
ENGLAND LOST 1, 083 PLANES IN NINE MONTHS ZUNIG S FURNITURE 000 Despite the war and it consequences, Zuñiga continue to offer According to an official, months which closed on the the public their well known furnit ure for Cash or on monthly instal statement, given in the Brit. 30 th. ultimo.
ments or easy weekly payments of 50 in combination with the two ish Parliament, the Royal This total is supposed to ending numbers of the Asilo Chapui Lottery.
Air Force lost 1, 082 of their be regarded by the military See our latest AsTAR units in their operations command as extraordinarily sortment over Germany and the north low when compared with Streamline dining of Europe during the nine that of the Nazis in their tables, attacks over England.
Wardrobes, Dess.
ing tables, VOLUNTEER BOMBEROS FETED Woden Beds with 000deep sleep matresses, etc.
The propietor of the Pen cho (soup with meat and ve For information: sion Costa Rica presented a setalles, Panamanian sty.
marvellous setting in his Di le. Rice and Chisken BERESFORD DUNCAN ping Hall on th eoccasion of Macaroni Chicken with Representative Zuñiga Bros. the grand Banquet given Sauce petit Pois LiWe do not compete the members of our volun quors. Soffee.
Opposite A, de la Peña teer Fire Brigade, by don Climaxing the function, because we excel. Honesty Cía. Sucs Gailon Bryan, on the night don Alberto Mutis, who ocof Saturday the 3rd. ins cupied the position of Cap and punctuality our Motto.
ALFREDO HAZEL tant, The cycle of time hav tain of the Bocas del Toro Agent.
ing brought Mr. Bryan an Brigade, was named in the other anniversary of his same honorary capacity for birth, this was the manner our system We also learn TOMORROW EXPECTED THE BARCELONA MEXICO JUNIOR FOOTBALL MATCH in which he chose to celebra that our deoply asteemed te the noteworthy occasion. citizen, don Alfonso Sole, BASEBALL CONTEST LAST SUNDAY The function is said to ha was recently named an ho 000Macarron earned three of the four Goals which ve been of outstanding pro norary member. The present It has been announced minence and charged with list of honourees are. Dr. Os that a Baseball Contest will brought victory to his Team. Mexico Junior an air of social merriment. car Pacheco. Dr. Rush, be presented on our Playcould only muster Two Covers were laid for twenty Messrs. Jose Chaves, ground tomorrow between The match presented on skilfulness was loudly ap de. The Menu was Saneo Fulgencio Campos and Entwo members of the Briga George Montandon, Col.
a team from El Liceo, San Jour Playground last Sunday plauded. Macarron, the noJose, and a local selection. afternoon between Barceloted kicker, went into strigineer Luis Carazo.
Should the arrangement ma na and Mexico Junior, in king range and earned the terialize, the exercise will conjunction with the Sea reciprocal goal for his side.
be greatly welcomed, and a sons Fixtures, can be rea. The rest period was reach SASTRERIA MODERNA hearty reception given the sonably catagoried as being ed.
On the sward being reNEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS We have also been infor mildly contested, particular med that the Management ya at the out set occupied, the current was the Reid was goalie for intensified Hall, of the San Jose Sports As Barcelona, and occupied the left wing, We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, unhesitatingly Elegant Fittings.
sociations has invited west portal. Almost by gra kicked (Baruelona second Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds. East iting Rodolph Johnson. Manager vity, just five minutes after goal. Wich lang head 57 Unidad Sanitaria.
of the Cubs Sport Club, to the commencement of the bumper, added take a Baseball team to the SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES match, Fernando de la Capital to participate in the kicked in the first goal a ven state of affairs, Mexico o one more. Noting the une.
sporting events listed for gainst the Champion Team. went after the ball in full DEATH OF MR. IN HONOUR OF COLUMBUS the celebration of Columbus This feat earned the Mexi swing, but the leaders were Day on the 12th. instant.
but apparently quite at recent return cans a great ovation, of true to their characteristic Ramrez accepted a very Messrs. Coleman and Jack of fighting best when slap rapid pass from this right On Friday the 2nd instant We gather that as a means of son from the Canal will greatly reinforce the Li ped, the Barceloniares be extreme and shot the second another of ouh widely regarded providing wholesome enjoyment gan to mix things a bit. goal the Mexicans citizens, Mr. John Henry Nel and of commemorating at the mon Combination.
of We have since been given ponents hammer and tongs. the Barcelonians They went after their op. With so near a challenge, son Bennett, answered the sum same time, the anniversary renewed mons of the Grim Reaper which the discovery of this continent the information that Atlantic Selection will play transgressor, but Hall med up with rapid advances the Zent Line.
o Mexico fell the way of the their offensive. things stea reached him a Alba Farm, on by the noted Cristopher Colum bus, the St. Mark Vestry Com two games in connection failed in his attempt to in and daring shuffles. then a Special train conveyed the mittee will entertain in the Pawith the celebration. The Seventh Day rish Hall on the night of Monfirst will take place tomo fected an electric drive but the fourth goal, which gave our city to the farm where the month.
flict the punishment. He ef clash and Macarron earned members of the Adventist Church and others of day the 12th. of the present rrow against the Costa Ri the ball was sensationally his teammates the victory religious ceremony in connection ca team and the second on barred by Dudley Redguard George Cuthbert was the Monday against a San Jose of the opposing side, whose Referee.
It is stated that Lebert and with the interment was perforSelection in honour of Col.
med by Mr. George Saunders, all set for the Go, and that his feet teasing combination are Manuel Rodriguez, Presithe local Elder. The remains, ac Imuch will bi missed by the in dent of the National CounDENMARK REJECTS NAZI DEMAND companied by the mourners, weeil of Physical Culture.
re then entrained for the local viteos who fail to attend. La Voz Atlantica wi 000 cemetery where the ceremony shes them a most enpoyable Despite the Gestapo known atrocious activities, was concluded.
and successful trip.
threat of starting their well the Danish authorities The deceased was a native of Mrs. Adela Smith de Nelson, stated to have rejected the the parish of St. James, in the his son and daughter, Ernesto demand of Hitler that they Insland of Jamaica, and of pio ands Mrs. Susan Edwards of agree to a voluntary incor neering status to this country. Cahuita, to whom and the other HOLLYWOOD STORE poration of Denmark in the He association with the Adven relatives LA VOZ ATLANTIblock of Model States to tist Denomination was also of CA extends its sincere condobe formed in accordance long standing lence.
SALOMON BERENZON with that of the Nazis.
He is survived by his widow, LIMON EIGHT CATHOLIC PRIESTS NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA Grand Assortment of Silk Stockings 50 upwards.
SHOT The Hollywood store in its new location downstairs The best assortment of first class lumber the American Vice Consulate of this city offers to The government of Yugoits esteemed patrons a complete new stock of the eslavia reports thet eight best fabrics and other necessities.
Laurel and Cedar Catholic, Priests of Serbian nationality were shot recent PRICES WITHOUT COMPETITION ly in Zemun, near Belgrade, Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnou in retaliation for the dynamiting of a German airplaSaw Mill in Siquirres We buy Logs ne hanger.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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