
PAGE PINK WS Welcomed Visitor Get quick relief from RHEUMATISM So Lose a DeWitts e Pills KIDNEY AND BLADDER BUY AND SAVE MONEY AT LA PROVEEDORA We were delighted to have had our former highly distinStarch, Lb. 30, Klim Powdered Milk, guished citizen, Lic don Ro.
Sait, Lbs.
0:35 tin 25 drigo Odio, with us over last Pure Coffee, Lb. 70 Condensed Milk, small 35 week end.
Sugar Head 30 Evaporated Milk, small 40 Quakers Oats Attorney Odio, it will be 45 Island Palm Soap, large 50 Rice recalled, somewhat recently Ib. 0:30 Sagar, 50 Lb. sack 00 resigned the responsible posiYou Always get Better Prices. Better tion of Captain of our Port Merchandise and removed, with his family And Better Service at to the Capital, where his pro fesssional services are engag LA PROVEEDORA ed by the Costa Rica Banana LIMON Company.
Rheumatism pain in joints and muscles are due to the formation of sharp crystals from excess SORROW FOR THOSE uric acid which weak kidneys POLISH RESERVE have allowed to escape into the system.
From page The affliction brought OFFICERS SHOT The kidneys should be filtering day. Their efforts produ? about by the infamous act this excess uric acid (and all other poisons and irapurities) out of the ced the body of Ernest Sin of cruel enemy has clair. On Tuesday, that of thrown a dark cloud over According to the informabloodstream. That is why, at the first twinges of Rheumatism, you they contain is getting to work clear.
and Miguel Mendez ing away impurities and poisons.
tion released by well infor should take special steps to satisfy and will on the entiremembered. The Wednesday that of Carlos long med circles, all the officers yourself that the kidneys are work Within a few days the kidneys the ing properly.
are once more at work trapping Pearson were discovered. sadness spreads thicker, hol on the reserve lists of Polish Forces were recently De Witt Pills bave been specially poisons and impurities in the bloodUp to the time this is wever, in the souls of those arrested and a large number prepared to act directly on weak, stream and expelling them from being written a total of se who have been deprived of of them put to death before sluggish, clogged kidneys. They the system by Nature marvellous soothe inflammation, heal, strengthen mechanism.
ven bodies have been taken their loved ones. May they firing squads.
and restore them. You have visible That is why De Witt Pills prove out.
gain some consolation from This brutal act is suppoproof of the direct action of DeWitt so wonderfully effective in relieving The names of the dead the thought that they will sed to have been effected for Pills within 24 hours, of taking the Rheumatism. They go at once to first dose. You know for certain the root of the trouble the kidneys are given as. David Ban meet their lost ones in the the purpose of safeguardting that the wonderful internal antiseptic themselves, ton, Gerald Brown, Alfred Great Unknown. And may the position of the Nazis reColville, Leslie Clarke, Ed the souls of the departed siding in Poland in view of win Diamond, Thomas Elones find rest eternal. the growing uneasiness revans, Augustus Holness, AI We have since had the garding the outcome of the bert Hay, Egbert Henry, information, while at our Russian war.
Percival Heslop, Samuel Jo Printers in San Jose, that Made specially to end the pain of Rheumatism, Backache, Lnabago, Joint nes, Edwin Lewis, Williamſtwo more bodies have been Pains and all forms of Kidney Trouble. Ot all cherists and storekeepers LAST SATURDAY Lapsley, Stanford Morris, recovered from the bodeAntonio Mora, guel Men gas of the San Pablo. one From Page doz, Alfonso Notice, Car was identified as that of rally the case when such ma Unfortunately, as is gene. FURTHER AID TO BRITISH AND los Pearson, Clifford Po Felix Sebe, but the other ALLIED WAR CHARITIES well, Jacob Robinson, Felix was so decomposed as to nifestations take place, a lar ge Sebe, Ernest Sinclair and be funrecognizalile. These number of the more aggre It delights us to pass along to the Vice Consul and all who ssively inclined, attacked the Gonzalo Quesada. One mem additional recoveries have commercial and other busin the very pleasing information contributed to the very laudaber of the ship crew was increased the total to nine. ess houses of a number of that His Britannis Majesty Vi ble cause in the interest of thg also killed.
