
Saturday, October 17th. 1942 ATLANTIC VOICE PAGINA SIETE an AMONG OUR SICK SASTRERIA MODERNA We profoundly regret having ZUNIG S FURNITURE to report the serious illness of our highly respected agriculturNEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS ist of 14 15 Miles, Mr. Stephen Daley. His illness necessitated We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, his transfer to our city for speElegant Fittings.
cial medical care: We wish him Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds. East a speedy recovery.
Unidad Sanitaria.
It is also very regrettable to mention the indisposition of Mr.
SONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES Joseph Thompson of Zent who is a patient in the local hospiTHE ALAJUELA JUPITER FOOTBALL MATCH tal. He is a well regarded mem Despite the war, Zuñiga still offer their furniture for Cash of or on monthly instalments or weekly payments in combination It was ax afternoon worthy The visitors excelled with Jamaica Buria Scheme Associa with the National Lottery. We do not compete, we excel. Honesty of remembrance. a cool the latter. they deliberatelion. May he soon be restored to perfect good health.
and punctuality our Motto, and refreshing breeze blew ly pulled back their oppo over the city, natures seming nenis who might have been VISITING THE CAPITAL contribution to the event. gaining headway at a fast BERESFORD large and cheerful sporting trave ling ball. In spite ho Among those who left for See our Stream DUNCAN line dining tabpublic were Representative on the play wever, of all the happenings, the Capital last Friday were our ground where the colour a good natured crowd enhighly regarded Administrator les Wardrobes, Zuñiga Bros.
of Customs and his family, as Dressing Table. ful uniforms of the visiting livened the occasion with Opposite A, de also our deeply regarded Chief Wooden Beds team blended pictursquely their cheers and laughter of the Sanitary Department and la Peña Cia.
with the Cadet blue shirts of Thanks to Ulloa, who ear his wife, Dr. and Mrs. Vindas with deep sleep Sucs, the Japiters.
ned the only goal registered are due return this week mattresses, etc.
ALFREDO Jackson of HAZEL Barcelona in the match, victory was gend.
and Chivi of Mexico Juniorven his team mates. At the Agent.
reiniorced the Jupiters. The close of play, the Captain of SALOMON CHIN scene presented a battle of the Jupiters was the reci LICEO. SURTIDORA BASEBALL ENGAGEMENT supremacy at every stage. pient of a beautiful and cos Estrada Many of our sporting Fans the second inning and this pro Speed, technique, strength tly Ball, the trophe of don may have quite forgotten the duced another scoreless inring and wrestling predominated. Alfonso Sole. LA IBERIA incricacies associated with for Liceo. Following on, CapTHE BARCELONA. LICEO FOOTBALL BATTLE the game of Base Ball in view ſtain Jerome and his nen, also Abarrotes y Licores of the lengthened period which ſhit the mat. In their third inThe scene was lovely with lefty. was kicking furious had elapsed since a contest was ning the visitors earned a sin exceedingly mild and, ly but uneffectively, while Jo Precios Económicos observed on our playground, gle, the homesters also acred congenial temperature. The se Jackson, the center back, This was no doubt responsible one. Liceo registered another tenacious contest aroused warded off all threatening for the overwhelming number in the fourth inning. On Surmuch enthusiasm interspers shots, Vernon Reid at goal, ed with the shouts of the lar pre rented the entry of maLOCAL SHORTS of on lookers at the engagement tidora taking the bat. Splatt between the Liceo of San Jose made a splendid hit between ge crowd whenever a marveny well directed shots. It has been announced and the reinforced Surtidora of the first and second bases and lous feat was presented by clogu ranged encounter was that the Women Leagues our city.
