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PAGINA OCHO ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, OCTOBER H. 1942 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN are BRITAIN LATEST ANTI TU. BARRACKS BUILT JAPANESE CULTURE WORCESTER SAUCE BOMBER COMMAND TANK WEAPON UNDER 12 HOURS FOR ROMMEL STRIKES More than 3, 000 opium dens are scattered around Hankow, The has put more It is generally agreed that the America is swinging into mam according to a Chinese who esA cable from Cairo sent by the than 1, 000 planes into the air to British Army has in the pdr. moth production. Away in the caped from that city. The pup Exchange Telegraph Company bomb German industrial cenAnti Tank Gun a most valuable centre of that great continent, pet Hankow municinal govern war correspondent begins thus: tres weapon with which to counter far out of reach of Axis bombers, ment has established an Opium The Worcestershire RegiThe heaviest bomb ihe threat of the German Panzer the giant factories wh ch will suppression Bureau that serves ment, fighting to cover the with to day, the two tonner, is apDivisions. Stories from Egypt soon turn out an overwhelming as an opium sales agency.
drawal of our forces from the proximately eight times greater have praised the gun for its re quantity of armaments The prices of necessities in Gazala line, faced the full weight than the heaviest bomb used markable qualities of armour springing up.
Hankow are skyrocketing of Rommel offensive. The story during January March, 1940.
penetration, its high rate of fire rice costs ten times as much as was told here to day.
More than 1, 000 tons of bombs and its mobility. All these qua Imagine, for instance, the. the Chungking price. The forwere dropped in the four raids lities combine to make it, in the 17, 000, 000 powder placi which merly well to do class is barely on the Ruhr during the week words of the troops, very has been completed in the mid able to afford an inferior grade April 5th 11th, 1942.
handy west in less than nine months. Jof rice, while many of the poor The cable goes on: The WorSeven hundred tons of bombs Technically the gun consists Construction work during that leat barley flour mixed with cesters, helped by British gun were dropped in fifty minutes in of a barrel and breech ring fit period has included.
water, which often causes death. ners, fought off an attack by 60 a raid on Hamburg.
ted with a semi automatic mecha 619 buildings spread over a The Japanese are buying little German tanks, supported by Night after night in 1942 nism. The first round is loaded 5, 000, 000 acre site boys and girls for 300. 00 per lorried infantry, in front of the bombers. even in miinto the breech by hand and the 100 temporary buildings. child for shipment to Japan for Acroma position. Before the nor raids. are dropping a far act of firing automatically opens 196, 000 ft. of water mains, slave education.
fight ended the Worcesters had heavier tonnage of on the breech and ejects the spent and 105, 600 ft. of sewers.
been reduced from 700 men to German industrial cities than the cartridge. When the next round 44 miles of road and 65 miles fewer than 500.
Luftwaffe dropped during their is loaded it automatically closes of railroads.
COLD FEET? The Germans concentrated heaviest raids on London.
the breech ready to fire again. Two million gallon resertheir fire on the 12 two pounders On September 15th. 1942, voirs and 50, 000 ft. of steam and which the regiment was using then, we proudly remember the Lightness and Stability other service lines. The Elite Guard has against their tanks, while their Few who so gioriously defeat As many as 26, 000 workmen suffered painful losses in Fran lorried infantry tried to worked the Luftwaffe. But we salute The carriage is of the split in three hour shifts were em ce. losses which have not been round the Worcesters flank. at the same time the men of trail type. This means that it is ployed. The plant will produce suffered exactly on the Field At o clock the Germans the to day, fighting on divided into two legs which 600, 000 lbs. of smokeless powder of Honour but which, neverthe broke the forward positions, and the battle fronts of the world are united in a swivel at the daily.
less, have caused thinning of the then the Worcesters went into and ever deepening the shadow breech of the gun and open out ranks of two divisions by them with Bren guns, Mills cast by their wings over enemy widely when the gun is brought Near Miracles 744 men and which necessitate bombs and bayonets.
territory into action. For travelling pur This is but one of the near the sending of 744 new When they were nearly surposes the trail legs are brought miracles of American construc men from the home base into rounded the order was given to SAYINGS together and attached to the tión. Daily there come in reports France.
fight their way out, and this they towing vehicle. There is a large of building completed far ahead The loss of these 744 bearers did. Booby traps were left for When the story of this war eye hook on the end of the trail of schedule. The personnel of a of arms which the Main the enemy while the regiment for this purpose.
comes to be written it will be a This trail new War Department office set Office of the Leadership has just marched to Tobruk.
allows for a very considerable down at their desks a full six been compelled to announce is Whe Roi nel onslaught family story. the story of arc of fire. The gun is built to months before the building was a somewhat embarrassing loss, fell on that town the Worcesters the work and devotion of ordiwomen achieve an elevation of 15 above scheduled for occupation. Army for these 744 bearers of arms and the Guards bore the brunt nary men and everyand a depression of below the workmen completed a two storey have how shall tell my of the first attack. Afterwards where. And no greater story horizontal barracks, with electric light and Fuehrer will ever be the survivors fought their way told.
