
PAGINA SEIS ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10TH. 1942 MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS Caribbean Packing Company GO TO THE VOGUE Chip THE ORIENTAL BARBOUR of the Pioneer, Rogers SHOP. The only one of its Transcendent knowledge in up kind with a service beyond com to date American Cutting and petition. All sanitary arrangeFitting, Opposite Limon Elec ments. Situated corner 7th tric Light Office. EDWARD Street and Commerce Avenue, ROGERS.
front the Football Ground, Low Prices. LIONEL MONDOL, WORKSHIP OF QUALITY AND Specialist.
ECONOMY. Everything in machinery made or repaired, from ATLANTIC BAR AND RESTA: a Pin to a Crane. See us. WeURANT Best and highest carry an. assortment of Bedsrades native and foreign liquor.
Springs and other useful thing: No adúlteration Short Orders at all times Building No. 8: at Nights Courtesy and reliable North Fifth Avenue service our Motto. 4th Avenue THOMPSON, Proprietor. and 7th Street. CLEMENT ROBERTS, Proprietor.
The Cacao Farmers Friend We always buy Cacao and Avelino de la Peña Co. Sucs.
CABINET AND UNDERTAK NEW HARLEM BAR AND ING SHOP. Specializes in mak RESTURANT. The Best drinks, CINE MUNDIAL nig and repairing furniture and prepared by Crawford every other branch of wood Grant, Genuine native and for!
Limon work. Coffins always stocked. eign liquors stocked Our CusiSee us before going elsewhere ne service the most up to date Prices moderate. 4th. Street, CRAWFORD AND GRANT, entrance to Gamez Lumber Proprietors.
Yard. SYDNEY LOCAL BRIEFS GALA RECEPTION MRS. ISABLILA THORPE BECKFORD Manager LA BERTANA. Clean com gala autumn party was given PASSES fortable lodgings Ventilated With a view of expediting by Mrs. Egbert Coleman in her ARCHITECT AND BUILDER Rooms, Clean Linen. Guests ex spacious residence, last Saturday Mammie T, as she was the work of the Censor Oftended every courtesy. Modera night, as the medium of a re affectionately called by a fice connected with our Pos Years of practical knowledge, te Rates. You cannot escape ception for her husband who was very large circle of fraternal tal Department, corresponefficient, neat, accurate. These seeing the Sign on approaching among the workers who returassociates and other acqua dents are asked to use eith my highest ambition Any design Hollywood Store. RED ned from the Canal Wone the intances, passed on to her er the Spanish, English of in wood turned out with grati GUARDS, Proprietors.
eternal rest on the 2nd. in French languaje in their Previous week. large number fyging results. Office and shop of guest were in attendance and stant and her remains were letters destined for internal 5th Avenue, North UNLA RECENT DEATH Mr. Ernest Barley orchestra interred during the after or external points.
supplied the music, which stirred noon of the following day.
The use of other an admiration and thrilled the meNature had generously ex guages is not forbidden but THE RESETTER WITH IM William Black Black, a tended her a number of will entail delays.
PROVEMENTS. clean up to former resident in Matina, vy dancers. Home Sweet HoThe unusually large num date Barbour Parlour. Centrally is reported to have died in me, as the climaxing number, years beyond man allotted was accepted with dedewed eyes span of three score and ten. ber of several thousand located on Commerce Avenue the San Juan de Dios Mon add throbbing hearts.
She was a highly reputed ci sacks of mail arrived in the almost opposite Teatro Arras pital, San Jose, on the 29th.
tizen of pioneering status, country a fed days ago. This ty. Pleasant, reliabler courtesy ultimo. He hentered the imati MRS. MOORE HEALTH having migrated to this chun is said to be due to the sea. PARCHMENT on 23rd. I from her rious Hair Specialist.
He was sixy nine years old. bed yti IMPROVES native parish of Hanover in transportation during the b) bbs the Island of Jamaica.
past three or four months. 090As a fraternalist she was it is estimated that by work We are in receipt of the very associated with the Britishing overtime the employees pleasing information that Mrs.
Ancient Free Gardeners and of the Central Postal De Ambrozine Moore health is on the Independent United Orpartment will get through the improve, after her delicate der of Mechanics, where her the checking and assorting surgical treatment in one of the have in about four weeks. Ten institutions for the sick in San services are said to José.
been of an illustrious naturailway cars were used LMACEN to re.
Mrs. Moore, is the wife of convey the consignment to On the day of burial, af San Jose.
our highly esteemed collaborator Mr. Moore and a well re Rites in the Hall of the Lo of the Minister of Fomento, the The Government, by means ter the termination of garded member of our Metho import dist Denomination. She is also yal Phoenix Lodge, a pro have arranged to MATERIALES DE ZAPATERIA said to be associated with sevecession, colourful in all res. twenty housand machetes ial of the Auxiliaries connected Mark Church, where those sold to our working people pects, moved to St. from Mexico. These will be CALZADO with the Church We wish her an early and com in attendance were the reci at a price a little above the pients of a deeply impress cost.
plete recovery.
LIMON by sive service conducted APARTADO 156 THE STORK PAYS the Rev. Evans, the VISIT Rector. Her mortal remains TEATRO MODERNO are now at rest in the haFIRES DESTROY CROPS IN OCCUPIED FRANCE Our widely regarded Sports llowed One Mile Acre.
LUNES 12 DE OCTUBRE Manager, Mr. Rodolph Johnson, Those who survive her are LAS CRUZADAS caught red. a From an official source, ber of tubes filled with galways says in the hand of register Mrs Arnold Grant, a grand few Chamberssister; The Crusades It is said, comes the report soline and other inflamable ring the result of a visit to his son; Mr. and Mrs James MARTES 13 de Octubre of the destruction of exten substances which ignite 02 home by the proverbial Stork. Messam, a nephew and nie. CALLEJON SIN SALIDA To (Español)
ced by means of globes gions are also being subjected with Mrs. Johnson, Mother wing relatives La Voz Miércoles 14 de Octubre let loose from airplanes. ted to similar destruction and babe are reported in splen! tlantica tenders its proEL CONDE DE MONTEThe globes carry aum the report stated.
did health. Our congrats. found symp thy.
CRISTO (Español)
Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back JUEVES 15 de Octubre de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: UNIDOS POR EL EJE (Español)
Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los prmeros 10 días the 10th. of the month VIERNES 16 de Octubre UNIDOS POR EL EJE de cada mes Be so good as to comply with this request and do not (Español)
Le rogamos recordar esta keevitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, step which cortar sú servicio SABADO 17 de Octubre Wo would much regret to take.
MADRE CONTRA HIJA the sive cultivation in occupi hitting the ground. Stocks precious package which consise, and their children.
in de tener que celáusulay COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Domingo 18 de Octubre MI ESPOSA SE DIVIERTE USISISI Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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