reached the first lap of his jour a player. These were the pre witnessed Liceo camp associated with the Metho The Liceo elected to bat and ney copious influx a bittings sentations on our playground was terribly bombarded: dist Churches at Siquirres received a warm ovation. followed an dthe inning closed at 11 a. Sunday when Jackson efected a dribblie and Estrada will celebrate Leon opened the pitching for with fourruns for Limon. The Barcelona and El Liceo of then a pass to Tenoro at rigint their respective the homesters. It was evident fifth was scoreless for both sianniversa San Jose changed punches. wing, who kicked the his arm was completely out of des. Liceo effected no change The hearts of all went pit which found its way direc: day, and Wednesday, the view of the many Balls calized gained three more. In the seri ball ries on the nights of Tues: line with the home plate in in the next, but the horresters ter patter pit when, at the initly on the chest of the visit: 20th, and 21st. of the present by the Umpireum Oun fieltes venth Liceo scored to white tial stage of the match, iting goalie. down he went month. Appropriate enter were, however, on the alert Surtidora was dismissed for was seen that the boys from to the mat Tenoro repeated taining programmes are and dismissed the visiters in nil. The final inning wave Lithe college were command the sick and the goal wes said to be ready for presen the alphabetic order. Surtidora ceo an aditional three and Liing the play trampling down secured for his side.
also failed to score in the co mon one. The game terminated the homesters at will and efforts to separate the tie With the streamline of rresponding inning. Hillario in the eight inning to give earning their first goal. score failed and the match sporting events our city took charge of the hurling ior way to the anxiously waiting Edwin Jackson shortly after terminated with a score of Bandsmen had quite a busy footers.
sudderly darted with some one goal for each side.
day last Sunday. They not tricky shuffings and Hall, the only enlivened the various RICARDO TORRES ENDS OWN LIFE WITH exercises, but added impor RIFLE SHOTS tance thereto with their pre sence and classical renditions of having committed the HOLLYWOOD STORE Their services were most va On Friday afternoon, deed. The device which evi lued, We thank Col. Sana eight days ago, the neigh idently pulled the trigger of bria and his body of musi bourhood of the Northern the gun was attached to the SALOMON BERENZON cians.
Railway Shops was started sole of the deceased right LIMON We share the disappointi by the discharge of two ri shoe. Blood flowed profuse ment of the St. Mark Ves. fle shots. Authorities and ly from the self inflicted Grand Assortment of Silk Stockings 50 upwards. try Committee with respect other citizens were soon on wound.
to their not having receiv the scene where the horrible Most peircing was the sce The Hollywood store in its new location downstairs. ed the support they anticipa tragedy was confronted.
the American Vice Consulate of this city offers to ted to their efforts in sponne when the suicide chilThe dead body of Ricardo dren arrived and beheld the its esteemed patrons a complete new stock of the soring the splendid function Torres was seen stretched close of their father earthly.
best fabrics and other necessities.
in the Parish Hall on the out on what was said to ha career. He was held in very night of the 12th. in com ve been his own contrivan high esteem by our general memoratoon of Cristopher ce. rifle was found on his community. After the post PRICES WITHOUT COMPETITION Columbus. The exercise body with the muzzle pointmorterm examination by was of a classic order. Mu ing directly to his mouth.
Dr. Cuevillas and the neces sic was supplied by Lebert There was hardly any need Missionary Services at Zent Band.
to suspect any living being sary formalities by the Judi cial Authorities, the remains The Methodist of Zent, Young People Programme were conveyed to the hospi and the neighbouring dis was presided over by the Rev tal morgue. Burial took pla tricts are said to have pleas Holmes during the after NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA ce the following after ingly celebrated their annual noon; he also conducted the noon. We extend our sincere Missionary Services and Pu evening service.
condolence to the bereaved blic Meeting in the The best assortment of first class lumber local Mrs. Keates of the Dis family and other relatives, Union Chapel on Sundaytrict very effectively and gra and Monday the 11th. and cefully, we learn, presided Laurel and Cedar English Tweeds Sergs 12th, instant.
over the Monday night pun can still be had at Faichough is reblie meeting. The speakers Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnoun Reasonable Prices at ported to have delivered Messrs Fairlough JACK ORANE Sucs.
very inspiring Message at and Bryan Edwards and Mrs Saw Mill; in Siquirres. We buy Logs THE PEOPLE HOUSE the 11 a service Holmes.
TRONEN Limon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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