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PAGINA ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3rd. 1942 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN his have a lost ce COMMANDO ATTACK TRUE HERO SUBMARINES WORK EAGLES COME HOME FLAGS OF THE ALLIES TO ROOST The marching record of the London, October This is British Army is held by a Com the story of a man who stayed The three hard fighting Ea; mando unit that covered sixty at home. which, being a sexa the Submarine Service, Admiral Sir Max Horton, of YUGOSLAVIA Squadrons of the Royal three miles in stated full marching genarian who had survived two at a submarine launching cereSince 1918, Yugoslavia flag Force, made up of citize volunteered for servi order in a little more than six previous wars, he was entitled mony that since the war began, has consisted of blue, white and who teen hours. As the men neared to do. He was Lieutenant Wil British submarines have sunk red bands in equa proportions with the British armed fort the end of their grueling day liam Foster, was 300 enemy supply ships, includBefore 1918 there were two early in the war before their principal concern was whe six feet in height, and despite ing many troopships, and da. flags: Serbs (red, blue, white. lcountry was involved in ther they would reach their des his age, was in first class train maged nearly 50 more. They Croats (red, white, blue. present struggle, have now tination in time to attend a dan ing. He voluntarily ended sunk ce that evening. They did, and libe by an act of seif sacrifice German and Italian damaged After amalgamation in 1918, come an integral part of the or 87 warships, under Alexander I, father of the Army Air Force.
they finished up their day with which saved a score of his com including more boats than present King, the existing flag The boys from the Unit several hours dancing. This rades in the Home Guard, of British submarines destroyed was adopted. The same flag is States ran up a fine record who is one of the many stories of the which he was a grenade instruc during the whole of the last used when Yugoslavia is at war, serving with the ai rigorous Commando training tor. In their view he deserved but with a curious device in the their score of enemy plan told by Gordon Holman, a Bri the Victoria Cross. Soldiers and war.
top left hand corner, consisting brought down since the squ tish newspaper man who was Home Guards were participating of four s meaning, Only with drons were organised stands permitted to accompany the last Sunday in bomb throwing 72.
THE MERCHANT NAVY Unity can Serbia Survive.
Commandos on their raids on exercises near Whaddon, four The incorporation of thes the Lofoten Islands last DecemFIGHTS miles from Salisbury. Foster, seasoned airmen into the ver and on St. Nazaire in March. who had been among the first their lives through enemy action. Army took place in London la He explains the success of their eight enrolled in the Alderbury Hall in honour At a concert held in Albert Despite these loses, survivors Tuesday, and all of the pilot of the Platoon of the Wiltshire Home sacrifices of the merchant sea tatingly go back to cea again cond Lieutenants since there ai heroic from torpedoed vessels unhesiwere given commissions as DARING, SPLIT SECOND Guard had with him in a trench, men of the United Nations, Ad and recruits com forward in but not among the half dozen no sergeant pilots in the RAIDS miral of the Fleet, Lord Chat steady stream to man the new Army Air Force. They will als Home Guards immediately sufield, revealed that 16, 000 Brit vessels now being put into servi be given a special medal by ti rrounding him, his gran ison, by the meticulous prerraration, ish merchant seamen had aged seven, who had British Government in recogr.
come to physical and mental, that prewatch. live grenade was tion of their splendid services cedes each one of their exploits.
thrown too low to clear. It It will be remembered in th From the bridge of the little struck the top of the bank and connection that during the wa motor gunboat that served as rolled back towards the platoon.
of 1914 18 a number of Amer flagship of the gallant Jittle floFoster sprang forward and can aviators fought with the tilla as spiled up the estuary FLUNG HIMSELF ON THE AF. and greatly distinguishe of the sire to stage at the eneBOMB, themselves. Captain Robert my base at St. Nizare. Mr. covering it with his body so that Little obtained 47 victories an Holman saw the Commandos bra is sustained the full force of the Captains Warren Gillete an ve an inferno of fire from conexplosion. He was killed ins John Malone 20 each. Altc crete pillboxes on the mole as tantly, but he had saved his men.
gether there were 25 pilots wh they swarmed ashore to blow That night, in the Three Crowns brought down five Germans up the power house and pene Inn, they drank their beer, more during the first world wa trate even to the strongly de. smoked and talked about him.
while serving with the fended boat basin. He watched the sum of their knowledge vas the Royal Navy drive home the that his son in law was a priso.