Germans, Italians and the ce Consul in this city, Mr. se who are fighting and sufSpaniards associated with Johnston, remitted, recen fering for the preservation of the Falangista Movement, tly, a cheque for the sum located in San Jose and Car of one thousand colones to the our civilization, freedom and li berties.
ON BEHALF OF THE FARMERS COMMISSICN tago. The show windows of Legation in San Jose, as a furthe buildings were destroy ther contribution to the British Being fully cognizant of the ed and, in many instances.
personal efforts displayed by the places sacked of their and Allied War Charities.
Mr. Johnston for the raising Editor, English Section ing upon those things which goods. Such improper activi In his acknowledgment of the of these financial donations, The Atlantic Voice, affect us most, the Presi ties, of course, called for the City: dent offered his most able active participation of the amount, the Charge Affaires from time, to time, we extend My dear Sir: help to the farmers, espe. police authorities and many the Hon. George Lyall, has ex. him our deep congratulations.
As one of your early and cially those in the Cacao offending parties have been pressed his sincere gratefulness constant collaborators, Industry. In the same since detained, while the matter shall be indeed grateful to re spirit, we are expressing receives the attention of the you to permit the necessary our fervent thanks to those corresponding Courts of Jus ARBITRATION BOARD TO FUNCTION WITH FOOTBALL space in your most valua business men of our city tice.
LEAGUE ble Weekly to express whose voluntary donations the following: greatly assisted our finanHuman nature is so strange, Board during the present In the name of the Agricial obligations and enabled a thing it is not above crea Football League Fixtures. ting controversies, particular President, don Antonio Ca culturists of Cahuita, Estre us to effect the trip. We cand lla, Old Harbour and Man not fail to mention, also the ly when Fame is at stake. nalias; Secretary, don Edwin zanillo of this Atlantic Zo valuable services rendered And, as experience has pro Saenz; Treasurer, don Alber ven that when difference arito Lam; Vocals, don Enrique ne, as well as in my own na to our Commission by El se the cause is best served by Salazar, don Emiliano Canti me, we desire to place on Diario de Costa Rica, La MEXICO STRIKES HER presentation before a duly llo and don Fortunato Casti perpetual scroll our since Prensa Libre and your appointed Board of Arbitra llo. re and profund gratitude Weekly. We must also FIRST WAR BLOW tors, those who take an acti We are of the opinion that to the President of this our mention that the fundamen ve interest in our sporting this Unit will be a grert heloved country, Dr. Cajde tals which motivated on Guardia; as also the petition to the Chief Execu The Mexican Military High activities have named the asset in shaping the activi Command have announced following, as the Administraties of all players during the President of the National tive have increased in our the striking of the Republic tive Personnel for such al current season.
Congress, Lic. don Teodoro disfavour, as a consequence first blow against the Axis Picado, and to our Deputy of the death and destruc Powers, in her capacity ass to the National Congress, tion thrown on us by the one of the Allied Nations. NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA Lic. don Francisco Fonse torpedoing of the ss ca, Chamier in regard to San Pablo on the night fleet is said to have detected Units of the Republic air the visit the Farmers Com of the 2nd. instant. The help a German submarine about The best assortment of first closs lumber mission effected at the Ca from the Supreme Govern three miles off the coast and sa Presidential on the mornient is now most urgent.
that shortly after it had been Laurel and Cedar ning of Friday the 3rd. ins Thanking you for the abo attacked by bombing planes, tant. Our commission was ve courtesy. a large quantity of oil appear received with the most sta Very truly yours, ed on the surface of the sea.
Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnour tely courtesy and amicable This gave rise to the belief ness. In the representation Fernando Asch that the underwater craft Sew Mill in Siquirres. We buy Longs before the President, treats Ilimón July 8th 1942. had been fatally damaged.
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our Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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