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PAGINA OCHO ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10TH. 1942 BULLETINS FROM FROM BRITAIN BRITISH PARA TROOPS RUSSIA. BRITISH SECOND FRONT ISSUE BRITISH ARMY THE ARE FOUR STRAWMEN There are several battalions of There danger that the clamor CRAFTSMEN YEARS OLD paratroops in the British Army for a new front will reach a now. They consist of volunteers point where it becomes second On from a variety of regiments and September 24th. the front for second front sake. new regiment of the British Four years ago, on Septen from all parts of the Kingdom. Giornale Italia published an In fact, even to think of a new Army officially came into being ber 27th, seven women, pledge The physical requirements are article by a member of the Ita. front simply as a means of re on October 1st. the Royal Elec to secrecy discussed with hig of course severe, particularly lian forces who had recently lieving the burden of a sorely trical and Mechanical Engineers. Army officers the formation for eyesight and hearing. Re returned from the Russian front. pressed Ally would be strategi The bulk of its personnel is made a woman army. few month extract: cruits begin with ground train Here is an Anothér cally unjustifiable. The only up of mechanical engineers from later, by Royal decree, the At ing. They learn on models how Soviet trick consisted in the use sound reason for a new front is the Royal Army Ordnance xiliary Territorial Service to drop through the circular of camouflage straw suits which, that it will help, not merely to Corps. Others to be transferred came a part of the armed force hole in the floor of the plane (a in the dark, made Soviet soldiers ease the pressure on an Ally, but are the maintenance men of of the Crown. Since then, ever practise peculiar to British para appear like sheaves of wheat. to bring about the defeat of the the Royal Army Service Corps woman who has put on the batt; troops those of other armies The Soviet soldiers were thus Axis. There can be little ques. except those serving on trans dress of the has done make their exit through the door able to cross, at night, tields ag Jouues sıxy əyi yeyi uop ports) and some of the mechani with the knowledge that she of the plane. how to land and which they could not storm in defeated without a head on. cal maintenance men of the Ro subject to the same discipine. The Italian soldiers pick up the weapone dropped daylight.
val Engineers. The new Corps a soldier. Today the an separately in containers; the in this sector were rather young ALL OUT ASSAUIT job will be the repair and main la vast army, growing daily, an care and manipulation of para and were not yet acquainted tenance of all kinds of mechani. undertaking more and.
Even chutes. They have special phy with Soviet tricks.
so. of a kind that can only be launch cal equipmentfrom stopsical training to develop those some Italian outposts recognizeded by the opening of another watches to range finders, to MORE SKILLED WORK that an entire field of muscles which will take up.
wheat front. But a front opened for tanks. men will often sheaves had begun suddenly to such a purpose must be a success.
Every tank arriving overse: move toward the Italian lines. The price is going THE SHOCK OF LANDING to be too GO OUT INTO THE BATTLE has been prepared for its journe An Italian soldier reporting this high in lives and equipment not by four (4) The guns th Toughest lesson of all is the incident said it looked as if the to get something permanent and and repair vehicles under fire, arrive have been assembled ar self control necessary to sit stol, whole field had begun to spin strategically decisive out of it. even forging unavailable spare packed by soldier wunout fidgeting and checking round. When the Italian troops (The Prime Minister revealed parts on the spot. Theirs will be lone patrol who is saved by over gear, during those tense realised that this was the So recently that losses at Dieppe the job of extracting tanks from portable radio owes his life moments just before making a viet latest trick, they opened were half the total force. We traps. To most of the men of the who have put itt real jump. The impulse to do fire. In looking over the dead, must think in terms of decisive the none of this will gether, tested and packed this does not diminish, however it was discovered that these action and not merely in terms be new, since ihey have Leen When great motor transpo many jumps a man has made. It straw suits had been manufac of a more half diversion, or our doing these things with their convoys arrive, it is mot has been found that about one tured by the British firm Ellony losses may.
past units. The formation of mechanics who, through.
practise jump a month is the CO of Manchester, and these PROLONG THE WAR FOR the new Corps was planned to right number to keep a man in make believe sheaves had obYEARS bring about closer coordination BLITZ AND BLACKOUT the condition. More than that is too viously been shipped to And if we do not think in between maintenance and those much of a strain on the nervous Soviets as Britain assistance in these terms, then obviously the Army units the corps will ser have driven the lorries fro system fewer jumps result in the Russian war.
opening of a new front must vice, and also to establish a more the factory to the port. In a let down of the nervous not go off half cocked We direct link with the arms indus gland, drivers, cooks. cler system. Parachutists say that cannot afford merely a super tries. All the officers of the orderlies and store women car once a jump is made, there is THE UNEASY BALKANS colossal hit and run commando will be fully qualified on their vital duties, and a pleasurable sense of thrill and raid. We must be prepared to engineers, while the tradesmen their side have grown up a hu achievement, and Persistent reports are coming spend the time and thought that in the ranks will have a new new body of technicians at out of neutral countries, particu is required for the elabora Army title they will be called specialists who work at mo, NO FEELING OF DANGER larly Turkey, that the various te and detailed planning, the Craftsmen.
