
ATLANTIC VOICE a reare to a THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The measure of justice prescribed to us, in our transactions with others, is remarkably clear and comprehensive. Whatever ye would that men should do unto you, even so do unto them. Law by which every claim of right may be immediately adjusted as the private conscience requires to be info Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 rmed: a law of which every man may find the expo YEAR VIII Limón, Octo ber 10th. 1942 sition in his own breast, and which may always be 345 observed without any other qualifications than HON. GEORGE LYALL WILT MANY DETAINED FOR FAILURE TO PRESENT honesty of intention and purity of will.
NOT LEAVE JUST NOW RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATES THE DISCOVERY OF OUR CONTINENT In our previous issue we 000mentioned, with much It cannot be reasonably racteristic law abiding Lert gret, that the Hon. George denied that the Govern dencies of our people we are obo Lyall, His Britannie Majes ment afforded a very large inclined to the opinion that ty Charge Affaires resi number of the foreigners, economic and other emba.
Our march along the pathway of life has brought dent in San Jose, was sla residing in the Republic ex rrassing circumstances ted for retirement and tensive to the threshold of another anniversary of the day opportunities to mainly responsible in a lar: would be leaving Costa Ri comply with the which our Continent was discovered to the Twelf require ge majority of the cases.
ca at an early date. Wements of the law dealing We, therefore, hope that in of October the Day of Columbus or the Day of the have since had the informa with the important matter pursuance of his well ce.
tion that his government has of Residential Certificates. known democratic and huOn that day in the distant past, when the intrepid forwarded instruction for The Diplomatic Representa manitarian disposition, our his Government has Fenturer nad his body of faithful mariners descended for tives of the nationals affec Chief Executive and his Ad the distinguished diplomatted by the decree also ren ministrative Personnel will the coast of El Salvador, they must have been great to remain in this Republic to dered as much assistance as find it possible to approve bewildered by the scenes which arrested their atten remain in this Republic to they possibly could. We too an early solution of the dif a and accorded them much relief after their perilous the end of the present year. have called attention to the ficult situation.
rage across the Atlantic Ocean. The discovery has We are genuinely pleased. importance of the law and the serious nortalized the name of Columbus and brought honour inconveniences which would occur to those his native Spain and with which must always be REGARDING THE WAR who did not comply there ETHIOPIA JOINS ociated the name of Queen Isabella, whose moral and with. Thousands, we under terial assistance were of outstanding value to the The Russians still hold Stalin stand, have, however, fai ALLIED NATIONS ture.
grade and the Nazis are reported led and many of our citiAs we, today, pay special homage to Cristopher to be diverting their attention tizens have in consequence According declaration lumbus and reiterate our undying gratitude to those Astrackhan on the Caspian Sea, been detained by the police made a few days ago by Presi230 miles southeast of Stalingra authorities. If this campaign dent Roosevelt, the Emperor of o gave us this New World, we cannot avoid a feeling de.
against all defaulters conti Ethiopia, Haile Selassie, has satisfaction as we review thie progress we have deve in the fight which continues nues, it is obvious the deten placed his entire military forces ed in our spiritual, cultural, political and social actiwithin Stalingrade the invaders tions will largely increase as well as the economic resourefforts of break throught the and a delicate situation creaces of his Empire at the dispoies. progress which has placed us in the forefront defences and separate the def ted.
sal of the Allied Nations.
a civilizising democracy. May it ever be so.
ending forces have again failed None can, of course, claim The Emperor is also stated to with heavy losses. Their offen ignorance as an excuse for have asked that Ethiopia be num THE FARMERS MEET TONIGHT sive in the Caucasian front is their non compliance, but bered among the nations at wat still detained.
knowing, as we do, the cha with the Axis combine.
The much talked about The coming of the Execu The offensive of the North Armers Meeting takes pla tive Representatives has merican Air units against the in the Teatro Arrasty at been hailed with much joy, Japanese in various sectors of TO ALL CONCERNED clock tonight. The dele and we believe they will be the Pacific has greatly intensi 000 es from San Jose are sla afforded much useful know fied and is obtaining much sucDue to the accident which happened to the freiglt to attend, to listen to ledge which will enable cess.
distourses of the far them to realize that the half The Air raids over Germany and passenger combination or local train which left this s with respect to the sus of the things which affect and occupied territories progress city on Thursday morning for the Capital, the greater asion of our Banana In us had not been told. La daily. The industrial center of part of the material for this issue did not reach stry, the threatened exter Voz Atlantic bids them a Lille, France, suffered heavily printers until late afternoon the next day; they were in nation of our Cacao inte hearty welcome and hopes yesterday Anti Nazi ts as well as such other they will be the bearers of movements consequence unable to complete the printing in time for the dispatching of the paper as customary. We are very tters which vitally affect the proverbial Oliv e daily increasing among the sub economic life of the pro Branch on their way back jugated peoples of Europe. sorry for the day delay.
reign of terror is said to have ce.
Ito the Capital.
been experienced in Norway during the past several days.
THURSDAY RAILWAY ACCIDENT More than 100 patriot have Suring the earlier hours of Due to the quick application of been arrested and all the male anges night last Thursday an un the air brakes by the Engineer, inhabitants, between the usual freight and passenger Victor Calco neither the other of 20 and 25 years, of a partiunate accident ocurred to freight cars nor that with the cular district were shot by the abination train which left this passengers left the track.
German authorities.
for the Capital Messrs. Victor Calvo, Rafael fonsequent on the incessant Solano and Thomas Edwards, vy rain which fell during the Engineer, Brakeman and Fi 5, 000 TONS OF BOMBS day, a wash out took place reman respectivey were the only point in the near vicinity ones who suffered any injuries OVER EUROPE IN 10 DAYS he Alto de Ochomogo and and we are indeed pleased to sed the derailment and failiearn they are improving very he engin and afreight car. Isatisfactory.
In ten night attacks, effected by units of the RoA partir de esta fecha y a causa de HOMEGAMISINI yal Air Force during the la situación anormal, cualquier informe Rice, Lb. 30 AT first two weeks of the recent passed month of Seprespecto a reservaciones de pasajesy esLA PROVEEDORA tember, nearly 5, 000 tons of pacio para carga, no pudiendo atenderbombs are stated, officially, lo telefónicamente, deberá ser solicitado to have been discharged Evap. Milk 40 Coffee, lb. 70 over European territory.
personalmente en nuestras oficinas en los Tuna Fish, tin 00 Starch, Ib. 35 Included in this extraordi bajos del Black Beans, lb. 25 Salt, lb. 35 nary total, were a quantity WE OFFER COURTESY, LOWER PRICES, FRESH of fourton explosives discharged over Dusseldorf MERCHANDISE. GRAN HOTEL COSTA RICA which was regarded as the SHARE IN 45. 00 MERCHANDISE PRIZES most destructive raid effecEACH WEEK ted on a moonless night. Ex donde nos esforzaremos como de costum. LA PROVEEDORA:tensive damage was caused several important steel and bre por llenar sus necesidades.
LIMON iron foundries and munition AMERA factories.
BROGEITA Our are UNITED FRUIT COMPANY SERVICIO DE VAPORES Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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