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PAGINA OCHO ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th. 1942 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN re on to JAPANESE BRUTALITY IN BOAT SUNK BY TWO THE NEW PLAN JAPAN NEW ORDER FLAGS OF THE ALLIES THE INDIES AIRCRAFT The German war policy has The Japanese have removed CUBA swung around in full circle. Her the tax on opium in the East MELBOURNE One of the most spectacular war machine, geared for speed Indies. This gives clear indica The Cuban flag consists of boat kills of the war was and quick results has achieved tion of what the native popula horizontal bands of blue, white Dutch civil servant from made in the Bay of Biscay re its maximum performance, and tion of Pacific territories con. blue, white, blue, with a one of the minor islands of the cently by the combined efforts must be scrapped and built quered by Japan have to look wedge jutting from the le Netherlands East Indies, who of two aircraft, one from Coastal again. For this Germany needs forward to. Opium, and more as far as the central blue band escaped to Australia after liv Command and the other from time and security. Thus, as the opium. The juice of the red. In the centre of the wedge ing for four months under Ja Bomber Command, states the Air fourth war winter opens, she flowered poppy, to lure subser a white star.
panese rule tells a story of Ministry News Service.
is preparing to be as efficient vient masses into slavery!
brutal treatment. On the day when the Japanese landed, he the first aircraft. Later, wallow in the first two years of The boat was crippled by in defence as she was in offence Opium and narcotic drugs. Plus The flag was first hoisted the the distribution of the Cuban patriots led by Na was taken from his home to seeing helplessly, it was dispatch war.
ciso Lopez, when they raide he Japanese commander and ed by the other. As it went down VENOMOUS BACTERIA and captured the city of Card had to stand awaiting him the air inside its hull erupted HOPING FOR THE BEST. Ever nas in 1850; it was adopted till the late afternoon; when from the conning tower, blowing since the failure of Victory in cultures to spread disease among the Cubans in arms when the he refused to sit the out some of the crew into the 1941 the Nazi leaders have people who otherwise might be framed the first Cuban Const foolr with the Japanese as pool of oil in which others who reckoned with the ordered, he was bound hand and had jumped possibility strong enough to resist the in tution in 1869 and in 1902 overboard foot and taken to the garden, already swimming. The were of having to change their tactics. vader! If this sounds like exagge became the flag of the Cuba: crew this year they might be able to ration, we have only to examine Republic.
where with other Europeans, he were left struggling in the water. They hoped during the spring of the shocking record of the Jawas hung to a wooden fence with It is not often possible for the this year they night be able to panese New Order in Microa loose rope round his neck to air crews engaged in anti sub make good the disastrous delaynesia. This division of small VETERAN WINS prevent him from bending formarine patrols see such of those winter months in islands in the central and westward, and with a bayonet against definite results from their at Russia. Hitler, on March 15th. ern Pacific, including the Caro5th. MEDAL his forehead to prevent sleep. tacks by bombs and depth charg even went so far as to repeat line and Gilbert and Marshall Each time he complained.
as. On this occasion there was what he had said the previous groups is under control of no doubt.
HE WAS HORSEWHIPPED October. The bolshevik masses Japan. The name comes from EXPRESS AIR REPORTER The boat was first sighted will be smashed by us during the Greek mikros. small, and GROUP. CAPTAIN HARR at 12, 13 hours and four minutes the summer to utter destruc nesos. island. The long series BROADHURST, in the face and on the back.
Ms tion.
of This ill treatment was continu later it was disabled, with veteran 37 year old kille bows out of the water at an BRUTALITIES AND ed for two days and nights, after has won a fifth medal a ba BARBARITIES which the But at the same time another sufferings of the angle. The aircraft bombed again to the for his part and machine gunned the plan came in for consideration, prisoners were aggravated by boat as it slid slowly beneath in case Hitler boast should for practiced by the supposedly ci Ministry account last night.
the Dieppe raid, said an Japanese soldiers kickurg them the sea, stern first. This attack a second time be unfulfilled.
vilized Japanese On the thrird against the as they passed.
He is now probably the most disabled the submarine.
discovering PREPARING FOR day the Japanese, THE helpless islanders defies descripdecorated operational pilot ir At 13. 56 hours the second WORST. It is this other plan tion. In the comparatively short the war, for he has already wo that they were ill treating the wrong man, told the Dutchman aircraft found the boat on the that emerges so clearly from the time that they have been in a. o. and bar, that he could join his wife in surface, drifting helplessly on recent speeches of Hitler and possession, the Japanese have and the local hospital. Shortly after the edge of a pool of oil. The Goering. It was summed up by almost completely transformed the arrest of her husband, she front gunner sprayed the decks, Hitler with the words If in the the natives. They have introducSays the announcement had been ordered out of the and the bombs plumped into north of Europe, in the west, ed tuberculosis and syphillis In the course of his duties house, but had been taken back the sea right across the hull. The and on all other fronts we are germs with the deliberate intent Group Captain Broadhurst there on the next night by Ja boat was covered in spray on the defensive, we are comply of flew along for about eig!
panese soldiers to show them and foam, and when this hading with one of the greatest hours in an area where how the lights, the refrigerator subsided there was no one on prerequisites of Europe reor DESTROYING NATIVE tile patrols were opera and other conveniences worked its deck.
ganization in and for the war.