than 60 different trades. The satellite rulers in the Balkans gathering of information, the are the women soldiers who nas Besides this specialised train are becoming more and more marshalling of equipment and become trained electricians ing, parachutists also go through disillusioned about the prospects men, that will assure success. ITALY AND VICHY. acetylene welders, radio mech Commando like courses in un of an Axis victory and, terrified Day and night in the British Isles hics, fitters, metal machinist armed combat, fieldcraft, wea by the rising popular discontent strenuous preparations are un CURRYING THE working side by side with my pon training, including the use are looking round for a means der way. Nobody in England in the Army workshops.
of foreign weapons and high of escape from their dilemma. asks Should there be a second MASTER FAVOURS explosives. They must, of Such reports should be treated front. or even Will there be course, be first class map readers with great reserve, for it is worth a second front. They ask, only, SAYINGS and be able to find their way noting that they are being in When?
Whenever Vichy German collaboration advances a step, by the sun and the stars.
dustriously publicised from Axis Rome sources. Though there is no FLAGS OF THE ALLIES becomes disquieted lest The united efforts of th these services rendered to Ger Army and Navy, striking at th evidence available in London, CHURCHILL VERSUS there may be substance in other many should be held by Hitler to have liquidated the Italian te ocean, enemy on every continent ai reports to the effect that Hunand of our RUSSIA people HITLER rritorial claims on France. The gary (who has, up to now, got home, working without int off lightly) is to be ordered to official Italian review Relazioni rruption to turn out the weapo The red flag, which had hi Internazionali describes Vichy of war, cannot fail to produ This war deeply make a more substantial con therto been a symbol of revolu cooperation with Germany as victory. President Roosevelt concerns religious people. You tribution to the Russian cam tionary activity, was adopted in only a manoeuvre to gain cannot make men religious by force, nor paign, and that those parts of October, 1917, as its State flag free hand against Italy. Fran and not defence. The Amer Our aim in warfare is offen are all those on the side of the Transylvania ceded to her two by the Soviet Union.
co Italian cooperation is a dead can Army is here to get the je United Nations men and women years ago are to handed back to It bears, in the top left hand letter, but French public opinion over as quickly as possible.
with religious faith. Yet every Roumania. In a recent issue of corner, a five pointed star sur remains.
where in occupied lands the the Neues Wiener Tagblatt. a mounting a hammer and sickle.
Major General Mark Clark, Coi Church is at the very centre of Nattering reference to Hungary The hammer and sickle symbo OUTSPOKENLY HOSTILE mander, Ground Forces resistance.
future in economic collaboration lises the union England.
between the Hitler has made no secret of with Germany ended on this workers of town and country. Don worry to Italy No attempt is made in fat; don about getti his desire to destroy the Chris warning note: Of course, there Government circles to worry about you countertian Church. He does not believe can be no doubt that this work act this hatred of Italy, as it is that a reasonable Governm.
figure. We have done everythi: in the freedom of worship will also demand its sacrificesfully shared by a responsible which President Roosevelt has sacrifices actually in Hungary CHALK FOR SUGAR member of the government. One can do to look after the huma mblazoned on the banners of the economic war effort which, as of Vichy main aims is the frus Minister of Food.
form divine. Lord Wooltoi free nations. But the Churches far as it concerns agrarian tration of Italian aspirations Lake their stand against Nazism exports, might come very near Similarly, the Rome correspon In spite of the innumerab not merely because Hitler is to the limit of what Hungary The German occupation au dent of the Tribune de Geneve tasks laid upon the Royal Nav attaking their rights and liber can contribute having regard to thorities have advised house writes that France is more than there is never for a moment an ties as organisations.
her own supply position.
wives to use powdered chalk ever trying to play off against relaxation in the battle of th It is because he flouts ChrisDOZ instead of sugar, which has Rome her collaboration with Atlantic, and although we tian ways of thought and life become virtually unobtainable. Berlin. France tenacious not publish the sinkings and denies the human rights for patible with Christian ideals. They claimed that chalk neutra hope. he continues, to reduce boats, can give the assu vhich Christianity stands. Therefore Christians in many lizes the acidity of vegetables, Italy claims by concessions to rance that we are continuing Nazi victory would call a halt to lands and men of every faith (like rhubard. just as well as Berlin, rushes her to make take a very heavy toll. Mr. all efforts to mould the social which shares the same ideals sugar does. little sugаr may greater contributions to the Axis Alexander, First Lord of th and international order of the are working for Hitler down be added for sweetening pur victory.
world into something more com fall.
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