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PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JUNE, 20th, 1942 VISITOR FROM NICARAGUA An Approaching Social Function rewill preMrs. Gayle of our ciOne of our young citizens, ty, had the surprise visit who recently returned from a over last week end of her trip abroad, has histed he is son, Mr. Stanley Gayle, who setting the stage for adisplay of is said to have been resi the most up to the minute dent in the Republic of Ni Hits in the light fantastic art.
caragua during the past the residence of Mr. Alfred thirteen years. He is now in and Miss Rose Watson will be the maritime service and the Aurora. We have the furholds an important position ther information that Prof. Le on an ocean going vessel, bert Brown and his associate which, having to call at this musicians are effectively port, afforded him the op hearsing new items for the oc portunity of embracing his casion.
mother and receiving the Unlike many of the invitatwarm greetings of a large ion dances, the sponsors of this number of friends.
coming one, have given the In the bey days of our city, assurance that there will be a and Mr Gayle was a widely re continuous flow of solid garded personage. He ser liquid refrehmeifts with no adved on the teaching staff of ditional cost to the quota men the former St. Marck Day tioned on the invitations. Miss School, was at one time a Watson, who is associated with responsible employee of the the management, has already es United Fruit Company, and tablished her reputation as a was also connected with the graceful hostess.
commercial activities of the African Communities Lea PHILARMONIC HOIRC gue in association with the local Unit of the TO STAGE MUSICALE Association.
The Parish Hall of Saint Mark will, it is expected, be RETURN OF RECTOR spiendidly regaled, on the even OF ST: MARK ing of Monday, July, the 6th.
prox. when the famous Phil.
After spending several harmonic Choristers days in the milder elimate sent a Musicale. We are confiof the interior, in the inte dent that those who appreciate rest of his health, the Rev. brilliant vocal tones and impel Evans, Rector of St. lent instrumental contributions Mark returned last Fri will be amply satisfied.
day, eight days ago As the Choir Director, Mr.
Pressure of work and the Daysley, can always be redemand for his ministerial lied on to present the best, we services necessitated his urge our citizenry to prepare shortening his stay in the to attend the Musicale in over.
more refreshing temperatu whelming numbers.
SE ROMPEN TODOS LOS RÉCORDS DE PRODUCCIÓN. Millones de trabajadores en los Estados re of the Capital. We sinUnidos se han unido para romper todos los récords que hay establecidos hasta la fecha en la producción de cerely hopes he keeps well.
aviones de guerra, tanques, armas de fuego y buques. En la fotografia (arriba) se ve una multitud de trabaJadores saliendo de una planta durante el cambio de turnos. Estas plantas se mantienen en operación duranta METHODIST NOTES las veinticuatro horas del día. En la fotografia inferior aparecen varias Fortalezas Aéreas, sea, bombar.
deros pesados, en construcción. hasta donde se nos permite ver.
INVITATION TO COSTA Having regard :o present day RICA BASKET. activies among the women of the Methodist League, there is BALLERS ON THE SICK LIST AN INDOOR ANNIVER SARY CELEBRATION a great Time approaching for Very much we regret having The Bethseda Lodge of the It is stated that the Limón Basketball Tournament, the members and friends of the to mention the illness of the occasion Mrs. Independent Order of is under promulgation in denomination, on Odd and Mount Herman Lodges of the neighbouring Republic of the staging of the Rally bas. McRae. She is said to have Feliows, Manchester Unity, and the Grand United Order have Ladies Auxiliary of Panama and is likely to ed on several Bible Characters, suffered a physical collapse con the Social been invited and expressions of sequent on the rapid passing have announced the indoor ce regret in having been unable to assume the character of an in the church, on the 7th. of International Serie, as it is the coming month. An interest into eternity of her youngest iebration of their anniversary extend, the usual courtesy to brother, Willie.
for he night of Monday next, other Fraternities and the geunderstood the participants ing entertaining prelude is also It is sincerely wished she will the 22 end. instant. Their own neraj pablic have been effectwill be from the masculine under preparation, we unders soon regain her good health. Hail will provide the setting.
divisions of Colombia, Cos tand.
ed by the Management.
Friend Oscar has our deepest ta Rica, Canal Zone and Pa sympathy nama.
An invitation to this effect has been received by The Men of the Association Mr. Wally Logan, is most the National Body, in con will convene their regular unfortunately suffering from trol, in San Jose. There is monthly literary session on another atiаck of illness, which DOMINGO INGIANNA good reason to believe the Thursday evening the 25th. inshas confined him to his resi.
invitation will be accepted tant. The unconcluded subjectdence, in this city, under spe and our best selection sent Child Psychology cial medical treatment. May he over. will be further discussed.
pull through this further ordeal Avisa a su estimable clientela el traslado and be able to be up and doing again.
de su establecimiento a su nuevo local frente al Mercado, contiguo a la Farmacia Grillo, donde, como siempre, está a sus gratas órdenes.
ALASKA ALMACEN The Department of National Defence of Canada has announced that squadrons of the Dominion air force, as also antiBegs to notify his esteemed clients that his CALZADO erial units, are cooperating with establishment has been transfered to his new the North Americans in the defence of Alaska.
location in front of the Limon Market, adjoinNeither the number of the man power or aircraft has been ing the Grillo Farmacia where the usual serMATERIALES DE ZAPATERIA revealed nor the locality in which they operate.
vice with be afforded.
LA SUERTE DE TOBRUK QUE LIMON APARTADO 156 DARA SELLADA ENTRE PO pinan que la suerte de Sebasto que esa fue una de las más cos.
COS DIAS pol quedará sellada en los pró tosas ofensivas lanzadas por los LONDRES 19 UP. Los obximos días. Cualquiera que sea nazis y que sus pérdidas han si servadores militares ingleses el resultado, ya quedó probado do casi incalculables.
ZAPATERIA LA UNION Avelino De La Peña Co. Sucs. CANADIAN FORCES IN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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