
SASTRERIA MODERNA ZUNIGA FURNITURE Sucs. NEW EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS Last Sunday out going pas We fit the most fastidious; expert attention, senger train had among its Elegant Fittings.
numerous human cargo our Next Door La Miniatura and 20 yds. East widely regarded former SeUnidad Sanitaria.
cond Alcalde, Lic. Carlos Alvarado. In addition to his disSONNY BOY and ASSOCIATES tinguished career in jurisprudence, don Carlos was one of SPLENDID HARVEST CELEBRATION our outstanding sportsmen, Despite the war, Zuñiga still offer their furniture for Ca:h with football as his pet ex or on monthly instalments or weekly payments in combination With the commencement of ong the presentation of the ercise. During his stay here with the National Lottery. We do not compete, we excel. Honesty the seven o clock morning offerings by hte children at he contributed in a very ap and punctuality our Motto.
worship, which was conduct p. was strangely impres preciable manner to our sport ed by the Rev. Cooper sive. They also tastefullying agendas. He was accomBERESFORD of Almirante, the Harvest carried through the entertain panied by his family, We See our Stream estivai Services last Sundaying features. The Harvest wish them health and much DUNCAN line dining tabat St Mark were Representative brought sermon by the Rector, the prospertiy in their now surles Wardrobes, into view. The Rector conduc Kev. Evans, was note roundings.
Zuñiga Bros.
Dressing Table: ted the service at nine o clock worthily effective. The gifts Opposite de Wooden Beds while the Rev. Cooper, dell were numerous and of a rich SALOMON CHIN la Peña Cia.
vered the message.
with deep sleep, variety.
mattresses, etc.
ALFREDO Interwoven with the Evens Estrada HAZEL Agent.
WANTED. WANTED LA IBERIA Good Business for those who can supply THE WEEK END OUTDOOR EXERCISE.
Abarrotes y Licores FISK and SHARK LIVERS 000 OIL of SWORD FISH (Manati. LIVE TURTLE Precios Económicos Fate, apparently, had its position shortly after the stact APPLY. CHAVEZ Box 332, Limon grip on the Juniors from the of the match. Their wings?
Residence in front the Public Bath very outset. At a perilous were very alert, and on every COMPLAINI moment, their goalie advanc opportunity took advartage. ed to almost the center field over SPECIAL MEETING BY MATINA BURIAL ASSOCIATION their opponents exShortly after the arrival in the hop eof checking a fast tremes, who flapped too much INCLUSIVE here last Saturday of the Es travelling ball, but as was to into center and could never trella Valley freight and pas be expected, he missed theirfume their correct attackThe Officers of the Matina night of Thursday, November senger combination train, a pigskin and it was rapidly ing and defending positions Burial Association, Inclusive, sth. proximo, for the transac number of the residents of kicked into his unguarded in time for the decisive issues comprising Messrs. tion of very important bu that region are said to have portal. They afterwards suf George Guthbert, the Junior Murray, President; Chassiness.
called on our city Postmaster fered the penalty of a goal as back defence marvellously Rose Financial Secretary; They further express the for the purpose of expressing an infringement ruled against bumped a ball which was cer Palmer. Treasurer; fact that they will not hold their dissatisfaction with res them by the Referee. a rulatınly ear marked as another James, Trustee, adopt this themselves responsible for pect to the manner in which ing which however, gave rise goal against his side.
medium to notify all the mem what may be the outcome of the service is being conto a wave of hisses from ell The match terminated victoriously for Jupiter 39 with presence is required atat per those who can be a temas ther, to the unfortunate fact Be that however as it may three goals against two. Net ciol meeting slated for the of the mail clerk being a man it was obvious the victorious so bad.
of advanced age and suffer team had taken a formidable PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO ing from defective eyesight.
It is claimed that letters are SUCCESS CROWNED BAPTIST RALLY EGBERT POLSON repeatedly delivered at wrong 000Specializes in taking photographs for Residential stations and others unaccount Certificates enlargement of portraits ed for. lovely noon light blended Allen, St. Andrew by Miss Cars The filling of Petitions to the Nation Executives We undesrtand the matter good naturedly with the stars men Taylor, St. Mary by Mrs.
for Declaration of full citizenship also undertaken. is receiving the attention it and as one proceeded, the soul Pricilla DaCosta, St. Elizabeth Moderate Rates.
seemed to commune with Natu by Mrs. Beatrice McRae, St.
Office Room 11 in front the Cathedral Limon re and to learn something more Catherine by Miss, Taylor, of the language of a greater Clarendon by Mrs. Hortence world; then in HARVEST SERVICES BY METHODISTS REV. COOPER the Baptist Smith, Manchester by Mrs.
Church the eye beheld a ccene Patterson, St. Ann by Miss Harvest Thanksgiving Servi. gramme will be presented at much in harmony with the occa Gillings, Portland by Miss CaVISITOR ves, in conection with the Metho three o clock in the afternoon sion. The large congregation sandra Jones of Zent, St. Tho 000dist Denomination, are listed for It is also stated that a Harvest comprised familiar and un fa mag by Mrs. Jane Wilson, TreThe voices of lawny by Mrs. Sarah Bower bank The very pleasing presence Sunday the 8th. November, pro Drama will be portrayed on the miliar faces.
of the Rev. Cooper, ximo. In addition to the re following Tuesday evening the those who, participated with Westmorsland by Mrs. Mc songs and recitations charmed Kenzie, Hanover by Mrs.
Priest in charge of the Angular 11 a. and. ser. 12th.
their listeners.
Williams and St. James by Miss glican Church at Almirante, vices, a Young People Prohas The air was charged Republic of Panama, with Gourzong. The contest was again graced our city. He con GAVERNOR ROBLES HONOURED WITH FOOTBALL fragrance when the Bally, the exceedingly lively and interestducted the a. service in evening main feature, took coming, and terminated with Mrs.
MATCH connection with the Harvest mand. The rich history a sociat Beatrice McRae obtaining first ed with the Festival celebration at St. Gobernacion and Jupiter teams provided the parishes of the hounours, Mrs. Bokeriank, seMark last Sundaly. He also entertainment. The former triumphed with three goals Island of Jamaica were respec cond place and Miss Allen the tively told in the following or third.
preached at the nine o clock against two der Kingston by Mis: Susana service.
Much amusement was pres. Engineer Pardo. Colonel The Reverend Cooper is a ented on our playground last Rodríguez was also a distin sincere friend of our country Monday afternoon when the Go guished spectator.
and its people, more especial. bernacion and Jupiter foot. The play was mingled with NATIONAL LUMBER YARD SMYTH ARREA ly those resident in this Zone. ball teams mixed things in ho an appreciable amount of exciWe were exceedingly glad to nour of the highly esteemed Gotement and brought into view bid him welcome.
vernor of our province.
The several brilliant passes The best assortment of first class lumber event was enlivened by the shotz. Each side earned Laurel and Cedar Abel kicked adding in second can still be had at off the ball for the Etart of play half the Gobernacion gained Reasonable Prices at he was accomauied by our wid the victory. Don Abel tendered Administrador in LIMON, Juan Abdelnous JACK ORANE Sucs.
ely respected Commander of his congratulations to the winTHE PEOPLE HOUSE Police, the Police Magistrate and ners and his gratitude to all Saw Mill in Siquirres We buy Logs Limon concerned.
ME trend due maintaine. com and two English Tweeds Sergs musicians of the Military Band, goals in the first hall, and by Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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