SPIRIT in great strength. His great The couple lived in the hospital The aircraft came in tu bomb That is to say, Germany inskill and gallantry were for some months on a meagre again and this time the boat tends to hold and consolidate They have brought prostitution, the highest order.
diet of rice, supplemented by was now so low in the vater her gains, to build impregnable narcotics and every form of vice fruit and other food surrepti that at times it disappeared defences around Europe and which might help to weaken And here is how this ex tiously brought to them at beneath the wash left by the conquered eastern territory, and stamina. and hence, any Portsmouth Grammar Schor night time by.
bombs. The boat opened fire complete as quickly as possible resistance to domination. They boy got his other medalson the aircraft, whose gunners the welding of the continent have taken entire populations HIS for his part in FAITHFUL NATIVE again shot up the conning tow into an independent self sup of gentle, inoffensive and (in a prewar Hendon flying display: SERVANTS er, killing the gun crew. Atporting whole.
their sense) cultured islanders HIS was awarded 14. 10 hours the boat began and reduced them to the level in January 1940 after he had After four months confinement to sink for the last time. Some of beasts of burden.
brought his crippled plaa he couple escaped on horses, 40 of the boat crew were in THE HARDER TASK 342 miles to safety.
with the aid of their servants, the water oil. Lefore HIS followed in Jul and reached the domain of the leaving, the aircraft flew low SAYINGS 1941, when he had shot dow guerrilla bands where the Ja over the survivors and dropped It is a grand thing to be able at least four enemy bombers.
panese had not penetrated. Ja seamarker in case rescue was to make an all out effort when HIS BAR came sis Eventually they left the island possible.
the occasion demands. Britain The security of our island months later, when he brough y secret means. The Dutchman has shown that she can do it from invasion cannot be achiey back his plane, riddled with ma says that as the result of Ja.
But it is a greater test anese brutality the natives are boy who, just before the cruiser strength to maintain a steady, the million and three of ed without the part played by chine gun and canron fire, al doing everything possible to Cornwall was sunk by Japane relentless pressure.
quarter though wounded in the arm and help the guerrillas. The Japa se dive bombers in the Indian men of the Home Guard, who legs.
nese maltreated native women Ocean, was working at the ship It gives one legitimate pride to do their regular work, and, at and robbed the natives of their telephone switchboard. It was day by day and night by night the shortest notice to watch the continued untiring the same time, are available at money end other possessions. Read who, while bomb defend on land, sea, or air Admira were They appear to have treated screaming down on the ship of the Fleet, Lord Chatfield, efforts of the British people. We their hearths and homes.
European women decently, and from sixty bombers, rang the grumble about trifles and wake The Prime Minister. united world calls those with children seemed to officer in charge of communi the great sacrifices in our stride.
tave a distinct advantage. The cations and in a calm voice ask.
rejoice when dramatic Germany has erected for leadership, not rule. like the Japanese appeared to respected: What shall do, sir? The events show that the United midable economic defences, but term United Nations and children, and a child could keep telephone station is floodnig.
Nations are on the offensive, we are approaching the is my prayer as a profession had the Japanese soldiers out of the You betted leave but we carry when point when we are breaking soldier that the world will house.
station at once ordered the apparently nothing much is through. Mr. Dingle Foot one united nation. Majoi officer. can t, sir. replied happening. And that is the Parliamentary Secretary to the General John Lee, Arm; WAR BRAVEST BOY Ordinary Seaman Read Both harder task.
Ministry of Economie Warfare.
His name was Alfred kupert my legs are off. Read parents Victory is coming to the side We have destroyed aro Read, 18; he lived at Welling, who live in Swanley Road read that can stick it the longest. The battle the Merchant the coasts of Britain more mata Kent. His story was first told of this heroism and devotion to There is not much glamour at. Navy is fighting is not a battle netic, acoustic and moor on the front page of the Daily duty, but did not realise thattached to the war work of most that is won in a day or week; mines than would have be Mirror, under the heading the young hero was their son of us.
But it is the faithful it is an unending battle sufficient to destroy the why Bravest Boy of the War. Only until a few days ago when labour of the men and women throughtout the years of war of the British Mercantile Yesterday, months after his sailor knocked at the door and behind the scenes that is slowly Yet it rivals in value the brav ne. Mr. Alexat death, he was revealed as the told Mr. Read the story. but surely deciding the issue. est and most glorious victories First Lord of the Admiralty.
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