SAYINGS bow of Campbeltown ner of war; that he, himself, was. formerly the Buchanan, one of twelve sons of a naval one of the fifty four stack des officer, all of whom had entered We are fighting for a mora troyers traded to Britain in re the Army or Navy; that he and not merely a material issue turn for bases. against the fought in the South African war, Though our plans must be scien main gate of the drydock. Com and had won the in the tifically prepared, there mus mandos who had taken passage last war as a Sergeant Major in be behind them the inspiratio)
on her deck leaped ashore to the Royal Fusiliers, and the Miof our most deeply religious con get into the fray, while.
litary Cross after being commis.
victions. Sir Stafford Cripps sioned in the Royal Army Servi ce Corps. Born in the Army almost he was. they said, and There is no surer way THE NAVY BLEW UP fo)
now he dead but he saved men and for nations to show the lives of 20 of us.
themselves unworthy of liberty the Campeltown and with it than by a supine submission ant destroyed every trace of the gaa refusal to fight; to render more te. Not all of the raids of the difficult the task of those who Commandos wind up in such bit BATTLE OF THE SPIRIT are fighting for the preservatior ter fighting, but Mr. Holman of human freedom unless testifes to the intense and outbe to align themselves freely spoken disgust of these men The titanic conflict raging on and voluntarily with the des.
when a hoped for scrap eludes the Atlantic, in Russia, in Egypt, troyers of liberty. Mr. Cormind and heart.
them. On the expedition to the grips the dell Hull, Secretary this Lofoten Islands, on which he Thinking men know that State.
is not only a physical conflict.
was the first newspaper man to it is a battle of ideas and ideals.
accompany a Commando unit, Humanity is fighting for its life. Everybody in America, jus they were deprived of the fun The hard won gains of centuas here, wants to see the maxi.
to which they had been looking ries are at stake. The liberty of mum military effort deployed forward by a shortage of Nazis. the human spirit, the survival as quickly as possible, but they But the picture that he paints of of the comon decencies of human have the sense and good judgthe tough Commandos relations, are trheatened. We ment to realize that that impuls know it because we have seen has to be translated into action what Nazism does when it gains on the best possible technical PLAYING SANTA CLAUS control of a conquered land. We advice that each country can know it because we have heard BRITAIN PARACHUTE TROOPS command.
Lord Halifax Ambassador of Sorvar the boasted plan sof Nazi leato to the Norwegians the United The enormous expansion which has taken place in the ders.
States gen passing out slabs of chocolate to the fair haired past year of Britain army parachutist force, and its rablueA pall of pagan darkness world of would overlay the pidly growing efficiency, were demonstrated recently by a The Government determieyed children; tins of coffee to mass attack by paratroops Hitler were to triumph. It is the women and tobacco and ci because we realise the greatness on enemy territory during nation to open a second front manoeuvres somewhere in England. All are volunteers and no sccret, but the time and place garettes to the men shows the of the issue that we of the Unit each volunteer is tough, keen, courageous and fighting fit. n:ust be left to military leaders human side of the nature of these ed Nations have dedicated our They have learned thoroughly the art of falling from an aero Harm would come through pre men, hand picked for their fight jall to the winning of victory. plane, landing without injuring themselves, and what to mature efforts to make the Go ing qualities from the entire We are fighting for the spirit do with the weapons dropped in containers. The time of vernment divulge its intention.
British Army.
of man, descent is a maiter of seconds.
Sir Edward Grigg, ot Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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