deserted. Lord For its size and power it is hot and cold water laid on, in Woolton, Minister of Food. Yes, they got away, they out to rejoin the main body.
remarkably light, weighing 11 hours 45 minutes. Five weeks took a powder, they quit Stories spreading ill will canabout 22 cwt. Much of this light after breaking ground an aircraft that is just what they did. It not start in widely separated ness is due to considerable use factory is ready to start produc isn that we are shedding any DEFEAT WILL DRIVE places by accident. There is reof welding technique in manu tion.
tears because of their disappearally no better way of playing facture. Stability in travel is ing, but. 744 cases of desertion THEM HOME Dr. Goebbel satanic game than given it by the wide wheel track, Britain production was not in two divisions not by repeating them. Sir Edwhich is just under five feet set fair for a long time after engaged in combat within a few ward Grigg, This, together with the low cen war broke out; nor can America weeks: that, really, is an achieveThe Germans were wrong two tre of gravity of the gun and achieve full capacity output ment which can be years ago to think that they This is a people war even and its general low build, make it overnight. But these are facts highly regarded by their would be home by Christmas not a soldiers war, for it is a are an excellent weapon for use in and figures which may well give brethren. The Voice of the They were completely mistaken war in which the soldiers rough country when on tow. the Axis war lords an occasional Chief. German clandestine ra in believing that daylight attacks the people and the people are The gun crew are well pro sleepless night.
dio station. upon our aerodromes and night the soldiers. Mr. Archibald tected behind shields which are attacks upon our cities on the MacLeish, Assistant Direcattached to the front of the ca OUR DAILY BREAD scale on which the Luftwaffe tor of War Information.
rriage and consists of an upper FLAGS OF THE ALLIES was able to operate, would reand a lower and two side shieids.
duce this country to the point The black market is obviousThe upper shield traverses with We are rapidly approaching when invasion would be practi ly a national menace It preys the gun and has openings for the the time for Harvest Thankscal.
on our food supply, the very MEXICO gun and the sighting system. giving Services. Never has the On September 1st. 1940, lifeblood of our existence. It The lower shield and the two nation felt more grateful for The Mexican flag of green, German broadcaster said jubi flouts justice. It frustrates the side shields are attached to the its food than today. We are in white and red vertical stripes, lantly: Government efforts to distriaxle.
the mood to render thanks out with a coat of arms in the cenbute our food equally and fairly, of full hearts.
tre of the white, is the symbol Soon the German Army will and it encourages theft, consNumbers Increased We know something of the of peace and struggle and of the return home after final victory. piracy, bribery and corruption.
past martyrdom of Mexico.
Full technical details of the great cost of our food in human The coat of arms includes an that they were among the first Then they will relate with pride. Lord Southwood.
gun are, of course, still secret. life and sacrifice. Our home farm leagle perched on a cactus and to set foot on English soil and The Battle of the Atlantic is and for this reason it is not possiers have done wonders and ble to give its range and its pre we are grateful. But they would devouring a serpent, symbolic of hoist the Swastika flag on an only a part of the routine offenliberty exterminating slavery, cise degree of penetrating po be the first to recognise the debt the whole being pictured on a English mast.
sive of the Navy. British power still bars all the great oceans to wer, but that both of these are we owe to the every day heroism water surrounded rock.
considerable there is no doubt, of the men of the convoys, Navy In fact, the only German sol the German and Italian naval This placing of the coat of diers who have set foot on this and mercantile fleets. Mr.
judging by reports received and Merchant Service alike.
arms connected Alexander, First Lord of from gunners in the Middle East We sit to day at a common with the legendary history ected country have come not as conthe Admirantly who have become enthusiastic national table, spread for all by México which querors but as prisoners. The after says that about the weapon performance. national effort. We take pride centuries of wandering the Mexi German command in Western If the Germans invaded this it is possible to say that the in the fairness and efficiency can people came to an islet in Europe is now far more occu country we should be treated Army now has more of these with which our food is shared. Ja lake which, according to the pied with defensive than offen with a brutality the like of which pdr. guns than they had of Let us hope that when peace omens given, was to be their sive measures. To day it boasts has never been knowh in histo2 pdr. guns a year ago a fact comes we shall still see to it home, and by thus incorporat not of its impeding onslaught on ry. The barbarians of old were which should make a conside that the nation shares more ing the pictured symbol, the flag the shores of this country, but of gentle people in comparison with rable difference to events in fairly than it used to do; that conveys the idea of origins reach the Maginot Line that it has the Nazis. Mr. Brendan Egypt during the next two or there shall be bread enough for Jing into the dark past and of set up along Europe Atlantic Bracken, Minister of Informathree months.
all before anyone gets eake. an unending future.
a tion.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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