more apparent than that, however injured or provoked, some must eventually relent and forgive. It can never be hoped that he who first comDevoted to the interest of the people of the Atlantic Zone mits an injury will contentedly acquiesce in the requir ed penalty. The same haughtiness of contempt and YEAR VII. LIMON, COSTA RI CA, JUNE 20th. 1942. Nº 396 vehemence of desire that prompt the act of injustice WIRELESS NEWS will more strongly incite its justification; and resentU. NAVY GAIN THIRD BIG VICTORY OVER JAPANESE ment can never so exactly balance the punishment with the fault, but there will remain an overplus of BERNE. Berlin announAfter a three days encounter cles that the sesult of the Aleu vengeance, which even he who condemns his first ac ces that 15, 000. 000 women are in the waters of the Aleutian tian fight will seriously affect tion will think himself entitled to retaliate.
actually employed in German Islands off the coast of Alaska, Japan plans against the stra.
industries and that 9, 500. 000 the United Sta es naval and tegic positions of the United of them are doing so under, air units secured their third sig States which might play an im FURTHER COMPLAINT BY RAILROAD compulsion. Six million of! nal victory over the Japanese, portant part in the expected of: One enemy cruiser was sunk, fensive in the Pacific.
them are married and TRAVELLERS the and at least six other war u. General Ritchie is reported mothers of a million and a nits badly damaged, including to have withdrawn his forces half children who are cared an airplane carrier and three to the Egyptian frontier in view It is reported that travellers who frequent the Estreof the menace with which they lla Valley region, by means of the Railroad Company in special centers during destroyers.
After a violent attack in the were faced by those of the enebi weekly passenger and freight combination, are working hours.
expeMediterrean, which lasted riencing a further amount of hardship in consequence of three days a so, an allied con The important stronghold at being denied the privilege of carrying, free of freight voy reached Tobruk and Malta Tobruck is again threatened as with food, munition and troops. a result of the fove.
harges, their hitherto permissible small personal pac CAIRO The British Mi Although the Britis Command The most serious fighting on kages.
litary Command states they admit they suffered somewhat the Russian Fronts is still cen.
From all that has been alleged, it would seem as if had retired their forces from heavily they claim that the tered in the sector of Sebastorulings of a distinctly personal character are being ma the positions occupied at El sinking of a 10. 000 ton Italian pol, where the Soviels are he.
de effective in this section of the Company operations, two des. roically withstanding yeriAdem and Sidi Rezegh but cruiser, and at least quite apart from the genuine official regulations. If this troyers, as well as the serious table inferno from the attack were continuing to harass damage inflicted on six othering Nazis, who, according to be really so, an early and thorough investigation appears the enemy in the south and ships in addition to the destruc Berlin, are gaining considerable necessary.
west of Tobruk.
tion of numerous aircraft far ground to the north tie The large majority of the users of this Branch seroutweighed their losses.
vice are small cultivations, whose struggles for an exis.
It is thought in military cir SC STOCKHOLM Accordtence should evoke the most generous treatment in keep nig always, of course, with the Company general inteing to an official statement CHURCHILL IN WASHINGTON ests. It does not, therefore, appear reasonable to demand the raids by the Royzl Air them the payment of amounts, as freight, often in Force over German territory caused 1, 282 deaths during Winston Churchill, arrived The British Prime Minister, mand is expected to place xcess, it is declared, of the value of the contents of the in new and important phase the month of April.
small packages which more often than not are only veWashingotn last Trursday af. the conflict in the near future.
getables and fruit for their home use.
ternoon to confer, it is stated, Commentators are of the opiKnowing, as we do, that the policy of the Company LONDON. The Minister with President Roosevelt re nion that the long talked about Administrative Personnel is to facilitate our travelling pu of Aviation has released the garding war matters. second front offensive against informaton that 399 civilians blie in every way possible, we Accomplished at this period Hitler in western Eurore will are confident they will de: accord this matter the consideration it merits.
were killed and 425 injured of the war the Premier con. probably be given a final ference with President Roose cision.
as the result of air raids velt and the High Com.
ALLEGED DISCOVERY OF PERUVIAN BARK over England during the month of May last. The to TREES BANANAS 00 PER DOZEN IN NEW YORK tal deaths among the civil po We note the very interesting It is understood that speci pulace in April and May ha press advice, dated the 812, 760. The March figures report that forest trees res mens of the product have been ve been fixed at 1, 337. latter part of the past month were expected to shew as embling those of the genus from forwarded to the United States reveals that due to the scar greater increase.
which the valuable Peruvian of America for scientific analy LONDON. The Germans city of supplies, Bananas we Bark is obtained, were recent sis to determine its real value.
ly discovered a privately In view of the marked short have threatened to execute re then being sold in New York after the rate of from owned property in the vicinity tage we are exjeriencing one Checoslovathousand sixty cents to one dollar per of Turrialba. The age of some supplies of alkaloid material, it kians for every German who dozen.
of the trees have been placed is hoped the examination will is killed in that country. In New Orleans, during tage we are experiencing in our produce the most favourable the same period, the price plant life at fifty or more years. results.
Salaries Commission Na asked for the fruit was bet ween seven and eight cents med for Limon a pound in the chain stores, and from fifteen to forty According to the announ stands and in the indepencents a dozen on the fruit Fresh from the finest cement in the official Gazel dent groceries.
Dairy Regions tte, the Executive Authori: SERVICIO ty has named a Salaries Com in view of the existing trans Strange as it may seem, mission for the Central Can portation difficulties, and ton of our Province. The despite its position as a vita!
members are the Gover defence port, New Orleans nor of the Province, as Pre bananas wharves, stretching sident, Messrs. Alfonso So for miles along the Mississip le and Rafael de la Peña pi, are reported busier than as representing the emplo ever taking care of the total yers, and Messrs. Francisco, banana imports for the coun One of the first essentials to good partir de esta fecha y a causa de Muñoz Sanchez and Francisco Marin Moya for the month of January of the pre health is to drink plenty of fresh try. The arrivals, during the la situación anormal, cualquier informe milk every day. Klim is a depend.
able source of fresh milk from sent year, totalled, we are which che water has been removed respecto a reservaciones de pasajes y es s in the Capital and told, 577, 852 stems while, in. it keeps without refrigerations pacio para carga, no pudiendo atender other interior points, the Special packing retains the delight February, the quantity reaCommission will deal with ched the higher total of.
ful, natural pure milk flavour.
lo telefónicamente, deberá ser solicitado all matters which may arise You have fresh milk when you personalmente en nuestras oficinas en between our workers and need it simply by replacing the water in Klim. It is easy to use: los bajos del their employers in connec se are preparing to invade Russia economical too there is no wastes tion with their wages by way of Siberia, in an effort, or it must be presumed, to assist Try Klim today.
GRAN HOTEL COSTA RICA their Nazi partner on the other front. Large numbers of their man power and war material are JAPAN PREPARING TO reported being transferred to POWDERED donde nos esforzaremos como de costumInorthren China and Manchuria, WHOLE bre por llenar sus necesidades.
INVADE SIBERIA while their war planes are known to be moving in the same direction in great quantities, According to information emi from Burma, the Philippines and nating from China, the Japane the Dutch East Indies.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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